The pet king of the city

Chapter 706 Ocean Scavenger

The condensation machines in the system mall are large and small, with various shapes, and functions are also classified according to the price.

But it is deserted here.

According to the truth, the condensation machine that can collect fairy condensation will be very popular here.

But don't finish the prerequisites of the condensation machine:

It must be in a place with aura, and this place cannot be too small.

Not every customer can be as lucky as Chen Lie to own the Zizhu of its own.

Generally, plants that can exude aura basically take decades, and hundreds of years of cultivation can produce a plant. How can there be the terror ability of purple bamboo to generate a branch every day?

It can be said.

Chen Lie's foundation can be said to be unique.

"The big paradise has a larger area, and the open space far exceeds the small one."

"I roughly estimated before that the area where purple bamboo can be planted in the big park is 10 times that of the small park."

"Moreover, there are all undeveloped land nearby, and in the future I can take all of them under various names."

"This means that I have to buy a condensation machine with at least 10 times the efficiency of the small paradise."

Thought of this.

Chen Lie set his sights on the most effective condensing machines.

The price of the condensation machine ranges from several thousand to several hundred thousand.

This thing is unpopular, but the price is not unpopular.


The best condensing machine here, which is claimed to be able to absorb all the free aura in a radius of a hundred li, the price is as high as 88.88 million fans, and it requires level 5 permission to buy it.

Chen Lie didn't use such exaggerated stuff.

He stared at the other one.

A promotional condensation machine that is about 10 times more effective than the one in the Little Paradise, and is highly recommended by the seller, even if the price is heavily discounted, the price is still as high as 70,000 fans.

"0 sales within one month."

"It's tragic!"

Chen Lie smiled and clicked to buy.

There is no installment, no loan, and direct purchase in full.

If he was the previous one, he would definitely be reluctant to spend such a huge purchase.

But he now has two extremely stable financial sources, as long as he is given enough time to accumulate, he will definitely be a rich man in the future.

"Thank you for your purchase, because the customer pays in full immediately. According to the regulations, the store gives the customer three choices of gifts: the first is to enjoy a 98% discount on the original basis; the second is to win 70 undrawn system lottery tickets; The third is the system random item lottery ticket."

"Is there such a good thing about the full payment at once?"

Chen Lie was overjoyed.

"The 98% off 70,000 is not a lot, no."

"70 system lottery tickets that have not been drawn. This thing is just like the lottery of the earth. It has a very low probability.

"Two system random item lottery tickets, this is my strong point."

In the end, Chen Lie decided on the third option.

All transactions are confirmed.

Chen Lie didn't talk nonsense and chose to deliver the goods directly.

But the surprise is yet to come.

"Ding, because the total consumption of customers in the system mall exceeds 100,000 fan points, there is a free draw."

"Uh, I forgot about it."

Chen Lie thief smiled and said, "So, don't I have 3 random lottery tickets?"

And he took a closer look and found that the free lottery provided by the system was very powerful, and the lowest guarantee was a level 3 item.

In other words, once Chen Lie draws a lottery, he can draw at least level 3 items, which is considered a good welfare.

"Look at my luck today."

Chen Lie decisively opened this system lottery ticket.

Countless strange things came to Chen Lie's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the customer for getting the Ocean Scavenger."

Chen Lie's mouth began to cramp.

Ocean Scavenger, the name is very domineering, but in fact it is just a fish scavenger that can adapt to a variety of harsh environments and has a strong cleaning ability.

The most important thing is that its system level is only level 4.

Many fish farmers know what a scavenger is. The ocean scavenger Chen Lie drew is a super version of this fish. It can purify dirty water and clean up garbage in the ocean, and their stomachs can It is a super environmentally friendly fish to digest any garbage.

"These are good, that smelly pond does not need to be disposed of."

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he received it directly, and happily threw the ocean scavenger into the smelly pond.

Then he ignored it.

He didn't even bother to draw a lottery, because he felt that his luck today was really bad.

"Farmer, let's start work."

Chen Lie summoned a farmer orangutan and installed a new, larger, large-scale condensation machine with a hive-like shape on the small construction wood.


Standing under Xiao Jianmu, Chen Lie looked up at this large condensation machine, and muttered: "With the supply here, it is not a problem to collect one bottle of fairy gel a day. And once the purple bamboo is fully planted, 10 bottles a day They are all small; if they are replaced with Grade 5 Zizhu, it will be even more perverted."

"It's really worrying that things with an original value of more than 150,000 fan points are installed here."

"After all, there is no such high-end thing in Xiaoyuan."

Chen Lie thought for a while and decisively dialed the landline of the super pet shop.

The call is connected immediately.

Chen Lie asked, "Are Qingqing and the others back? They are back, OK, separate someone, and send Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard, and also my Mini Apache."

That's it.

It was Ren Qing who sent Xiao Hei to the dust.

When she got off the car, she asked, "Alie, do you want Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard to guard here?"


"It's been a while."

Chen Lie replied lazily, "There are Jiaojiao and them in the Little Paradise, it's enough."

"You just have to make an idea."

"I haven't been here for a long time, let me see here."

Ren Qing began to observe the future home curiously.

"Similar to paradise, but bigger and quieter. It's a great place."

"I seem to see the Taoyuan of the future."

Ren Qing liked this place right away.

She came here several times before, except for the weeds, it was a wilderness, and there was nothing to miss.

But now that she can see the shadow of the paradise, and it has come more open and natural, how can she be unhappy?

"If Xiaoyuan is an urban paradise, then this is a paradise. I really want to turn this into..."

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