The pet king of the city

Chapter 707 The Killer Appears

Ren Qing finally turned around and came to the side of Xiaojianmu, rubbing the thick and stout body of Xiaojianmu, and said with emotion to Chen Lie: "If Xiaoyuan is an urban paradise, then this is a paradise. I really want to turn this place into you. The Zizhu Wonderland I visited last time!"

"There is a chance."

Chen Lie nodded.

He just finished the temporary lair of Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard.

"Now everything that should be done is done."

Chen Lie knelt down and said to Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard: "You will stay here for some time to look after the house, and protect this place well, you know?"

Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard nodded together.

"be good!"

Chen Lie said: "When this is completed, I will reward you well."

Chen Lie rubbed the smooth fur of Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard in a relaxed mood.

The combat effectiveness of Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard is beyond doubt.

The remaining squirrels are also very well-behaved and can be used as little spies.

Coupled with the surveillance and attack methods of the new and old spy bees, coupled with the high-altitude advantage of the Mini Apache, I believe that the safety factor here will not be much lower than that of the small paradise.

"Let's go."

Chen Lie reached out to Ren Qing.

Ren Qing smiled leisurely and held hands with Chen Lie.


When Chen Lie left and was about to get on the bus, he was surprised to find that the smelly pond was clean.

He ran over immediately.

I found that the ocean scavenger was actually a circle larger than when it was put down.

If it was only 5 or 6 centimeters when it first appeared, it is definitely 7 centimeters now.

This growth rate is more terrifying than the rice bucket and Ba Xia.

No wonder you dare to be named [Ocean].

"I wiped it to allow you to purify the dirty water, which actually increased your favorability by 1 point."

Chen Lie then discovered the many characteristics of ocean scavengers and immediately smiled: "Since you like purification work so much, then I will help you again."

Chen Lie took the ocean scavenger away.

Keeping marine scavengers at home is pure waste.

So make the best use of everything.

His purpose is simple, is to let it help clean up the heavily polluted Tonghai river in Pengcheng.

Clearing the past all the way, you can go straight to the ocean. At that time, Guangdong Province and even the entire eastern coast could be handed over to it.

As for how old it will grow in the future, that is not what Chen Lie needs to care about.

"In the future, when you grow up, when you meet the tyrant, what will it be like?"

"I'm looking forward to it."

Chen Lie left with evil thoughts.

"Although I didn't deliberately multiply, but the level 5 Zizhu needs much less fairy gel than the level 6, even if it is accidentally spilled, it can grow bamboo shoots."

"This has also led to an increasing number of Grade 4 purple bamboos. Even though I have restricted them, I still cannot avoid their reproduction."

"Now there are a lot of level 4 purple bamboos in large and small parks. I must improve it. At least there can be no level 4 purple bamboos in the small park to destroy the overall level."

"There is now a large open space in the Grand Paradise that needs to be filled."

"When the big paradise is full, learn the small paradise again, and slowly eliminate or transplant the level 4 to the surrounding area, and achieve a gradual upgrade."

Chen Lie is doing his best?

He is not talking to himself, but planning the Zizhu Forest.

This is also impossible.

Level 5 Purple Bamboo Forest and Level 4 Purple Bamboo Forest, the aura provided by them is completely different.

In the past, there was a mixture of aura that was a bottle of fairy condensate a day, but what about after all the 4th grade purple bamboos are eliminated?

Just two bottles a day.

According to Chen Lie's accounting.

In the same area, the aura provided by grade 5 purple bamboo forest is 3 to 4 times that of grade 4 purple bamboo.

Therefore, when there is a choice, Chen Lie will definitely choose Level 5 Zizhu Forest, or even all Level 6.

"Alie, what are you talking about?"

"Hurry up and start?"

Ren Qing, dressed up, called Chen Lie at the entrance of the park.

And beside her appeared Po, who also wore a suit.

"OK, all right."

Chen Lie got up.

However, he asked Bacchus and the farmer orangutan: "Jiaojiao is still asleep, don't wake it up, take good care of the house."

Bacchus and Chen Lie had a thumbs up.

The farmer orangutan kept patting his chest, as if saying: Leave it to me!

Chen Lie looked at the fierce tiger.

Then turned around, walked to Ren Qing's side, and stretched out his hand leisurely.

Ren Qing cleverly took Chen Lie's hand and went to the game together.

What will?

Naturally, it is the World Kitchen King Competition.

The prelude has been prepared for so long.

Naturally for today.


As soon as Chen Lie sat on the angel wings, the corners of his mouth rose.


"I really dare to play!"

Chen Lie was not in a hurry to activate the angel wings, and called his hand: "Let them burn!"

Then a bee flew out from the skylight of the paradise.

The spy bees patrolling and monitoring nearby sprang up in several directions at the same time.

on the other side.

On a tall building.

A sniper asked into the walkie-talkie: "No. 3, No. 3, why the target person hasn't come out yet? Isn't the time coming?"

No. 3 replied: "Go out, the target has just gone out."

The sniper immediately ordered: "No. 2, prepare your car for me. The window of Chen Lie's Angel Wings is a special bulletproof window. I must have the opportunity to shoot continuously."

No. 2 replied: "Okay, I know the plan. I will definitely stop that damn limited edition luxury car."


As the captain of this time, the sniper needs this kind of team with tacit cooperation.


He stared at the sight.

As a result, he saw the signature golden streamer of Angel Wing passing in front of him.

"what happened?"

The sniper asked furiously, "No. 3, damn No. 3, what signal do I want?"

As a result, No. 3 did not answer.

The sniper felt bad and shouted: "No. 2, where is your mission? Where did you die?"

"he died."

A voice rang behind him without warning.

The sniper took out the gun like lightning.

As a result, no one was in front of him.

There is no way to hide people around.

At the same time, there was a sharp tingling sensation from his waist, and then it was hot, and the burning sensation followed the blood from that position and spread to all parts of the body.

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