The pet king of the city

Chapter 708-A New Jury

The sniper felt a terrifying tingling.

This feeling is the feeling of sprinkling chili powder on the wound.

This hot to burning sensation spreads along the blood from the original point to all parts of the body.

Not long.

He burned.


He really ignited spontaneously.

It's like encountering high-temperature cotton.

Ten minutes later, the superintendent also came, and he was stunned to see this strange phenomenon.

And Chen Lie came to the venue unharmed.

But he didn't show up right away.

He randomly made excuses, expelled everyone and sat down.

"Dare to kill me at this level?"

"Let me see who your hirer is."

With the help of the system, Chen Lie quietly broke into the killer's internal network and found content related to him.

"Oh, it turned out not to kill me, but to make me shocked, unable to be in full condition."

"Of course, it would be even more perfect if I could slightly hurt my hands and not be able to use my original cooking skills."

"It's you, Lord Illy, you are dead. If you can live for 3 days, I will give you your last name!"

Chen Lie had already made up his mind and ended up losing the Illy Chef, regardless of what country he represents and what diplomatic disturbances he represents.

The person Chen Lie wanted to kill.

Even Lao Li and Ghost Eye couldn't stop it.

And on the other side.

Like the venue of a football game, it has become a world-renowned culinary competition.

But this time is the world's god of cooking contest.

Therefore, the atmosphere of the scene is stronger, and there are more crooked nuts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please give us warm applause from the first chef!"

Because Meng Jiajia, who has a good relationship with Chen Lie and many gourmets, finally became the first host of this show with the support of public opinion.

Although some people are not convinced.

Many people feel that other hosts are more courageous to host such a grand event.

But there is no way, facts are facts.

Lanxi Kitchen King was the first to appear.

The second host immediately introduced the Lanxi Kitchen King and focused on his masterpiece.

Immediately afterwards, the Western Chef King, Illy Chef King, and Xiangjiang Chef God appeared one after another.

"The next one to play is the Aojiang New Congee King Gudongmen."

"Chef Gu's performance in the third round was extremely good, and it was an absolute advantage from the beginning. If it wasn't for an accidental injury, no one else would have a chance."

"It's just that Chef Gu is only good at porridge. This is a regrettable shortcoming. I hope he can change this in the past time."

Following Chen Lie's challenge with JP Ramen Emperor, Meng Jiajia became more and more curious about food.

Now he is completely in the food industry.

Even if she can't mix in variety shows, she can also be a food critic to ensure her popularity.

The chefs have appeared one after another.

To JP Chef King appeared.

There was no surprise in his appearance, and he won the loudest reaction to the present unknown.

But sadly the loudest boo.

Hushing makes JP Chef King's face flushed, if it weren't for him desperately to adjust his breathing, he would have exploded long ago.

Meng Jiajia quickly controlled the audience.

In order to divert everyone’s attention, he said: "We invite the most special gourmet guests in the world today, please look over there..."

With Meng Jiajia's plain hand pointing, the searchlight fell to the front of the audience.

Giant panda Abao.

The emperor of Abao is known all over the world.

Although it is not a judge, it is definitely the most special guest and the guest with the most reference value.

This is not.

There were many shots at the scene aimed at A Bao who was hungry on the table.

I said before that Chen Lie brought him here, and he would eat a lot of the best food in the world.

As a result, it didn't know whose idea it listened to, and came over on an empty stomach.

Now he looks uncontested.

Oh no, to be precise, it was the expression of "Nothing to Love", which made countless people laugh in front of the TV.

"Let’s invite our Eastern Chef Chen Lie to appear."

"Chen Lie, God of Cooking, a mysterious man."

"Originally, there were 4 or 5 chefs in the East who were eligible to stand in this competition, but they were all persuaded by the chef."

"And what God of Cooking persuaded them was just a delicacy, a porridge."

Meng Jiajia introduced here, and Chen Lie came out.

A Bao saw Chen Lie and was about to pounce on him.

It moves so fast that even the nearby security guards can't respond.

If it wasn't for Ren Qing to be familiar with A Bao and catch it in time, it would be a joke.

However, many of the focus on the scene fell on A Bao.

Everyone saw Abao's vigorous animals, and they were immediately confused. In their impression, giant pandas are all slow, stupid and cute animals.

"He has multiple identities. He is a super rich man, the world's number one animal trainer, the number one popular anchor in the world, a god of heavenly folk songs, a martial arts master with terrifying combat power, a bold adventurer, and a magical one. The sculptor is the youngest chef in history and the first person in the Eastern gastronomy."

Meng Jiajia did his best to praise Chen Lie.

They all praised Chen Lie as embarrassed.

The fans who watched the live broadcast were all dumbfounded.

"I wiped it, and when Damei Meng said so, I knew how terrible Pet Brother is."

"Brother Pet is simply all-rounder, and all are ghosts."

"It's difficult for others to break through in one area, but Brother Pet has climbed to the top in multiple areas. What an enchantment is this."

"It seems that the word evildoer is no longer enough to describe the talent of Pet Brother?"

The live broadcast room was full of sorrows.

The atmosphere is brought up.

The atmosphere on the ring is not.

Meng Jiajia ignored her and continued her promotion: "The competition adopted a special scoring system. The previous competition was based on the appreciation of international judges, but this time it made a brand new adjustment. This time the judges are the chefs. The 76 chefs who have not been disqualified before will be the judges this time."

"In short, if you want to become the first chef of the earth, then you have to conquer the whole earth."

The end of Meng Jiajia's words caused countless uproars and applause.


When Ghost Chef heard this answer, he was immediately furious.

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