
"Why is it different from what I said beforehand!?"

When Ghost Chef heard this answer, his eyes stared.

Then he became furious.

Because he was tricked.

Relying on the consortium behind him, he spent more than 30 million US dollars before and after buying the group of top food commentators who are most likely to be invited to be judges.

But the result.

The lineup of judges has nothing to do with the previous Mao.

All are their own.

A group of international gourmets representing various countries are more difficult to deal with than the orthodox food critics and international chefs.

Because they are all competitors.

Definitely nitpicking.

It can be said.

The Eastern Organizing Committee is really cruel.

"They have so much confidence in Chen Lie?"

"Forget it, what am I doing so much!"

Gui Chu Yin smiled and said: "You just abolished my first hole card, but I still have the second and third cards, this time I will never lose."

There are other chef kings who are as confident as Ghost Chef.

As for the Illy Chef King in my heart, his eyes flickered, but he didn't show any special emotions.

It seems that he is born an actor.

"Next are the names of the dishes and templates of all participating chefs and chefs."

"Please appreciate it."

Meng Jiajia turned everyone's attention back.

In order to strengthen his sense of existence, Meng Jiajia specifically sought out Illy Chef King as the highlight of the explanation.

"Look here, everyone, the chef of Illy's chef is almost everyone knows caviar."

"Of course, the cost of caviar is well known to passers-by."

"Nowadays, there are a lot of caviar sold on the Internet, and they all claim to be authentic, but they are basically deceptive."

"Because only sturgeon roe can be called real caviar. Among them, the caviar produced in the Caspian Sea bordering Iran and Russia is of the best quality."

Meng Jiajia started his own commentary: "Because of the relatively slow growth process of sturgeon, coupled with overfishing by humans, most of the sturgeon were killed without growth.

"Moreover, the processing of caviar is complicated. There are more than a dozen procedures, but it can only be completed within 15 minutes. If this time period is missed, the caviar cannot be made into caviar."

"These factors have caused the real top-grade caviar to become more and more expensive, and the output is getting less and less. Therefore, those unscrupulous merchants selling guys on the Internet really want to ban it."

Meng Jiajia's words resonated with many people.

It's not that there are too many people selling caviar, but too many people have been scammed by online fakes.

"Oh, my God."

Meng Jiajia looked at the caviar brought out by Chef Illy excitedly, and shouted: "Beluga! Beluga, the highest class in caviar!"

The caviar used by Chef Illy turned out to be the most expensive and premium Beluga caviar.

You should know that this type of sturgeon, called Beluga, produces less than one hundred fish a year, and Beluga, who is over sixty years old, can make caviar.

The caviar produced in this way is naturally sky-high.

It is said.

This kind of caviar cannot be bought with money.

It all depends on connections and relationships.

"Let's do it!"

Meng Jiajia announced impassionedly: "Only the two chefs who are helping chefs are invited to take the lead. His movements are very quick. Look, his hands that can play the violin are born for good food."

Apart from Chen Lie, everyone at the scene at least helped the cook.

There are only two chefs at Illy Chef, which is the least.

JP Chef King directly invited a large group of people over.

There are only two dishes, and there are a lot of other dishes. There are more than 30 people in total, and the lineup is extremely exaggerated.

After all, this time is a 78-person judge lineup.


At this moment, A Bao was gone.

After everyone took a closer look, they discovered that A Bao put on a bunch of white special chef gloves and stood beside Chen Lie at some point.


Meng Jiajia smiled and said: "Now our Mr. Chef God is not alone. He is supported by our national treasure, the giant panda."

However, the next scene left her stunned.

Duo duo……

A Bao cut the vegetables, the movement was so smooth that people only saw the light of the knife.

Because Po's movements are extremely quick.

It was faster than any chef she had ever seen, and she was shocked.

However, the group of chefs, top chefs feel even more terrifying.

Because Abaoqie's dishes are all complete and consistent, each slice is exactly as Chen Lie requested, as if it were cut by a machine.

This kind of knife skill has already exploded 9,999% of chefs in the world.

"I wiped it, A Bao has also become a monster."

"Even if Pet Brother is perverted himself, even the pets are perverted."

"Visually detect that Abao's hand speed exceeds 300! It's finished exploding scum like me!"

"What 300? I only saw the light of the knife, but not the shadow of the knife. I guess there is 500!"

A lot of hand speed is used in e-sports.

It refers to the number of simultaneous mouse button operations in 60 seconds, and it must be an effective operation.

Po's amazing performance detonated the audience.

People all over the world were amazed at Ah Bao's performance.

And Tian Lao and others, who have an extreme knowledge of giant pandas, almost stared out.

At this time.

Other hosts saw that everyone's mind was too concentrated and ignored their host.

"Look at Illy Chef King."

So the second domestically popular host began to transfer in advance: "His preparations are done perfectly, the time is calculated, and it is out, and his shrimp is finally completed!"

Some people's attention really shifted to Illy Chef King.

At this time, the chef of Illy took out Beluga caviar from the horn container, supplemented with other top ingredients, and after a certain period of brewing, carefully divided the fresh shrimp into the plates.

The second host said: “I heard that the utensils for caviar must be made of shells, wood, and horns. Otherwise, the quality of the caviar will be changed. Now even the king of illy cooks does this. It seems It's true."

All the prepared caviar was immediately presented to the huge jury.

For a more perfect match, Illy Chef King also carefully matched each member of the judges with a glass of top-quality champagne produced by Illy, a bottle costing more than 100,000 Euros.

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