Twisting, stretching...

Chen Lie stretched fast, but he applied evenly, repeating like a machine.

Regardless of the simplicity of the process, it is an extremely delicate and highly technical job.

This scene is like acrobatics.

But this is not pure acrobatics, because it is full of the beauty of art and power.

"What a magical ramen technique."

"I have seen other oriental chefs ramen before, but none of them has such a wonderful performance."

"This ramen is like a martial arts show! No, oh my god, have you seen it, Mr. Chen actually shook the workbench with a single step. What kind of power is this?"

Chen Lie incorporated some of the essentials of boxing, such as the use of waist strength, the expansion of his arms, and so on, into his ramen skills.

He is the focus of everyone's attention, and his every move will be paid attention to.

A large number of shots were transferred to Chen Lie.

But he wasn't distracted, he must pull it seriously.

Until the noodles are pulled into a string.

Then it is cooked in a similar way to clear noodle soup.

The addition of shallots, garlic, and the mixture of shiitake mushrooms and beef quickly form a faint fragrance.

Under the base of the clear soup, the noodles are fused.

Not long after, Chen Lie's new face was born.

"I come!"

"I'll come first!"

Because the jade of Tianxian Geng is in front, and Chen Lie's [Face of Memories] is the best in the world, all the chefs want to compete for the first taste.

A dozen of the most delightful chef kings competed for the first batch of tasting opportunities.

Although they only got a small bowl, they didn't mind.

Rather proud.

Drink soup.

With just a mouthful of clear soup, their expressions freeze.


Just sucking a piece of noodles, an expression of indescribability appeared on their faces.

"Everyone, can you give me a comment?"

Meng Jiajia leaned over, hoping to get first-hand information.

But no one answered.

All the chefs ate the noodles silently, ignoring Meng Jiajia.

The second batch of Chef King tasted it.

The result remained the same, no matter what the second and third hosts asked, they didn't remember.

a long time.

Nan Nantong first sighed: "I feel a unique sour taste after drinking it at the first sip, and I will always remember the desire for it after a small sip at the end."

Everyone doesn't know what Nan Nantong is talking about.

"The rumors are true."

"Mr. Chen's face really reminds people of previous memories."

The Southern Chef King recalled his hometown he hadn't been back to for three years, his wife who had been indifferent for half a year, and his son who hadn't seen one side for two months, he was full of guilt.

He ate all the noodles, but was not reconciled yet.

Finally, suck out the soup with all its strength.

It feels so good to suck out the deliciousness, but why can't he be happy?

He always has an unspeakable wound.

The sadness was completely revealed in his expression.

"that's amazing!"

The chef of Singapore sighed: "Food has always been happy, sighing, and reminding people of the sadness and troubles of the past. Food has mysterious power, and I am a chef because of this. Mr. Chen Tell me the way forward, I am here to sincerely thank you."

After the talk, the Singaporean chef forgot his previous grudges and bowed sincerely.

"The slight acidity evokes the memory of my sleeping, this side is absolutely nothing."

"Why do I want to cry after eating, but I want to continue eating?"

"The slight sourness and the light scent of green onions have awakened the sadness in my heart."

10 points.

10 points for everything that has been eaten.

"It's so delicious, it's incredibly delicious! The most amazing thing is that it actually made me find the feeling that my mother gave me the noodles."

Another 10 points.

"This noodle is very simple, but it is better than any noodle soup I have eaten, because it has entered the level of the soul, and no noodle can surpass it."

It is still 10 points.

"This noodle soup is absolutely incredible. This is definitely the best and saddest noodle soup I have ever tasted. It compares with the previous Tianxian Geng."

This guy actually gave 9 points.

As soon as his score was scored, he encountered countless hostility.

Among them is an old friend who has known each other for more than ten years.


The score cannot be changed.

"Since it's delicious, it's weird to give such a score, but only 9 points."

"Perhaps he himself is a person with no memories."

Many chefs publicly excluded this guy.

It makes him not human.

"I don't know how to describe it. Anyway, after eating this bowl of noodle soup, other noodle soup will be almost tasteless in the future. Mr. God of Cooking is really harmful!"

It is still 10 points.

But some chefs only give 9 points because they think of sad memories and feel emotional.

This is the crime of non-war.

But the result is still the same.

Only 5 gave 9 points, the others were all 10 points.

Full score is 500.

Chen Lie's double perfect score in the first and second half extinguished everyone's last hope on the spot.

"How can this be!"

"Both times are full marks!"

"My trump cards have not been displayed yet!"

Ghost Chef looked at Chen Lie's score angrily, his eyes almost breathing fire.

Chen Lie exited.

Passing by Ghost Kitchen, I heard these words.

But he didn't care about it.

The roar of a bereaved dog is just that, why bother about it.

But the Ghost Chef was not reconciled, and cursed: "There must be a problem! How can there be such perfect food in this world! There must be a problem, and I will find it out!"

"Nothing is possible in this world!"

Chen Lie stopped.

Ren Qing quickly reminded: "Alie, don't care about such a mad dog."

"I don't want to care about him."

"Just a reminder."

Chen Lie calmed the next Qing, and turned to the ghost chef whose eyes were almost fire-breathing and said: "I'm not afraid to tell you that I originally had an original delicacy I wanted to make, but suddenly I felt that this delicacy is for foreigners. It's not interesting enough. So I will use the simpler memory side temporarily, let you despair first."


"The perfect score masterpiece is just your hand-made work. Who would believe that?"

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