
Ghost Chef took the opportunity to mock and said: "The perfect masterpiece is just your hand-made work. Who will you believe in such a case?"

"I believe!"

Ren Qing stood up.

The ghost cook sneered: "You are his woman, and you would say he is fragrant if he farts."

"What about us?"

Meng Jiajia, both gold and silver spoons can come and support Chen Lie.

"We believe it too!"

Interestingly, all the staff on the scene raised their hands to support.

Ghost Chef was speechless immediately.

"Well, I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you."

Chen Lie suddenly stuck to the right of Ghost Chef's face, and whispered: "A mad dog like you can live through these three days!"


The ghost kitchen trembled with anger.

He thought Chen Lie was threatening him.

However, he never dreamed that there were strange murder methods in this world, and Chen Lie happened to master a few of them.


Chen Lie left in such a stately manner.

The competition also ended in this posture of autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

With perfect calculation, Xiangjiang Cookery won the second place.

Because Chen Lie was too brilliant, and because he was only good at congee, even the second congee was excellent, but he only scored 464 points under aesthetic fatigue, and finally got the first place by one point. three.

As for the ghost cook.

He is also a tragic role.

He had a brilliant performance in the second half. Although he scored the second highest score in the second half, he ended up in fourth place because of points lost in the first half.

As for the others.

They were all forgotten, but they failed to establish the image of the country's food, and they retreated.

the next day.

Super pet shops are crowded.

Although many people came with some purpose, I have to say that they have brought a lot of sales to a greater or lesser extent. Those twenty-point mission points, that is, credibility, are tangible achievements.

And Chen Lie is not receiving Lao Li, nor other chefs.

It's either father or mother.

They are here for the heavenly soup.

And Chen Lie did not become a villain, and returned the Tianxian Geng he had restored to his father and his mother.

After all, the original recipe of Tianxian Geng was given by Ren's family.

Chen Lie is just restoring and making minor improvements.

Ren's father was smart, and he sighed: "It seems simple, but in fact no one can do what you are."

Many dishes in this world are open.

Even the chefs of many five-star restaurants use the same recipes.

But how many people can do the delicious food of a five-star restaurant chef?

This principle also applies now.

Suitable for Tianxian soup.

The recipe was restored by Chen Lie, but no one in this world can make a real heavenly soup.

Only Chen Lie was alone.

"Then I can't help it."

Chen Lie was helpless.

The reason why the Tianxian soup he made was so fresh that the soul came out of the body, first was his magical cooking skills, and the second was that the soup was stewed with a small amount of fairy gel.

This is doomed to not be copied.

Even if the Bei Qiao Shan Nan Naughty Boy gets the recipe of Tian Xian Geng, at most he has made more than 90 points.

There is a huge gap with Chen Lie's 114 cents Tianxian Geng.

"Anyway, thank you so much this time."

"You beat out the reputation of Tianxiangeng, and now we can also shine."

When Father Ren thought about it, he could only thank him sincerely.

He is not the kind of stupid stubborn to the end, let alone the kind of stupid who turns his face if he doesn't get it.

It is already a great affection for Chen Lie to return the restored complete recipe to them, and they can only rely on themselves.

"Then we say goodbye!"

Ren's father and Ren's mother hurriedly left, seemingly want to go back to study the recipe.

Chen Lie looked at Ren Qing and asked, "Do you blame me for not telling the secret of the fairy condensation?"

"how come?"

"The fairy gel is our exclusive treasure."

Ren Qing shook his head and said, "What's more, we don't have enough to drink."

Chen Lie said: "If there are many things in the future, then give one bottle to our elders."

Ren Qing nodded.

The elders whom Chen Lie said were not only Ren Qing's parents, but also Li Lao and them.

Chen Lie always took care of his own people.

As for outsiders.

Ha ha……

This is not because he is stingy, but because he has limited resources and cannot help.

Kexin pulled Chen Lie's sleeves and asked weakly, "Brother Lie, can Kexin take those delicious water studies today?"

After drinking the fairy gel, she felt that the other water was not good.

And some time ago.

In order to quickly urge Zizhu to issue, the supply is limited.

Naturally, she was brooding about it.

"Of course."

Chen Lie promised: "Brother Lie will definitely give you a full kettle."

"I want a full pot too."

Xiaolan raised her hand decisively.

Chen Lie nodded with a wry smile.

Being disturbed by them, Chen Lie's share today has to be reduced.

After all, the supply of Faerie Condensation is fixed, some people have more people, and others have to reduce their share.

Chen Lie was self-inflicted this time.

But he was willing to do so.

Watching Xiaolan and Kexin go to school happily, Chen Lie can only pinch his nose to accept the facts, and turn around to go to the Grand Paradise.

"Mr. Chen!"

"God of Cooking!"

When those customers saw Chen Lie, they swarmed.

Finally got rid of the crowd.

"It seems I have to avoid it."

In order to get rid of the crowd, Chen Lie, who was covered in sweat, murmured: "It just so happens that I have a super pet to receive, and it's time for another wave of wilderness exploration."

While talking, Chen Lie took out a photo.

This is a vague scene of a water monster resembling a dinosaur swimming in the rain forest.

It is the system that allows Chen Lie to receive the pet, and it is even more susceptible, so this photo was made to confuse the audition.

However, according to the system description, this photo is real.

"This time the name is to explore the truth of the photo."

"pretty good idea."

Chen Lie was very satisfied with the arrangement of the system.

He remembered the operation of the system and said: "The system has quietly circulated the photos on the Internet. It hasn't caused a sensation yet, but it has provided me with sufficient groundwork. So even if I put it forward, no one will feel abrupt."

"if I……"


The ghost eyes are coming.

He also brought a large group of fierce people to kill.

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