The pet king of the city

Chapter 719 A Group of Old Men Who Want to Live Longer

The ghost eyes are coming.

He also brought 4 unknown old men, and every old man had 8 bodyguards behind him. The lineup was huge.

However, these bodyguards were waiting at the door and did not come in to bother.

Chen Lie was puzzled.

But the ghost eye Mr. Zhu is very familiar. After introducing everyone to the paradise, he proactively shouted: "Xiao Lie, our group of old men brought good news to eat and drink."

"What good news?"

Chen Lie asked everyone to sit down and start making tea.

"Here, see for yourself."

Ghost eyes showed a video.

This is an exhibition video of the National Museum.

The purpose is to promote the culture of their country, hoping to open up the tourist market in the East.

"what happened?"

After reading it briefly, Chen Lie asked wonderingly: "Paper articles, can we explode them at any provincial museum in our country?"

Guiyan was not embarrassed, and proudly reminded: "You can see clearly."


Chen Lie looked aside again.

He saw clearly this time, and finally found the problem.

He played it back quickly, and finally fixed the video on Amber on a scepter.

Chen Lie was so excited that he licked his lips and asked, "Old Zhu, don't you tell me this amber is what I want?"

Before, Guiyan had been pursuing Chen Lie's ginseng wine.

Chen Lie was really embarrassed. He could only list dozens of things in the system that were not cheap, saying that as long as one of them was found, they could be exchanged for the secret ginseng wine brewed by the god of wine.

You must know that any wine brewed by Bacchus now is brewed with diluted Faerie Condensation.

The quality is 1 level higher than before.

It's no wonder that Ghost Eye will pursue so passionately.

"You said it!"

Guiyan said excitedly: "After countless comparisons, we found that the small black flower solidified in the amber is the black yuan flower you were looking for."

Chen Lie didn't hesitate, and he followed suit.

Even pay for system authentication.

It's really a black yuan flower.

"This is fun."

Chen Lie pondered.

Heiyuanhua, a peculiar flower that can only survive when it grows in spiritual soil and is irrigated with spiritual water, but when it matures, it can blindly strengthen the bones and strengthen the super pet.

This kind of flower is the same species as the lingroot grass, and it often grows together.

In the system assessment, its level is as high as 5.

did not expect.

It has existed.

Ghost Eye asked: "Why, has your heart moved?"

Chen Lie nodded and replied, "I really want it, but this is a national treasure of a small country in America. I'm afraid I can't buy it, right?"

Guiyan nodded and replied: "Well, there were scientists who were curious about Heiyuanhua before and wanted to buy it for research, but they were unwilling to sell it for millions of dollars."

"Just a million dollars?"

Chen Lie sneered and said, "Then double it tenfold. I don't believe that this small island country whose GDP is not as high as a third-tier city in the East can refuse such a deal."

He didn't want the ghost eyes but replied: "We tried, and the 20 million dollars failed to impress them."


Chen Lie's eyes were full of disbelief.

Ghost Eye said: "I'm not kidding. I used a very famous international businessman to quietly offer a price to that country, and the international businessman was deported. The reason is that the scepter is a symbol of their country. No country will do it for Money betrays the image."

"It seems that I have no relationship with Hei Yuanhua."

Chen Lie was very sorry.

Level 5 black yuan flowers are not expensive, but not cheap either.

At least Chen Lie will not spend more than 10,000 fan points for it.

An old man asked: "Mr. Chen, if we can help you get the amber, would you like to sell us 5 bottles of ginseng wine?"

Chen Lie shook his head and said, "Hei Yuanhua is not worth 5 bottles of ginseng wine."

Guiyan asked eagerly: "Then how much do you think it is worth?"

Chen Lie held out a finger.

"Too little."

Guiyan couldn't help shaking his head and begged: "Add another bottle! Add another bottle and we will take the risk!"


Chen Lie shook his head.

Looking at the expressions of Ghost Eye and other old men, Chen Lie now finally understands the benefits of mastering monopoly resources.

As Li Lao and Guiyan said before, the higher the status, the more afraid of death.

And Chen Lie now has several kinds of prolonging life in his hands, it is simply to grasp their vitals.

"You can, one bottle is one!"

Ghost Eye added: "But you have to open up the purchase channels. Hei Yuanhua's luck can't be hit every time."

"But I don't have any needs?"

Chen Lie didn't think that Ghost Eyes could help him, so he asked, "Why don't you say to the old seniors, what can you do to make up for me."

Guiyan thought for a while and said, "I can help you get more land."

Chen Lie asked, "For example, where?"

Ghost Eye replied: "There is the Great Paradise."

Chen Lie nodded decisively.

With the hint of ghost eyes, other elders were inspired. An elder wearing glasses said: "I can help Mr. Chen's Grand Paradise complete all the construction in half a month, and the quality is even better."

Chen Lie nodded and asked, "Do you know that the Xianfeng era was responsible for the Great Paradise Project?"

"I know."

The old man wearing glasses replied: "Xianfeng Times is the leading design and decoration company in the East, but the company under my name is the first in East Asia and the top in the world."

"Yes, but you have to discuss with Song Feng!"

Chen Lie nodded and said, "I don't want to have unnecessary conflicts because of this."

The old man with glasses smiled triumphantly.

A burly old man said: "I have the most powerful ocean shipping in the entire East Pacific, whether it is on the bright side or the dark side. As long as Mr. Chen asks, I can help."

"I have a powerful courier system in China, which can help Mr. Chen express pets in the evening at the fastest speed."

"I have strong physical sales capabilities in East Asia and can help Mr. Chen open up the pet market."

In order to get the secret ginseng wine that can prolong life, every old man shows his capital.


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