The pet king of the city

Chapter 723 Unexpected Death

"Why is it impossible?"

"Look at this group of African buffaloes. Their body length is generally between 2 and 3 meters. With their strength and pair of sharp horns, they are very abnormal when they charge."

Chen Lie said cheerfully: "Oh, yes, African buffalo has a fierce temperament and is difficult to domesticate. Although it is a pure herbivore, once offended, they will become the most ferocious beasts. They dare to face any enemy. It’s not unusual for the lion of the king of beasts to die under their sharp horns. At least every year, lions die under their horns."

"Interestingly, the lion, the king of beasts, also likes to eat buffalo, but often gets hurt because of it. In my eyes, they are really a pair of inseparable enemies."

It's okay to put Rocket on a smile and said, "It feels like it's nothing to do with Liu."

Nothing works out and Liu Pengcheng was immediately embarrassed.

"Bro Rocket, don't worry about it."

"Brother Rocket, give some face, I will greet you well when I look back."

The most feared thing for Dali and Pengcheng is to release the rocket. In order to block the mouth of the rocket, they send private messages or even phone calls.


Chen Lie smiled openly, the pressure suddenly relieved.

And when Chen Lie was on a jungle adventure, and the person who set the rocket was joking, two humiliating and vicious incidents occurred one after another in the food industry.

After losing the game, the King of Chef Illy returned to China overnight.

As a result, he accidentally took the wrong ingredients and took raw almonds by mistake while cooking food for himself the next day, resulting in convulsions and respiratory failure.

In the end, because his heart was not very good, his muscles were relaxed, his breathing and heartbeat stopped and he died.

This is ironic.

A dignified chef of the country, he was poisoned and killed by taking the wrong ingredients.

So Illy dealt with the aftermath of the chef in a low-key manner.

But 4 hours later.

The Huaguo Chef Ghost Chef also had an accident.

This guy, who had also returned to China early because of his failure, accidentally swallowed too many sleeping pills before the jet lag sleep, and eventually he would never wake up.

Two chef kings have died of fate.

This is not normal.

It's just that these two guys are stinky and petty, and have offended too many people, so even if the police want to investigate, they can't start.

In the end, it can only be left out.

But there are not so many coincidences in this world.

That night.

Before the bonfire, Chen Lie received two messages and said with a smile: "Are they all dead? It seems to be done very cleanly, and no problem has been singled out."


Both the King Illy Chef and the Ghost Chef were terminated by Chen Lie's orders.

Chen Lie previously investigated that the three killers were hired by the Lord Illy Chef, and he sentenced the Lord Illy Chef on the spot and would not let him live for 3 days.

As for the ghost cook.

Chen Lie had had enough of this guy's nausea, and he didn't want the quintessential cooking skills to be spread, so he just got a hundred.

As for being suspected, he believes in himself and the ability to spy bees.

This time he did it by sending a spy bee.

One was hidden in the suitcase of King Illy Kitchen, and the other was hidden in the leather bag of Ghost Kitchen's assistant, flying across the ocean in a plane.

One injects the toxin essence from raw almonds into King Illy, and the other injects sleeping pills concentrate into Ghost Chef, all of which are killing invisible games.

Moreover, one of them is in Italy, the other is in the flower country, and Chen Lie is a wilderness in the Congo Basin.

The completely unconnected location provided Chen Lie with the perfect alibi.

And things quickly passed to the East.

Lao Li contacted Chen Lie as soon as he heard the matter.

As a result, Chen Lie has already broadcast live in Congo, Africa.

He can only find old buddies.

"It feels too coincidental."

The information that Ghost Eye has is no less than Lao Li.


Because they mastered certain special channels, Ghost Eye knew more inside stories than Lao Li, such as where the three strangely dead killers came from, and which idiot was most likely to shoot.

Lao Li said bluntly: "It's just too coincidental. It's a coincidence that I think anyone with experience will move, so I came to you."

Ghost Eye asked: "What do you want to do?"

Old Li replied: "It's very simple. Through your special channel, I learned about the three burnt killers and who hired them."

"This is difficult."

Ghost Eye said: "Presumably you also know that the secrets of employers are the bottom line of every killer organization. No one in this world wants to cooperate with killer organizations that sell employer information."

"I know, but I came to you because of difficulties."

"If it's not difficult, I can solve it myself."

Old Li Xiao looked at the ghost eye.

"Well, I will do my best."

Guiyan sighed and said, "But don't place too much expectation. After all, this matter will take a long time to toss."

"You don't have much time."

Mr. Li said: "What I am worried about is that the consortium behind Ghost Kitchen will not follow the rules. After all, you have to look at the owner when you fight a dog, not to mention Ghost Kitchen is a very famous and well-known good dog."

As I said before, the reason Ghost Chef dared to emerge suddenly is because he found a good backer.

And this backer is a consortium of Huaguo.

Guiyan sighed: "I know, so I will help."

Old Li sighed: "After all, at the level of the consortium, they are playing rules and talking about fame. Now that Xiao Lie slaps them in the face, they must move."

"What if there are actions?"

"We are worthy of them!"

Guiyan said fiercely, "Xiao Lie has that magical ginseng wine in his hand. For this alone, I can fight them hard."

Lao Li said: "If it comes to the front, it doesn't matter. At least in the one-third acre of land in the East, we can use strategy to expel them. But I am afraid that some unconventional actions are impossible to prevent."

"Old man, you are so wrong."

I didn't want the ghost eyes to laugh at Lao Li.

"How to say?"

Lao Li was said to be confused instead.

Ghost Eye asked: "Who found the flaw in the deaths of Ghost Chef and Illy Chef?"

"No flaws."

Old Li replied: "The corpses are all dissected, but there is no flaw, pure accidental death."

"So, who can prevent such a [accidental] death law?"

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