Ghost Eye curled up an evil smile and asked, "So, who can prevent such an [accidental] death method?"


Li Lao was asked immediately.

If things are really Chen Lie's masterpiece, who in this world can guard against such murders?

It's creepy to think about it.

"Although there is no conclusive evidence of Xiaolie's masterpiece, I hope some people will not do stupid things."

"In this world, the Huaguo consortium has long been the final say."

Guiyanyin smiled and took a sip of tea, and then said: "Why do I think your tea is so bad?"

"Look, you were spoiled by the tea from Xiaolie's family, right?"

Old Li shook his head.

Their topic suddenly turned away, not because their brain circuits are special, but a little relieved.

after all.

Chen Lie's influence is sufficient, and the force is also very sharp.

You can't provoke it if you want to.

"M's, in order to kill two dogs, lost my two precious enhanced spy bees."

Chen Lie muttered to be ready and set off.

The most shocking thing is.

When he just opened the live broadcast and was about to get his backpack, he stepped on a chopstick-long centipede to death.

The centipede that was trampled to death did not die instantly, but was still turning crazily.

The most terrifying thing is the other small centipedes. Seeing the opportunity, the small reptiles immediately surrounded them and ate the big centipedes crazily.

"Brother Pet, you pay for my instant noodles!"

"I'll wipe it, my pet brother gave us such a lesson as soon as it started, so I was shocked."

"I can't eat it anymore, damn pet brother."

Chen Lie encountered the crusade by millions of fans right after the broadcast. Although this scene is not the first time, it is estimated to be the only one in the world.

It's okay to put the rocket looking at the lunch he specially ordered, and he couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Pet, I made a customized lunch, and you have no appetite for it. You have to compensate me."

"Hey, want to ruin me, no way."

Chen Lie stabbed back very badly, and said shamelessly: "But centipedes can also be eaten. Stir-fried centipedes, that's a delicacy."

"Fuck off!"

"do not talk!"

The fans roared immediately.

Chen Lie laughed badly and set off.

The live broadcast room has such a good atmosphere early in the morning, I don't know how many people are envied.

In fact, Chen Lie's personality wouldn't jump like that.

However, he was simply forced out.

Chen Lie’s die-hard fans, a live broadcast without 10 rhythms are embarrassing to say that they are die-hards, and Chen Lie’s fans are embarrassed to say that they are Chen Lie’s fans if they are not black ten times a day.

Under such a "bad" environment, if Chen Lie doesn't go back badly, how can he establish authority?

How to control the rhythm?

Over time, Chen Lie would occasionally come and suddenly darken, and then return to normal after a few minutes.

"Hey, the hot and wet weather is really irritating!"

Chen Lie moved forward quickly and showed off his clothes, saying: "My clothes are still specially made, but they are all wet. If ordinary people enter here by mistake, the wetness on the clothes alone will be very uncomfortable."


The sound of a weak rat came from the side.

"A mouse?"

Chen Lie was confused.

But he quickly found the source of the sound:

A disgusting pitcher plant.

"Why is there such a thing here?"

Chen Lie looked at the brightly colored flower that looked like a bag with wonder, his face was filled with wonder: "If I remember correctly, this kind of plant only grows in the rainforests of Southeast Asia."

"Brother Pet, don't sell it, let's reveal the answer."

"This plant looks disgusting."

"Why are there the sounds of mice in the plants?"

Fans urged Chen Lie to answer.

"It's called Nepenthesattenboroughii."

"According to us, it's a giant pitcher plant."

Chen Lie briefly explained.

Originally Nepenthes is a strange carnivorous plant, but Nepenthes that can eat mice is even more weird and terrifying.

"Their bottle-shaped leaves are about 30 cm long and 16 cm wide, twice the size of common pitcher plants in other regions."

"This thing has only been discovered in recent years and is considered to be the largest carnivorous plant in the world because its cage can even swallow a mouse."

"They were first discovered on Mount Victoria in the Philippines. They can digest prey caught by the acid enzymes in their bottle leaves."

Chen Lie cut the pitcher plant with a hunting knife, and fell out a dying mouse.

The scariest thing is that this mouse has signs of being digested.

Looks extremely nauseous.

Chen Lie turned the camera away and said, "The cruelty of nature can be seen here."

Chen Lie left after talking.

No way, there are weird plants growing here.

This giant pitcher plant is just one of them. There are also flowers with a special fragrance and small fruits that seem to drip nectar.

All are very strange.

"Although the African rainforest is the smallest of the three largest rainforests in the world, don't think that their species is poor because of this. The giant pitcher plants in front of you are the best evidence."

"I know that there are a lot of endemic species of African rain. I guess there are in those just now, but I'm not a botanist and I don't want to study it."

"I'm here to catch pets. I can't waste time here."

Chen Lie finally added: "Of course, if there are experts who are willing to help me and everyone, I will be very happy."

As a result, many people naturally came out to gain fame.

A person who claims to be a professor of plants at South China University gets the most attention:

"The giant pitcher plant may be a mutated species because its color is different from that of the Philippines."

"Moreover, I just made calculations with my old friends. I think the plants near the giant pitcher plant may be in a symbiotic relationship."

"Some of them use flower scent and nectar to attract small animals; some plant wood stab wounds are accompanied by paralytic toxins, and small animals will accidentally rub them when they come over, and eventually become paralyzed unknowingly; and the final attack is that kind of mutation. Nepenthes."

"Otherwise, the pitcher plant alone would not be able to contain small animals."

The words of the plant professor made many people shudder.

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