The pet king of the city

Chapter 725 Encounter With Cannibals

The plant professor's words made many people shudder.

This natural trap is simply unheard of.

The queen drove to sigh and said, "Nature is too terrifying."

When it’s okay to release the rocket, he exclaimed: “It’s a long experience. But I suddenly felt that if these plants were a little bigger and planted around mysterious places, wouldn’t they be the forbidden land in fantasy and fairy-xia novels?”

Many people feel the same way.

"Wait, you just mentioned paralytic plants?"

Chen Lie's fast shuttle footsteps suddenly stopped.

The plant professor replied: "Yes, such plants are not uncommon in nature."

"The appearance of this plant means that I have entered the territory of cannibals."

Chen Lie sighed: "The juice of this stuff is the favorite venom of cannibals. Because the juice of this plant can be used to catch prey without causing harm to the body."


But Chen Lie cursed as he spoke, saying: "When I come here, my safety is not guaranteed. I must pay more attention to my surroundings, because I don't know when Shot an arrow from the canopy."

"The only good news is that I have come to other people's turf. I don't have to worry about attacks by big beasts."

"Humans are the most ferocious animals in nature. With humans, there is no room for other wild beasts to live, even in the rain forest."

Perhaps it is a good spirit.

As soon as Chen Lie's voice fell, he noticed something abnormal in the distance.

Sure enough.

About seven or eight sneaky human figures appeared before her eyes.

They did not immediately attack Chen Lie, but looked at Chen Lie suspiciously and vigilantly.

After all, they had never encountered anyone who dared to enter the rainforest alone.

The key is.

Chen Lie didn't carry the weapon that threatened them the most-a gun.

"It's really a cannibal!"

"See? The necklace on their neck is human teeth."

"My God, a human watch is hung on it. Does the cannibal have that thing?"

The live broadcast room exploded again, and everyone maximized their screens, staring at the group of cannibals in front of them.

It's like a foreigner who sees a panda for the first time and doesn't think it is enough.

"It's a headache."

"Now if I back down, they will be regarded as cowardly, and in turn will be chased down."

"But if I'm tough, I'm not sure to keep them all here, after all, they are the snakes."

Without looking back, Chen Lie nervously analyzed the situation with everyone.

However, the cannibals did not attack immediately, and continued to watch Chen Lie vigilantly.


This stalemate is not a solution.

This is not.

The first cannibal began to move forward.

This is temptation.

"I think I have to show enough threats to make them shrink."

Chen Lie reminded: "The current cannibals are different from the previous cannibals. Their previous vigilance shows that they have suffered a lot from other humans, and they have learned restraint and temptation."

In the eyes of normal human beings, cannibals are a group of humanoid species with low IQ and only know how to act instinctively. They are not real humans at all.

"I'm looking for a way to deter them."

Chen Lie looked around, then turned to a tree on the left that was thicker than a big rice bowl.

The knife light flashed.

The not-so-small tree stopped by the waist.

The rumbling sound of collapse scared all the cannibals.

To cut such a tree with a single blow requires not only a good knife, but also sufficient strength and skill.

All cannibals look at me, I look at you.

They realized that this was Chen Lie's demonstration, first they were afraid, and then they approached Chen Lie collectively.

It is clear.

They are dead-headed and not threatened.

"M's, really shameless!"

The flying knife in Chen Lie's left hand came out.

He was ready to kill.


But at this moment, a terrifying tiger roar came from a distant mountain forest.

The cannibals looked at each other, gave up Chen Lie without hesitation, and ran towards the tiger roar.

Running fast.

The atmosphere that had originally been rattling was gone.

"what is this?"

"Feeling a little funny?"

"The tiger saved my pet brother's life!"

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room also returned to normal.

Nothing works out and cursed: "Brain disability! It was the tiger that saved the cannibals' lives! Do you think that pet brother can harden the horrible fighting power of the wolf pack, but you can't beat a group of primitive people?"

It is rude to say nothing, but no one opposes it.

"Don't make trouble for now."

Chen Lie reminded: "The tiger roar just now was an angry roar. It seems that the tiger is threatened."

Professor Wang replied decisively: "Mr. Chen, if it is really an angry tiger roar, it is that the cannibals are expelling tigers. After all, there is no room for two top hunters in an area. This applies not only to beasts, but also to humans and beasts. ."

"Yes, if the tiger hunts in the cannibal area, then the cannibal's prey will be reduced and naturally they have to be expelled."

"If the tiger is not born to be the king of the jungle, otherwise the cannibals would not be expelled, but hunted directly."

After Chen Lie resolved his doubts, his thoughts spread, and his mood improved a lot.

Today this encounter ended a bit funny.

But it is reasonable.

"In that case."

Chen Lie turned to the live broadcast room and asked, "Everyone, you said I will be following me now and take revenge? Or is it possible that the cannibals don't care about me and get out of their hunting range?"

The queen replied without even thinking about it: "Of course she left right away. Gentlemen don't build a dangerous wall."

"I also support leaving."

It's okay to put the rocket and put safety first.

"Don't persuade, just do it!"

"Life and death are bearish, just do it if you don't agree!"

"Brother Pet, don't let us down!"

However, a large number of ordinary fans urged Chen Lie to retaliate with the past.

In the end, Chen Lie simply handed over the choice to the fans.

A quiz with only two options appears below the live broadcast room.

Only 10 minutes.

As a result, more than a million people voted.

69% want Chen Lie to leave, and safety is the top priority.

The rest all hope that Chen Lie will retaliate in the past.

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