The pet king of the city

Chapter 737: Unilateral Massacre

A sneaky crocodile sneaked into Chen Lie's right leg in the water.

Even if he was not bitten off, Chen Lie would be dragged away by the crocodile.

You must know that adult crocodiles can drag buffalo into the water alive.

Even the big water buffalo, which is born with oxen power, is no match for the crocodiles, let alone Chen Lie.


The number of Chen Lie's body is not strong enough, at least not as exaggerated as Captain Hua Guo, at most it is about the same as an ordinary soldier king.

However, because he often practiced against fierce tigers and was frequently exposed to dangers in the wilderness, he had a strong sense of crisis.

At the moment when there was an abnormality underwater, without thinking about it, he stabbed with a spear.


The blood rushed out as soon as the blood was red.

At the same time, Chen Lie also felt a strong struggle.

This very big crocodile has super tenacious vitality, and even has the ability to struggle when its head is pierced.

Because the power of the big crocodile was too strong, Chen Lie was twisted and lost his balance.

The whole person fell to the crocodile group on the side.

Chen Lie staggered.

The breath of the entire live broadcast room freezes.

Ren Qing and the others were even more shocked, covering their small mouths with their hands.

"Want to eat me?"

"no way!"

Chen Lie gritted his teeth violently.

With a slash, the head of a crocodile that regarded Chen Lie as a delicacy was cut off in half.

The blood and the pale brain were mixed and flowed out.


The ancient lord also began to show off.

Chen Lie's successive killings and his launching into the water attracted a lot of attention, finally reducing the pressure on the ancient lord.

The ancient Lord directly flicked his tail and neck twice, and the three crocodiles biting the tail and neck were flung out. One of them was very unlucky. Its head hit the trunk directly on the side. It cracked his head on the spot and fell to the ground. Unable to move, not far from death.

The other two are not much better.

One smashed against a rock by the river, immediately smashed a lot of blood.

The other one fell under the big tree where the monkeys were.

When the monkeys saw the sandbags delivered to the door, they would let them go. Fruits, branches, and stones rained down on the two hapless crocodiles.

With this good start, the anti-kill begins.

The ancient lord raised his foot.

The crocodile biting on the foot was cut in two by Chen Lie.

Immediately afterwards, the ancient lord swept his tail and swept a total of three crocodiles that were intended to outflank Chen Lie ashore.

Chen Lie understood in seconds.

Go ashore quickly, and then one shot and one knife.

The steel dagger gun nailed one crocodile to the ground, and the perfect knife cut through the bodies of the other two crocodiles, one quarter, and it could not die again.


The ancient lord swept up two crocodiles again.

One unexpectedly hit Chen Liefei.

Tiger shaved!

It's just the tiger shave of the knife.

The knife light cut an arc perfectly in the air, and the crocodile's head left the body.

When Chen Lie landed, the blade happened to pierce the center of another crocodile's brain.

Immediately after Chen Lie fished it out, the metal dagger spear that had just been pierced on the ground was pulled out and stabbed fiercely...

ten minutes later.

The river surface became a river of blood.

But it calmed down completely.

Chen Lie, covered in stinky sweat and blood, raised his head to look at the wounded ancient lord, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked.

More than 50 crocodiles, except for the few gnawing at a distance, all the others were cleaned up.

The ancient lord didn't bother to pay attention to the few remaining ones.

It looked at Chen Lie with very human eyes.

There is gratitude and curiosity.

It stretched out, and then took a step forward.


A horrible body weighing at least 20 tons, like a heavy truck, stepped on the ground and wailed the earthquake.

An undead crocodile struggled to raise its head.

As a result, it was the thigh with thick wheels of the ancient lord who greeted it.

The crocodile's foot was trampled into mud.

"So tired."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly: "I never knew that killing a beast could be so tiring."

He took a look.

At this time, the live broadcast room was "mighty" and 666.


The monkeys are here.

They have never abandoned their boss's monkey group, and brought all kinds of things.


The Monkey King happily sent the berries they collected to Chen Lie.

"For me?"

Chen Lie pointed to himself and asked.

The Monkey King could understand, so he nodded.

Chen Lie didn't refuse, but accepted.

At this time Chen Lie saw a few old monkeys looking for something on the ground.

In a short time, he found several strange herbs, and then pulled them out and ran to the ancient master.

Chen Lie exclaimed, "I rub, isn't it to treat the ancient lord?"


Professor Wang replied: "The monkey group may have reached a tacit mutual assistance relationship with this unknown dinosaur. The ancient lord sheltered the monkey group, and the monkey group provided fruit and other assistance to the ancient lord. The immediate treatment is the most critical cooperation. "

The queen drove to ask: "Are all monkeys in nature so smart?"

"The animal intelligence of nature is far from what we can imagine."

Professor Wang certainly replied: "And this kind of mutual assistance relationship is not new. Many animal groups will do it. It's just that everyone feels surprised because of the special identity of the dinosaurs."

Everyone agrees.

Then the monkey group staged a medical treatment called monkey.

They actually smashed the herbs, then mixed the clean mud, directly pasted on the wounded body of the ancient lord.

Because the ancient lord had so many wounds, he needed a lot of herbs.

So this can only be done.

But looking at the fluent and tacit actions of the monkeys, it seems that it is not the first time to treat the ancient master.

"The wisdom of animals is not as stupid as it is on TV."

Chen Lie sighed.

At this time.

The ancient lord unexpectedly knocked Chen Lie lightly with his head.


Chen Lie, who was taken aback by the sudden attack, looked at the ancient lord in a daze.


The ancient lord seemed to have something to say, after exhaling a breath, he uttered a different rhythm from before.

Chen Lie didn't understand.

The ancient lord hit Chen Lie lightly with his head.

But Chen Lie was prepared this time and avoided.

The ancient lord seemed dissatisfied, and breathed out another snort.

Chi Chi!

Not to mention the fans in the live broadcast room, even the monkeys were anxious and cried out strangely.

Especially the Monkey King, it actually...

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