The pet king of the city

Chapter 738 is actually an egg

"It turned out to be like this..."

Standing on the body of the ancient lord, Chen Lie was accompanied by a group of monkeys, just like this leisurely swimming on the waterway towards the large lake in the middle of the valley.

He didn't understand the meaning of the ancient lord before.

It was the Monkey King who forced him to climb onto the back of the ancient lord, and he knew that the ancient lord took himself to a place.

If it's just like this, that's all.

The problem is that the entire group of monkeys actually climbed onto the body of the ancient lord, and then happily slew towards the big lake like a boat.

When he came to this lake, which was bigger than 10 football fields, Chen Lie looked around, but didn't see anything particularly noteworthy.

"There's nothing here, what are you doing in bringing me here?"

The ancient lord clearly understood Chen Lie's words, and turned his head, but didn't respond.

But the IQ of the monkey group is not so high, continue their frolicking, even the monkey king.


After the ancient lord came to the center of the lake, he ignored the sweet-looking fish and actually dived.

"I rub, is this the rhythm to drown the pet brother?"

"Is it too late for the dinosaurs to help before avenging their pet brother?"

"The two upstairs are teasing, don't you feel nervous if you didn't see the group of monkeys?"

"That is, the IQs on the first and second floors are almost comparable to monkeys."

The tense guys were also out of good intentions and didn't want Chen Lie to have an accident.

But some people just like to spray people.

All of a sudden, the fans were embarrassed.

Fortunately, the administrator came out in time to stop it, otherwise it might really turn into a curse war.

"What are you going to do?"

Chen Lie wondered.

Had it not been for seeing the group of monkeys not fleeing in panic, but just grabbing the body of the ancient lord, otherwise Chen Lie would have saved himself first.

And the facts are very interesting.

Naturally, the Ancient Lord was not going to drown Chen Lie, but to take Chen Lie to a place.


The lake is so clean that it can be used as tap water and quickly dives to a depth of more than 20 meters, and then enters a cave channel.

After holding his breath for about 1 minute, Chen Lie came into a large cave.

This cave is extremely large.

Even the huge body of the ancient lord can move around here leisurely.

But this is not the destination.

The ancient lord brought everyone drenched to the depths of the cave.

"Everyone, I'm fine."

"The air here is very good, not depressing at all, even better than the outside."

Chen Lie is very curious about everything here.

If it were not for taking care of the explosion in the live broadcast room, Chen Lie would not want to be distracted.

However, Chen Lie took this opportunity to see the tracking information on his mobile phone.


He is getting closer and closer to his fifth system super pet.

"Is there a second dinosaur in its lair?"

Chen Lie looked forward to it, his eyes shining brightly.

Walked in the cave for about ten minutes.

Although the movement of the ancient lord is a bit slow, it has too much one step, and one step is almost like an adult running at full speed.

Running like this for ten minutes is enough to run several kilometers away.

"This should be out of the area of ​​gravity chaos, right?"

Chen Lie checked his watch.

His watches are not expensive, but very edible.

Sure enough.

The compass is back to normal.

"I knew that the ancient lord would not live in areas where gravity is chaotic."

"Even if it is a dinosaur, it cannot live there for a long time."

Just as Chen Lie was muttering, his eyes suddenly opened up.

A canyon.

The valley is many times larger than before, and there are large canyons with steep mountains in all directions.


The monkeys came back here and ran happily.

Because this is also their home.

If they weren't carried by the ancient master, they would have to climb steep mountain walls and pass through dangerous forests to return here, and it would be impossible to return without more than an hour.

But after taking the shortcut of the ancient lord, it was done in ten minutes.


The monkeys couldn't help but grabbed the branches of the river and began to leave the ancient master.

In the end, only the Monkey King was left to accompany Chen Lie.

"The horse thief, the stone pine, the big leaf fern!"

"The vegetation here is almost all from the age of dinosaurs."

"Look at those, my God, they are all animals from the age of dinosaurs. This is the real version of Jurassic Park."

Chen Lie was stimulated by this paradise that seemed to travel through.

I was dumbfounded.

Not to mention Chen Lie, even the live broadcast room has more than 1500W online, and few fans who set the record have the strength to speak, and they are all shocked by the scene before them.

Nothing works, he sighed: "It feels like crossing."

It's okay to release the rocket, but shook his head and said: "No, it feels like arriving at the Skull Island of King Kong."

When the queen drove there, she asked: "Will there be other dinosaurs in this super huge canyon?"

This question is exactly what other people have in their hearts.

It is also Chen Lie's curiosity.

Chen Lie asked, "Are there other dinosaurs here?"

The Monkey King nodded happily and dragged Chen Lie forward.

"and many more."

Chen Lie found himself very close to his pet, and the pet was probably at the end of the waterway in front of him.

Chen Lie didn't want to have any extra branches, but wanted to go by himself.

I don't want the Ancient Lord to keep Chen Lie down without intending to go down the river.

"What is he taking me for?"

Chen Lie wondered.

But his attention is on the phone.


Chen Lie saw an opportunity, suddenly exerted his strength, violently jumped out of the back of the ancient lord, and landed on the mud by the river.

Both the ancient lord and the monkey king looked at Chen Lie in confusion.

Chen Lie ignored them.

Following the instructions of the mobile phone, he pulled aside the grass and saw a colorful, rugby-sized strange egg.

This huge egg is very beautiful.

The color is like a painter's painting, not only not messy, but also showing a different kind of beauty.

If you don't care about its shape, it is definitely a perfect pure color painting.

The key is.

The egg has a faint metallic luster, which brings out a mysterious atmosphere.

"I rub, the fifth system super pet I am looking for is actually an egg?"

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