The killer bees have a large range of activities, and protecting this canyon is not a problem at all.

The most important thing is that they will reproduce themselves to ensure an endless supply.

The price of this gadget depends on the quantity.

Chen Lie felt that it was impossible for anyone to kill here in a short time, and it would take a few years at the earliest.

So he only bought 3 beehives with more than 3,000 fans worth of killer bees, prepared to install them in important places in the canyon, and spread them to protect it in all aspects.

And killer bees can thrive here.

In the future, after Chen Lie takes away the clan of the ancient masters, he can also take them back, and he will do two things with one stone.

However, Chen Lie estimated that it would take at least 3 days to walk through the canyon.

Fortunately, he is not in a hurry.

There is a lot of time to waste.

The plan is thus finalized.

Chen Lie looked at the ancient lord who was frolicking with his family and was entangled by all the little dinosaurs, and couldn't help laughing knowingly.

That night.

The waterfall side of the canyon.

Chen Lie and Monkey King are sitting in front of the bonfire.

Chen Lie was roasting giant wolf meat, and his mind was lost in thought.

The Monkey King stared at the giant wolf meat with saliva.

"More than 100 contact requests from different groups."

"This time it's really delicious."

Chen Lie also encountered this situation before.

That was when I saw the giant snake temple.

But that time was different, after all, it was strongly utilitarian.

But this time most of them came to protect the dinosaurs. Among them, the Congolese government, many international animal protection organizations, and domestic government agencies are the most difficult to refuse.

At this time.

Old Li came to a private letter.

Apart from Ren Qing and the others, this secret contact method was only a few of them, such as Lao Li and Guiyan.

A private message is not a call, so Lao Li asked straightforwardly: "Xiao Lie, many people are asking about your whereabouts now, come back quickly, this time things are bigger."

Lao Li cares about Chen Lie's safety, not the potential value of a group of dinosaurs.

This is the real one.

Chen Lie asked: "It's just a group of dinosaurs. Last time, ginseng was not so serious for a thousand years."

"Different in nature."

"Millennium ginseng is just some individuals, not the only ones."

"Dinosaurs are the reappearance of the dead, the only resource."

Old Li solemnly reminded: "For example, if you wait for this group of dinosaurs, it will be equivalent to mastering a 5A-level tourism resource, and the influence is international, even the advertising costs are saved. This is involved. The profit is in the tens of billions, and it is still annual."

"Ten billion every year."

"No wonder some people are crazy."

Chen Lie has a deep understanding of the saying that Caibo is touching.

Not to mention, the previous plant search machine caused others to snipe and kill, I am afraid it will be more intense now.

Mr. Li reminded with a warning: "Although our country is very good with the Congolese government, no matter how good the relationship is, it will collapse in the face of money. As far as I can tell, the Congolese government has gone crazy after knowing the potential value of dinosaurs. Shan, also closed the nearby airport, as for the specific purpose, I think you should understand."

"I understand."

"I will leave Congo in secret."

Chen Lie is not a fool, and will not give his life to a politician who is too poor to go crazy.

Lao Li asked again: "Xiao Lie, you come back first, and you can talk about the others slowly. We have already advanced to negotiate with Lao Wang and others. Based on your geographical characteristics, it is estimated that no one will be able to enter within a year."

"It's useless to come in."

Chen Lie even took out the killer bee, and fundamentally cut off those who were lucky enough to pass through various barriers to enter.

"I don't know why you have such confidence, but what I care more about is the safety of your life."

"While some people haven't made any specific actions, you will come back first."

"Anyway, those dinosaurs live there. It is basically impossible to move them all at once."

Old Li tried to persuade him to go.

"I understand."

"I won't try my best, let alone make fun of my life."

Chen Lie also solemnly replied: "But I really have some time to leave, and I already have a relatively proper plan in my heart. Then I will make arrangements with everyone, how about?"

"Well, you are more experienced than us in this regard."

Old Li will become vigorous and resolute when things happen.

For things like this, he believed in Chen Lie's ability even more.

End the private message.

Chen Lie handed the wolf meat just roasted to the monkey king, who had already drooled all over the floor.

And Chen Lie turned over the other barbecues.



The monkeys in the distance were tempted to death by the fragrance, but they were afraid of the prestige of the monkey king and the force of Chen Lie and did not dare to come over, so they could only yell at the edge.

"They are too noisy."

Chen Lie's mood is not very smooth now, and he naturally feels a little upset when he hears these voices.

But he will not expel the monkeys.

The way to quiet the monkeys is simple.

"Here, take it yourself."

"Be quiet after eating, otherwise I don't mind taking you to barbecue."

Chen Lie gave the gluttonous monkeys the few that were just barbecued.

Anyway, the giant wolf was so big and took a lot of meat.

Chen Lie is not stingy about this.

At most, it has been re-baked.


The group of monkeys who got the ideal food cried happily.

But a few are not enough.

The group of monkeys who had not been assigned looked at Chen Lie eagerly.

They dared not scream, for fear that Chen Lie would kill them and barbecue.

"Not bad."

Chen Lie succeeded in his dual strategy of stick and carrot, and once again returned to the topic: "Now the international underground world has offered a $30 million reward for the location of dinosaurs, and my whereabouts are similar; if I can help All the dinosaurs are transported to their destinations intact, and that is an amazing fortune of another 50 million US dollars."

"Such a large sum of money is enough for most of the mercenaries to retire directly and live the life of the rich."

"And I don't have any pets by my side now, it looks easy to catch."

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