"The current me, in the eyes of those mercenaries and killers, is probably a kid who is hiding in the gold bricks, right?"

"So, the current employment world is going crazy, right?"

Chen Lie murmured here, mocking coldly.

He knew his situation, but he was not nervous at all.

It's not that he has never been in contact with mercenaries.

As long as it wasn't for large-scale arms suppression, even if the opponent was an elite army of a hundred people, Chen Lie could handle it.

"Forget it, I can't joke about my safety."

"I also give myself a little security."

Chen Lie re-entered the system mall without thinking about it.

But the next moment he retreated, and his expression was strange.

It's not that he was scared off by various level 5 items.

But he suddenly remembered:

I have a large group of super pets in my family, a batch of future killers beyond modern technology, why should I buy?

Chen Lie couldn't help but looked at the group of ancient masters who were lying down to sleep.

"You are really sweet and pastry."

"It's really patience to provoke so much right and wrong just after birth."

"But I did it..."

Chen Lie did not continue as he spoke.

He was not complaining, he was just sighing.

of course.

Even if you sigh, don't you have to continue living?

"come on."

"If you want to grab my things, you have to trade it with your life."

Chen Lie swears secretly.

Three days later.

Chen Lie finally arranged the killer ghost bee at the most critical entry point of the canyon.

At the same time, he also observed the terrain around the canyon.

To the south is the poisonous gas swamp. Needless to say, the danger in it is an absolute forbidden place for life.

To the west is the gravitational chaos area. As long as the creatures enter, stay a little longer, you will get confused with blood and sanity, and eventually die in the mouth of the beasts with low IQ inside, or be poisoned by various strange plants. That's unknown.

And the north is not much better, the dangerous mountains and waters, frequent beasts, and there are many poisonous miasma in TMD. Chen Lie explored there two days ago and was almost trapped by the many natural traps there.This is still based on the companionship of the Monkey King, if it is other people, it will fall into it in all likelihood.

As for the east, there are mountains in addition to mountains, and the terrain gradually rises and continues to the plateau.And there are often cannibals there, it seems simple, but the most dangerous in the four directions.

It is in such other environments that the ancient lord clan can multiply here to the present.

And now.

Coupled with Chen Lie's murderous bee, the safety factor soared several levels.

"All right."

Chen Lie patted the feet of the ancient lord, waved his hands and said, "Man, live here well. See you again later."

The ancient lord is very clever.

Feeling the meaning of parting, his head stretched over and hit Chen Lie's body.

Chen Lie was staggered by the huge body of the ancient lord.

no way.

The power of the ancient lord is too exaggerated.

Even if it is deliberately suppressed, it is still beyond human imagination.

"Goodbye, monkeys."

Chen Lie threw all the food that could not be taken away to the monkeys and waved away.


The Monkey King jumped over, still holding something in his hand.

Soon the Monkey King came to Chen Lie and delivered the things to Chen Lie.

"For me?"

Chen Lie asked, and the Monkey King nodded.

"Thank you."

Chen Lie looked at these fresh fruits and took over with satisfaction.

For monkeys, fruit is the best gift.

Chen Lie is not hypocritical, and is happy about this heart.

But he must leave.

Because this time his route is rather special, the itinerary is very urgent.


The Monkey King looked very reluctant.

Although it was only a few days of contact, the Monkey King liked this human very much.

Of course, his favorite is Chen Lie's food.

I have eaten Chen Lie's delicacies, and then I feel dull.

Unfortunately, Chen Lie never looked back.

Go very resolutely.

The direction he took this time was no longer the south when he came from, but the farthest west.

Chen Lie's plan is simple.

That is across the Congo rainforest and directly into the Gabonese Republic.

The Gabonese Republic is a relatively rare developed institution in Africa.

Low population density, abundant natural resources, and foreign personal investment have all helped Gabon become the most prosperous institution in the region, and its human development index is the highest among institutions in sub-Saharan Africa.

And because Gabon’s main export trading partners are the Flower Country, the East and Russia, it has a good relationship with the East.

This time.

Li Lao Guiyan secretly arranged a super elite team to meet Chen Lie in Gabon.

Because Chen Lie is very valuable now.

Just provide his accurate whereabouts and get 5 million dollars.

If Chen Lie could tell the specific location of the Ancient Lord, he would get 50 million US dollars.

in Africa.

Not many people can refuse such a reward.

For his own safety, Chen Lie had already closed the live broadcast now, and his contact with the outside world relied solely on the private message that was protected by the system that day.

So rushed for two days.

There are surprises and no dangers along the way.

of course.

The so-called shock is naturally an attack by a beast.

But these beasts that attacked eventually evolved into Chen Lie's food.

"This is the Nth day of my separation from the ancient lord and the monkey king."

"Today I walked a lot and I am tired now."

"But I am very happy because I hunted rare rabbit meat today."

Chen Lie showed off the ready-made rabbit meat and said, "This is hungry rabbit jumping. As for its appearance, I can’t show it to you anymore. You can check it online. In short, jumping rabbit looks like a tiny kangaroo. It is named because of its strong jumping ability."

He is not doing a live broadcast.

It’s recording, so that it can be recorded into a video after going back.

"This jumping rabbit weighs close to 4 kg and is very plump."

"I know that many people will say that the most abundant in the forest is rabbits, but the jumping rabbit is a unique species that lives on the dry grasslands of southeastern Africa. I can hunt the jumping rabbit in the rain forest. It is pure luck."

"Of course, I know this jumping rabbit may be a subspecies, but I have to say that it tastes beautiful."

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