Wei Hanchao's face changed drastically when he saw an old drone.

Because this drone is a sign of a mercenary.

If it were just an ordinary mercenary, Wei Hanchao would definitely not be so nervous.

But the problem is that this mercenary is one of the top ten mercenaries in the world. Everyone in it is a top cruel character. Fang has fought against them several times, and none of them took advantage.

Chen Lie was not nervous and asked, "We were discovered?"

Wei Hanchao opened the weapon and nodded.

Chen Lie asked: "How were we discovered?"

Wei Hanchao regretfully said: "I don't know, it may be that the other party used a facial scanning system to find one of us. We have suffered from this trick before, and this time we did not expect to be found in the backward Congo. "

Chen Lie nodded.

The facial scanning system sounds high-end, but it has actually been around for more than 20 years.

Apart from other things, the monitoring system in Chen Lie's home is also equipped with the same type of functions.

Then Chen Lie continued to ask: "What's the matter with the drone? I can see that the drone is not an ordinary drone. It seems to be a military one. Although it is a product 10 years ago, it is by no means ordinary. What the organization can have."

"That is a mercenary organization called [Nightmare]."

"The founder of Nightmare is said to have die-cut connections with the Huaguo military and can always get a lot of advanced military equipment."

Wei Hanchao replied: "Although this kind of drone has no combat function, it is far more effective than any drone in the supermarket. It is not..."

Wei Hanchao originally wanted to talk about Chen Lie's toy Wuzhi and Mini Apache, but at the last minute he shut up.

"is it?"

Chen Lie looked out the window and reminded: "It's still following us."

Wei Hanchao replied: "We will find a place to solve it."

"No need to."

Chen Lie issued an instruction to the toy Wuzhi and the Mini Apache.

The toy Wu Zhi and the mini Apache horse, who have been following behind, rose to the sky.

Wei Hanchao also saw this scene, and the result was all shaking his head.

He has quietly studied the toy Wuzhi and the Mini Apache before, and feels that although these two "toys" are very powerful, they are definitely the most high-end drones on the market.

But compared with military drones, they can't get on the table.


Toy Wu Zhi and the Mini Apache outflanked one after another.

Before the military drone could respond, two special bullets were fired.

The military drones did not expect that the two toys could launch sniper bombs at a distance, so they could only take emergency evasion.

But its reaction was entirely within Chen Lie's calculations.


Military drones avoided the first blow, but could not avoid the second blow.

The liquid bullet directly hit the power furnace of the military drone.


The terrifying corrosive force directly melted the cooling system near the power furnace.

The power furnace is getting hotter.



The military drone exploded due to the overheating of the power furnace and disintegrated directly in the air.


Wei Hanchao looked at the military drone exploding at an altitude of more than 300 meters in amazement.

An altitude of more than 300 meters.

What does that mean?

A sniper at the king's level only has a 70% chance of hitting an object on a level of 300 meters.

And if the same sniper hits an object at an altitude of 300 meters, the hit rate is at most 30%.

Because of the high altitude.

There is wind, air turbulence and gravity.

Shooting the bullet upward is completely different from shooting parallel to the ground.

Chen Lie asked: "Who do you think is the toy now?"

"This one……"

Wei Hanchao said awkwardly: "I didn't say that your two were toys."

"I'm just..."

Chen Lie still wanted to talk, but the ghost squirrel landed dissatisfied and jumped into Chen Lie's arms.

It seems very dissatisfied with its expression.

Chen Lie asked: "Ghost, you just did meritorious service, why are you not happy?"

Chi Chi!

The ghost squirrel kept making gestures.

"It can sign language!"

Wei Hanchao was surprised.

Chen Lie nodded and continued to face the ghost squirrel.

"all the same."

Chen Lie rubbed the golden hair of the genius, and calmly said: "You can't blame you for not shooting. After all, your computing power can't be compared with a computer; moreover, isn't that planned long ago?"

The ghost squirrel is still not very happy.


"The fruit I brought you."

Chen Lie took out the fruit from the Monkey King.

If it was the fruit 11 days ago, it must be rotten by now.

But the monkey king gave dried fruits, which are things that they hang out in the sun.

As the Monkey King, he naturally eats the best.

Naturally, what Chen Lie had was the best.

The sullen ghost squirrel took over and chewed, his eyes lit up instantly.

"It's delicious, isn't it?"

Chen Lie smiled and said: "I don't know what kind of fruit this is, but it tastes good whether it is dried or not. The Lord of the Ancients likes to eat this most, and I haven't forgotten this kind of fruit after eating it once."

The ghost squirrel couldn't help nodding.

"Ding, congratulations to your super pet-the squirrel has reached 100 points of goodwill towards you."

"Because the ghost squirrel is a system pet, it has the effect of sharing specialties. Now we will extract any speciality for you."

Chen Lie was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted from the bottom of his heart: "The draw! The draw is now!"

It is also strange.

The goodwill of the ghost squirrel is easy to increase. Three months ago, its goodwill for Chen Lie increased to 99 points.

But no matter how Chen Lie took care of and tried to test the ghost squirrel, the last point was that he could not improve.

Not only it.

The same is true of Bacchus, who is also a system pet.

Very baffling.

"Ding, congratulations on getting [Super Savvy], do you pay 1% of the value and enjoy this shared specialty?"


Chen Lie agreed without thinking.

The genius squirrel has three major talents: unforgettable, super savvy and natural affinity.

Among them, the natural affinity is more tasteless, and the unforgettable and super savvy are the most real.

Now Chen Lie has obtained one of them, which is considered to be a complete merit.

Not long.

Chen Lie's mind is clearer a lot, and he will see things instantly.

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