Chen Lie's mind became clearer and clearer after gaining [Super Savvy]. He had no way of seeing things and skills, as if they were imprinted in his memory, he learned instantly.

For example, a fang warrior next to him who was playing with a tactical knife, Chen Lie mastered his hand movements after seeing it, and now he can play with it as well.

For another example, Chen Lie looked at the driver. After watching for a few minutes, he knew how to drive this modified car with bulletproof effects.

Everything feels so beautiful.

"Mr. Chen!"

"Mr. Chen!"

Wei Hanchao seemed to be asking Chen Lie a question, but Chen Lie, who was distracted, was immersed in the system and ignored it.

Fortunately, Chen Lie is not too confused.


Chen Lie looked at Wei Hanchao who was checking the bullet in a daze.

Wei Hanchao replied: "Mr. Chen, don't get out of the car without my order."

Chen Lie asked: "Are you going to ambush the enemy?"

Wei Hanchao nodded and said: "Yes, if the enemy does not have military drones, then we can ambush them in reverse. Moreover, it is too open and it is not a good place to ambush at all, but we are going the other way. Kill them by surprise."

"Good strategy."

Chen Lie knew what Wei Hanchao was worried about, and said, "Give me a gun!"

Wei Hanchao simply handed a heavier pistol to Chen Lie, reminding him: "Be careful, it is modified and more destructive, but it has a stronger recoil."

"The pistol is not very powerful."

Chen Lie asked, "Give me a sniper rifle. I can shoot accurately."

Chen Lie had been exposed to guns and shooting briefly before, and his abilities were fairly good.

Now that I have learned some of Wei Hanchao's skills, I am more confident.

Wei Hanchao apologized: "Sorry, the sniper rifle has an owner, and they are all re-made personal items."

"Well, it's hard for me to be strong."

Chen Lie can only accept reality.

But accepting to accepting, Chen Lie would not sit and watch him fighting while he was watching a play.

He already has a preliminary plan in his heart.

Just wait for the enemy to come.

Several of the weakest fighters drove forward, trying to roll up the dust as much as possible.

But in fact.

The six most elite members of the team are already in ambush on both sides of the road, and Chen Lie, the first sniper in the team, and a young fang warrior who seems to be not even 20 years old are in ambush on a hidden high post. Watching the battle from afar.

"what's your name?"

Chen Lie was extremely bored and asked the young Fang warrior's name.

As for the first sniper in the fangs, Chen Lie already knew him.

He did not tell Chen Lie his real name, but reported the code name:

Tiger hunting.

As the name suggests, that means either he will not be dispatched. Once he is dispatched, the enemy must be of the tiger level.

"Mr. Chen, you call me A Tu!"

Atu replied: "The title is easy, but it is difficult to get recognition from others. When I have a title in the team, I will tell Mr. Chen honestly."

"it is good."

Chen Lie didn't mind.

He knew that in Fangs, there were only four people with titles.

Wei Hanchao and Hunting Tiger are two of them.

To achieve this point, it is definitely the king of soldiers.

I have to say that Ah Tu's ambitions are really big.


Hunting Tiger yelled cautiously and went directly into the fighting state.

Ah Tu is no longer nonsense.

Although his responsibility was only to be an assistant to hunting tigers and to protect Chen Lie by the way.

But I dare not take it lightly.

As for Chen Lie, he looked into the distance with a military binoculars curiously.

This is a team.

A fleet of larger than Fangs approached from far away.

They have two fully loaded off-road vehicles, a modified armored vehicle, and two field motorcycles with excellent off-road performance.

Every year, off-road vehicles are equipped with heavy machine guns, and the modified armored vehicles have a tank-like muzzle.

Judging from the pure lineup, they are indeed very strong.

At least in number, it exceeds Fang.

"Fortunately, it was an ambush."

Chen Lie was glad to see it.

The nightmare convoy drove very fast.

They really thought they caught the fangs tail, and they could catch it quickly.

But I don't want to be in the middle.


The nightmare convoy is about to approach the trap area.

No accidents.

Even if the nightmare team feels abnormal, they are too late at their speed.


The off-road vehicle that opened the road crashed into the mine and exploded.

The nightmare team all braked suddenly.


Tiger Hunt fired the first shot.

This time it was terrifying. The two people on the field motorcycle that had just closed the brakes were directly pierced by the sniper bullet.

The two went to meet their god together.


Because of their sins, they should meet Satan.

At the same time, dense bullets and howitzers raided together.

The four people on the off-road vehicle were killed directly by the three machine guns.

The howitzer simply blew up the modified armored vehicle.

But nightmare is a nightmare after all.

After losing more than half of them in an instant, they escaped from the armored vehicle, using the huge body of the armored vehicle as a cover to counter the fangs.

Especially the two people in the second motorcycle that occupies the ground, they jumped into the bushes on both sides for the first time, and disappeared together.

"Tiger hunting, ignore the armored vehicles, just find us the two field motorcycles."

Wei Han felt deeply that the two were a scourge, and immediately changed his tactics.

This time they came with Tuan Mie each other.

If one is missed, it will be a never-ending trouble.


Tiger Hunt responded and began to adjust his direction, but at the same time he ordered Atu to: "Atu, protect Mr. Chen, I suspect that the two escaped will attack us."

If you don't get rid of the snipers, none of them will have to live.


Atu did not answer because he was stupid.

The reason why Ah Tu is stupid is also very simple: Chen Lie is not around.

"damn it!"

Hunting Tiger, who discovered the problem, cursed: "How did you protect Mr. Chen? Being expelled from Fangs is the lightest!"

Ah Tu was also scared of shock now.

He didn't talk nonsense, and followed the trail left by Chen Lie to kill.

What is Chen Lie doing?

It's simple.

He encountered a field motorcycle rider.

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