The pet king of the city

Chapter 758 I'm Back (Part 3)

"I rub, the level 5 [Zhuniao Bloodline] has the weird power to paralyze people, but it costs more than 100,000 fans, which is too expensive."

"And this, Level 5 [Demon Fox Bloodline], its magic sound can charm and confuse the enemy. It is terrifying, but it is not suitable for flying birds."

"Too much, this bloodline can make people lose mind, that bloodline can make people frantic, but none of them are bargains. For the power of Bailing's bloodline, should I spend my most precious discount card?"

Chen Lie hesitated.

Chen Lie had one of the most precious cards, which he never used.

That was the 50% off card he got in the first draw.

This card has no level and use time limit, it is rare among the rare.

At that time, the system also said that the probability was extremely low.

So Chen Lie has been reluctant.

Calling him to spend here now is really not cost-effective.

You should know that Chen Lie intends to use this 50% discount card to save hundreds of thousands, even millions of fans.

"Forget it, I can only bear it."

"It just so happens that a prank sonic cannon was sealed, and the price is very low."

Chen Lie bought it without thinking.

Even if it is sealed, even if the price is already low, its value is still more than 1,000 fans.

Because its original price is more than 10,000, which is close to 20,000 fans.

It is a level 5 micro technology item.

It can be hidden in the mouth and burst out through special pronunciation.

Because the original intention is a prank, it can be changed according to various pronunciations. It can send out a stern ghost or a terrible tiger roar. It can also record various sounds set by the buyer in advance, such as letting the dog at home emit a lion The roar of the hamster makes the hamster sound like a snake. In short, it is full of mischief.

And because the surface of the object adopts the latest biotechnology, it can directly enter the skin and scales. If you want to use it, you only need to send out an induction signal. The biotechnology will tell the wearer’s face to evolve a match that is difficult to detect by the naked eye. Biological masks.

This mask is a prank sonic cannon.

Because this gadget is both interesting and full of technology, the seller also provides a variety of audio for free, and even provides special upgrade templates.

Therefore, this kind of prank technology is popular for a while.

But also because of the level of mischief, many people had accidents because of the mischief. In the end, this thing was completely rejected.

Its sales also quickly dropped from heaven to hell.

The price has dropped from nearly 20,000 to more than 1,000. No one wants it and has to be sealed.

"Upgrade to attack template!"

After Chen Lie purchased it, he paid decisively to upgrade to the strongest attack template.

This template is the real sonic cannon.


Chen Lie yelled, and Bai Ling responded.

"Stand still, I'll give you something good."

Before Bailing asked, Chen Lie asked Bailing to stand in place.

Bailing, who has a perfect rating, doesn't doubt Chen Lie's actions at all.

Chen Lie came to Bailing and stuck a biochip only the size of a rice grain to Bailing's mouth.

When the biochip was put on the mouth, it was "melted" into Bailing's mouth with Chen Lie's final password, and it was very fast.


"hurts a little!"

Braun called out.

Chen Lie reminded: "It hurts for a while, it's all over."

Bailing asked: "Master, what did you do to me?"

Chen Lie did not answer, but instead warned: "I gave you a weapon. From now on, apart from cooperating with our practice, this weapon must not be directed at any of us, but at the enemy, you know?"

"Know it."

Braun immediately agreed.

When Chen Lie heard this, he said more seriously: "I know your black-bellied character, so if you hurt yourself with this weapon, I will not only deprive you of this weapon, but also beat you into the cold palace. Do you know the seriousness of the matter?"

"Got it."

Braun didn't dare to laugh again this time.

Chen Lie said that he went into Leng Gong, and he absolutely ignored him.

It dare not challenge Chen Lie's prestige.

But because of this, I was even more curious about what kind of weapon could make Chen Lie nervous.

"This weapon is called [Prank Sonic Cannon]. As the name suggests, it uses sound to attack the enemy's cannon."

"Its maximum power cannot be tested yet, but the maximum power of the normal state can stun people on the spot, and the weapon state must be even more terrifying."

"And you can simulate all kinds of roars, such as the roar of the fierce tiger, or the howl of the rice bucket, etc."

Chen Lie then gave the full details of the weapons.

a long time.

Chen Lie didn't want to waste time drinking water when he spoke, and asked decisively: "Have you remembered all of them?"

"I remember it all."

"Haha, I will also have lethal weapons in the future!"

"I'll find some nasty guys to try the power of the sonic cannon!"

Without waiting for Chen Lie's reply, Bai Ling fluttered away.

Chen Lie shook his head and smiled bitterly.

In Bailing's heart, there are many hateful guys, and even A Bao, who has been in love with brothers in the past six months, is also a hateful guy.

But with Chen Lie's strict order, I believe Bailing will not know it.

Sure enough.

Bailing quickly verified what a sonic cannon is on a crow who likes to steal purple bamboo shoots.


The lion roared with the largest amplitude at close range, and the crow was directly stunned to the ground.

Twitched a few times and stopped moving.

The crow was roared to death.

"I also want!"

"I also want!"

The Blue Crown looked fiercely.

This guy's current intelligence is not bad.

But because he didn't have Bailing's natural ability and original foundation, he could only be a little brother.

But the younger brother also has a heart to be the boss.

What's more, the weapon that Braun got this time is so NB, why is it not eager.

Chen Lie replied with a headache: "Blue Crown, just have the protection of Bailing, why bother."

"I want to be strong too!"

"I don't want to be a decoration."

The Blue Crown was very clever this time, and said something that Chen Lie couldn't perfuse.


"But I won't give you duplication of functions."

"Your sense of existence has always been weak, I have to give you some explanation this time..."

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