The pet king of the city

Chapter 759 Sleeping Thorns (4th)

Chen Lie thought for a while, and finally gritted his teeth: "Forget it, your sense of existence has always been weak, I have to give you some explanation this time."

"Level 4 bird of paradise blood, worth more than 10,000 fans. The blood of this bloodline can heal injuries, but unfortunately there is no upgrade if you exchange it. That is, the race limit is only level 4, which has no potential at all."

"Level 3 Burst Eagle bloodline, worth more than 5,000 fans. After you redeem this bloodline, your physical fitness has skyrocketed. Your plumage is extremely tough, and it can easily hunt tigers and lions. It is a natural fighting race; and this bloodline has good room for improvement. ."

"Rainbow bird bloodline of level 2 is worth more than 900 fans. It is born with a disorientation ability. The higher the level, the stronger the distraction ability. Level 4 can interfere with the will of the beast, and level 5 can instantly control the ordinary beast, up to 7. Level with great potential."


Chen Lie listed a lot and read a lot of words, and finally said: "You choose your own choice and decide your own way forward."

Chen Lie only gives more practical bloodlines below level 5, and all those fancy pedigrees are screened out.

"Burst Eagle!"

"I want to burst the eagle blood!"

The Blue Crown thought for a while, and unexpectedly made a choice that Chen Lie did not expect.

Chen Lie thought that Blue Crown would choose the super-potential bloodline like Rainbow Bird.

Chen Lie asked: "Why did you choose this?"

"Bailing just has weapons, and his body is still very weak."

"The Burst Eagle bloodline can protect it."

After the Blue Crown finished speaking, he finally added: "And I want to be an eagle. I think being an eagle is very powerful."

The intelligence of the Blue Crown has fully grown, although it is weaker than the Braun, who has not reached the limit, but the intelligence is almost the same as that of a 7- or 8-year-old kid.

At least I have understood the choice, know the basic right and wrong and interests.

"You are a parrot of a parrot, not an eagle."

"Forget it, since you choose this, then I will fulfill you."

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense and exchanged directly.

No one sees it here anyway.


Blue Crown fell asleep groggyly.

After Chen Lie placed the blue crown, he came to the farmer orangutan who was transplanting purple bamboo.

Chen Lie saw that there were actually two layers of surrounding walls, and they were very far apart, and asked, "Farmer, why did you make two layers of walls?"

The farmer orangutan shook his head and pointed at the sleeping Bacchus.

"Bacchus' idea?"

Chen Lie was a little puzzled.

He looked carefully at the two walls.

Both walls are thorny walls inspired by natural traps in the Congo rain forest before Chen Lie.

This is not an ordinary thorn, but a super plant in the system:

Sleeping thorns.

Its effect is simple.

That is usually just ordinary thorns, even if it is stabbed, there is nothing wrong with it.

But once you feel the maliciousness of the person touching the host’s house, the thorns will wake up, and the thorns all over the body will add a strong hypnotic toxicity. Even a strong bull will exert its strength and fall asleep within 3 seconds. Not to mention ordinary humans.

There is a tendency that if you don't let me sleep, I let you sleep.

This magical plant cost Chen Lie a lot of fans.

Fortunately, he has a farmer orangutan and a large number of breeding materials, so he can breed two walls in a short time.

"can not understand."

Chen Lie, who was puzzled, directly lost an appraisal to the first wall.


He got it.

"It turns out that the first wall of thorns is child thorns, while the second wall is parent thorns."

"The child thorns must feel malice in the mother thorns before they emit hypnotic toxins. The mother thorns are on the inner layer. Once they feel it, they become a double-team and blockade posture."

"Basically all fools who break in hastily become trapped beasts."

"Good insidious design, but I like it!"

Chen Lie applauded this design.

"But the enclosure is a bit big."

"Hey, I know that we need a lot of ginseng fields and let the purple bamboo grow into forests. The land required is very exaggerated and can't be obtained with money."

"Forget it, that's the end of the matter, I can't care about that much."

Chen Lie strolled around with sighs.

The scope of the Grand Paradise has increased many times from the beginning, and now it can be called a manor.

But Chen Lie didn't want to be too high-profile, so apart from the most central villa, there were really no human buildings.

Surrounded by purple bamboo forests, during the period when the hills and built trees are erected, the surrounding streams are surrounded, and there are farmland dotted in the distance, so it looks full of natural atmosphere.

Ever since.

Chen Lie feels sitting under Jianmu, slowly admiring everything here.

Abao is choosing ingredients, the rice bucket is sleeping, and Bailing is testing the sonic cannon.

Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard seemed to be stimulated, and no longer had the indolence they had before. They either trained very carefully or honed their skills among the trees.

The farmer orangutan is still so industrious. It wakes up first and goes to bed at the latest every day, and is still carefully caring for a Tianxiang flower that was accidentally bruised.

The most interesting are the squirrels.

The genius squirrel actually teaches the housework squirrel triplets Xunleiquan, and they beat them in a decent way.

Chen Lie finally looked at the fierce tiger who was practicing.

"Breathing is natural."

"There is such a natural taste of mentoring."

Chen Lie looked at the fierce tiger, feeling a little in his heart.

"Now that Jiaojiao can train with her except me, and I can't stay here forever."

"It seems I have to think of a way."

Chen Lie entered the system mall naturally after thinking about it.

"Level 5 permissions, you can buy items of level 5, and you can exchange something with level 5 customers."

"But the most exciting thing is the opening of the trial field."

The trial field is a place where people can compete and solve grievances.

However, it is said that there is also a phenomenon of gambling here. Although it is not recognized by the system, there are policies and countermeasures. Smart people can always find loopholes that the system cannot take care of to play.

"It's just that the proving ground is only open to level 5 customers. Customers below level 5 can only be paid spectators unless they are brought in."

"And I need some more..."


A spark burst out of the sky, interrupting Chen Lie's thoughts.

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