The pet king of the city

Chapter 763 Bacchus Awakens (3rd)

In order to defeat the imprinted giant snake without special abilities, the fierce tiger took a lot of effort, increased the speed to the extreme, and succeeded with unique tricks.

The flame demon wolf is the top of the 6th level battle pet.

Both physical strength and special abilities completely suppress the fierce tiger.

If there is a win-loss ratio, then the flame magic wolf's winning side is 7, and the draw is 2.5, and the remaining half is the winning side of the fierce tiger.

Therefore, the fierce tiger can be said to have no chance of winning.

Don't want the fierce Jiaohu to create a miracle.

"I still underestimate you, Jiaojiao."

Chen Lie patted the head of the fierce Jiaohu, and sighed: "You are underage, at most you are a young man, not even a young man. But your combat potential has surpassed your peers, even Beyond the rice bucket, it's only a bit inferior to Baxia."

The potential under the hegemony is completely cheating.

The bloodline power of the initial 7th level, coupled with the growth rate against the sky, is really exaggerated to no friends.

But Fierce Jiaohu did this step purely on his own.

More worthy of praise.


The fierce Jiaohu was very proud.


Chen Lie gave the small half pot of fairy spirit wine he brewed to Yan Jiaohu, and said, "Here, this is your reward. Promote it well."


Fierce Jiaohu was so excited.

However, it later thought that this was the only inventory in the last few days. If it drank it by itself, Chen Lie didn't have it.

Ever since, it returned the jug to Chen Lie.

"My Jiaojiao has grown up too."

Chen Lie sighed.


A figure jumped down.

It is Bacchus.

It successfully completed the bloodline evolution, and its physical fitness improved by leaps and bounds.

The silver hair on its body is more beautiful, and the eyes are even more brilliant gems, which look particularly brilliant in the dark.

If this is the case, it's all right. The Bacchus, who used to be a little late, now seems to be a few dozen years younger, from the twilight to the middle age.

Its breath is at its peak, and it is not under the fierce tiger at all.

Such a Bacchus.

It's definitely not what it used to be.

Chen Lie directly checked the data of Bacchus.

Pet: Drunk Fairy Monkey

Owner: Chen Lie

Gender: Male. Sex

Lineage: Drunken Fairy Silver Monkey (special lineage, has evolved once)

Name: Bacchus

Age: 19 years old (completed transformation, life span is comparable to humans)

Favor: 100 points

Occupation: Winemaker

Specialty: Bacchus, Drunken Master, Drunkenness

Hobbies: I love wine and a free life

Hate: People who spoil alcohol

"Drunk Fist!"

"My Bacchus also has attack routines!"

"The data of Bacchus's body has skyrocketed, which can be seen from the life span."

Chen Lie looked excited.

How strong is Bacchus?

Chen Lie didn't know, but from its original 30-year life span, it has soared to be comparable to humans and one or two can be seen.

Chen Lie even suspects that the Bacchus at this time, the body data is more exaggerated than the farmer's orangutan who is born with supernatural power.

"It seems you feel good."

Chen Lie smiled and looked at the renewed Bacchus.

At this time, the Bacchus didn't have the exhaustion after a long time of evolution, and some were just vigorous enough to almost erupt the vitality.

This is amazing.

"I'm very good."

"It's better than ever."

Bacchus' movements are more fluid, and they are completely random, without the previous deliberate feeling.

At the same time, its breath suddenly converged.

At first glance it looks pretty much the same as before.


Chen Lie didn't expect Bacchus to have such an ability, he was amazed.

Bacchus laughed and said nothing.

"Today is a double happiness."

"Jiaojiao has already given a reward, and Bacchus can't leave."

Chen Lie thought for a while and asked, "I originally wanted to redeem and optimize ALZ-113 for you so that you could speak. But after thinking about it, I was afraid that it might be confused with your blood, so this idea can only be suppressed."

For ALZ-113, Chen Lie is still fresh in his memory.

It is not because it originated from "Rise of the Apes", which led to the destruction of the Apes world.

But because Chen Lie opened the system mall, the first thing he saw was that it was on sale.

"No need to!"

"Don't waste this money."

"When my bloodline power is promoted to level 6, I will be able to speak."

Bacchus actually replied with sign language: "If I want to, after hard training, I can speak simple human words in a few months."

"This time the change is so dramatic!"

"It makes me scream like a monster."

Chen Lie smiled.

He ignores monsters or monsters.

Can the evildoer be better than the evildoer

Bacchus also smiled and continued: "Master, the power of dragon blood fruit is too terrible, we can't miss it!"

"I know."

Chen Lie looked at everyone and said, "But no one seems suitable for the next bloodline evolution."

The bloodline of Bacchus evolved, and after the level was promoted, the originally high intelligence seemed to have improved, and his thinking was also very clear.

I saw Bacchus looking at Xiao Hei and Silver Leopard regretfully, and said: "War pets are the most suitable and need the support of Dragon Blood Fruit, but they don't have any special bloodlines."

"Yes, I think it is necessary to exchange blood for them."

"Unfortunately I have no money now."

Chen Lie spread his hands and expressed helplessness.

This is not pretend.

I spent so many fan points one after another, especially today I spent more than 3W fan points. Even a level 6 customer can't support such a consumption, let alone Chen Lie is only level 5.

Black and Silver Leopard lowered their heads in disappointment.

"Don't worry about it either."

"With my current accumulation, I can help you redeem a good bloodline in one month."

Chen Lie calmed down and said, "If you can afford to wait a little longer, you will definitely be able to find a first-class bloodline in half a year."

In the system mall, blood is the most expensive item.

Super pets with a special pedigree may have to increase their value.

Therefore, even with Chen Lie's exaggerated earning power, he has to accumulate for a period of time.

But Bacchus said: "In fact, you can now use Black Yuanhua to enhance the strength of Xiao Hei and Silver Leopard."

"I know."

"Hei Yuanhua can strengthen the muscles and bones and is the best material for body strengthening."

"If you sell it in the system mall, one flower can sell for hundreds of fans, which is more valuable than the spirit bamboo worm that eats level 5 spirit bamboo shoots."

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