The pet king of the city

Chapter 764 Breaking through the ring (fourth more)

"Hei Yuanhua can sell for hundreds of fans, which is more valuable than the spirit bamboo worms that eat 5th-level spirit bamboo shoots."

"But I won't be stingy with this."

Chen Lie said seriously: "I have focused on farming farmers on a large scale. It will take less than half a month for the supply to satisfy all people. As for now, priority is given to Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard."

Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard felt a little better now.


Chen Lie wanted to continue, but the fierce Jiaohu opened the game lock and pointed to the qualifying match.



Chen Lie shook his head and said, "No, there is a bonus for qualifying, but you have to win a good ranking."

Fierce Jiaohu patted Xiong, as if saying: Leave it to me.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but it's too much trouble."

Chen Lie still shook his head.

There are more than hundreds of millions of customers in the system mall, even if it is level 5, there are quite a few terrifying numbers.

Chen Lie did not know the specific figures.

But I believe there are no one hundred thousand and eighty thousand.

It’s hard to imagine the time it takes to break through so much.


Chen Lie also discovered a loophole because of this virtual scene.

There are many modes in the proving ground.

There are many types of singles, groups, qualifying, training, pass mode, grievance arena, etc.

Among them, the grievance arena is the bloodiest, and the pass mode is the darkest.

Because the entry mode was developed into a gambling ground by some people with ulterior motives.

Some people set up a ring in the barrier-breaking mode, using prizes as a bet and making a bet.

And some are also contracted to enter the ring to entice other testers to challenge, while the ring owner collects ticket fees to make a profit.

"What is the origin of this level 5 guy?"

"The opponent must be at least level 5, and you have to prepare your own 1000 fan value bet."

"But if you win, you can take away 10,000 fan-worthy bonuses."

Chen Lie was the first to see a very popular competition arena and was surprised.

He clicked in quickly, his expression even more weird.


The owner of this ring is a boxing orangutan.

And this time one of the top four in this year's anniversary celebration.

That's right.

This boxing orangutan was downloaded by Chen Lie and was defeated by the fierce tiger.

"It turns out that this ring is dependent on this super pet."

Chen Lie smiled as he spoke.

He turned to the fierce Jiaohu and asked, "Jiaojiao, what's your current state?"

Fierce Jiaohu said Chen Lie can rest assured.

"Well, let's make money."

Chen Lie didn't talk nonsense and evacuated everyone, and then led the fierce tiger into the trial field.

"In order to avoid being missed and retaliated, a certain degree of disguise can be done before the battle."

"This disguise will not affect combat effectiveness."

"Although many people are trying to gain fame, they all choose not to be easy. But my identity is a bit special, so I should change it first."

Chen Lie knew that the trial field had such a live broadcast taste.

It’s just that the anchor here is completely dependent on pets. Once a pet becomes famous, the anchor will benefit; and the more capable the pet, the higher the attention and the more money the anchor will make.

Chen Lie changed the fierce tiger into the most common bulldog shape in the system mall.

And he himself hides directly behind the scenes.

the other side.

The boxing gorilla's entry into the ring.

The prizes worth 10,000 fans are in the most conspicuous place, attracting many low-level guests.

10,000 points of fans are definitely an astronomical figure for low-level guests.

"Still no one?"

"My audience and I have been waiting for more than half an hour, but no one came to challenge."

"Invincible is so lonely. Is it?"

The owner of the boxing gorilla called furiously.

The teleportation array on the other side of the ring lights up.

The fierce tiger appeared.


"No problem, let me see your ranking."

"Hahahaha, the unranked spicy chicken dare to challenge the top four in the anniversary celebration! Haven't died!"

The owner of the boxing orangutan froze for a moment and shouted frantically: "Boxing orangutan, don't kill it in seconds, teach me a lesson about this guy who doesn't know anything."


The boxing gorilla madly hammered Xiong's mouth, and his fighting spirit was high.

"Boxing orangutan, blow up this bulldog!"

"Tell me this spicy chicken dog!"

"If you don't have a ranking, you dare to challenge the top four in the anniversary celebration. Are the newcomers so arrogant now?"

Those audiences all clamored.

Not a poor fierce tiger.

It is a pity that the fierce tiger does not need their pity.

Because they are stupid.


The salute went off.

The fierce tiger turned into a streamer:

Tiger King Cannon!

The boxing gorilla is known for his offense.

It never expected that a newcomer who didn't even rank would dare to attack itself.


The boxing gorilla punched out like a storm.


The storm broke, fractures sounded, and then its head exploded like a watermelon.

The battle is over.



The audience was silent.

The boxing gorilla who finished the ring stared blankly, without any response.

If it wasn't a trial field just now, but a real battle, it would have died too much.

"How can this be!"

The owner of the boxing gorilla directly hit the table.

It is a pity that Chen Lie and Han Jiaohu have already left with the bonus they have obtained, because they have already aimed at the second competition arena of the same type.


A few hours.

A passage began to circulate in the challenge area of ​​the system test field:

There is a disguised bulldog pretending to be a novice, learning to break through the ring below level 6.

This is not a message, a large number of fighting videos began to circulate like a plague, and quickly became a hot topic.

And what about Chen Lie as the victim?

He and Yanjiaohu withdrew from the trial ground.


"Unexpectedly, making money is so easy!"

Chen Lie couldn't help laughing when he saw that there were only a few thousand left, but now he has more than 30,000 fans.

They went all the way to the blood. They washed nearly 20 barriers.

I almost swept the 5th level challenge ring that was worth a little bit.

"Jiaojiao, you have done a good job again this time."

The extremely happy Chen Lie promised: "Come, come, whatever you want, I will promise you!"

Unexpectedly, Fierce Jiaohu had a goal long ago.

It didn't talk nonsense, just looked straight at...

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