The pet king of the city

Chapter 765 The Promise to the Fierce Tiger (5th)

Chen Lie promised that Ren Hanjiaohu chose at will.

And the fierce Jiaohu didn't have any nonsense, so he looked directly at the bottle of Shenling Wine.


"The ginseng spirit wine is all with you. It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. I can only be sorry for this."

Chen Lie was a little embarrassed, and immediately promised: "But don't worry, tomorrow I will let Abao, Bacchus, and Guicai help to open a few more ginseng fields and make more ginseng wine at the fastest speed. "

In the past, in Xiaoyuan, there was only one piece in the corner of Sam Tian.

Even ginseng can ripen wildly.

But it will take 3 months to gather all 100 mature ginsengs.

Now Chen Lie has turned his mind to planting at 10 times the scale, and believes that the future of Shenling wine will not be as scarce as it is now.

Fierce Jiaohu was not naughty, nodded, accepting this helpless fact.

The unwilling fierce tiger roared a few times, and Dionysus helped the translator and asked: "The fierce fierce tiger means, what should I do with the remaining dragon blood fruit?"

"I already know who to give it to."

"Jiaojiao, sorry, I can't give you this one."

Chen Lie explained and soothed: "Your recent strength has increased too fast, and it takes a period of integration and control. But I assure you that there will be a lot of dragon blood fruits next, allowing your bloodline power to break through again."


Fierce Jiaohu was happy.

Its bloodline power has evolved once, and if you want to evolve again, you can get a lot of dragon blood fruits.

Chen Lie's promise now means that the supply of dragon blood fruit will be based on it in the future.

"Seeing you are happy..."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly.

After the fierce tiger's bloodline evolved, it was considered a level 5 battle pet.

However, if the level 5 battle pet needs to be upgraded to level 6, it is not what a dragon blood fruit can do. At least 7, 8, or even 10 are needed.

He knew that the second advancement of the fierce Jiaohu would be very troublesome, but today he let it down twice in a row, and can't let it down for the third time.

Bacchus asked: "Master, who do you want to give the last dragon blood fruit?"


"It will be my secret weapon."

Chen Lie smiled, pretending to be mysterious.

Finally, Chen Lie patted the body of Yan Jiaohu and said, "Jiaojiao, rest early. Tomorrow I will take you to challenge the level 6 challenge ring. I hope they won't let us down."

Obviously, Chen Lie wants to replicate today's money-swiping rhythm.

It's just that the object is changed to a level 6 area.

Hearing that there is a strong opponent to fight, the fierce Jiaohu screamed with excitement and ran away happily.

Does the night end like this?

Do not.

Chen Lie still has one very important thing to deal with.

That was a certain gang boss named Hong.


The Hong boss named Hong Sheng has been bleached.

Not only a successful businessman, but also a well-known intermediary in the world, has contributed to many sensational transactions.

It is said.

Even certain consortia will ask him for help.

So Hong Sheng is no longer the boss of Hong, but Mr. Hong.

Hong Sheng is young and lives in a luxurious villa.


The butler saw Hong Sheng get off the car and came out respectfully to greet him.

"Daddy is back!"

Hong Sheng's little daughter ran over happily.

Hong Sheng, who had just returned home, was very tired, but he couldn't help showing a knowing smile when he saw his cute little daughter.

This little girl is not only beautiful, but also has a bold personality, which he likes most.



Hong Sheng's eldest daughter and son also greeted respectfully.

Hong Sheng nodded and asked, "Where is your mommy?"

The eldest daughter replied: "Mummy has a cold again and has rested."

"I'll go see her."

"You guys rest early, don't stay up late again."

Looking at the two children who also satisfied him, Hong Sheng felt a little pain in his heart, but he left in a stride.

Hong Sheng's grown-up daughter is not as beautiful as her younger daughter, nor is Hong Sheng's domineering, but she is the most stable person in the fake, and she has amazing academic performance, and she is very hot in the world. She is almost the perfect successor template.

It's a pity that she is female.

Hong Sheng, who has a very feudal concept in his heart, has always regretted why his eldest daughter is not a man.

As for Hong Sheng's son, he is equally proud.

But his arrogance is a bit different, he is a heroic hero, likes to be nosy and to be a man.

The son of a gang boss likes to be a chivalrous man, which is an extreme irony.


Hong Sheng came to his bedroom.

He saw that his wife had fallen asleep, but seeing the pale face made him feel even more distressed.

Those who are gangsters are lucky to have a home.

His kind of big brother is more dangerous.

Hong Sheng's wife happened to be downhearted when she gave birth to her eldest daughter and was hunted down by her enemies. Although she barely gave birth to her eldest daughter, she was at the root of the disease. Her body suffered a serious loss and she became ill at every turn.

And every time she gave birth, her body became weaker.

Up to now, I have to rest for at least ten hours a day. I can't do heavy work at other times, let alone be too hot or cold. In short, my body is extremely weak.

Hong Sheng thought of a lot of ways, and the century-old wild ginseng has also nourished a lot, but the medicine is still ineffective.


Seeing his wife in this state, Hong Sheng felt guilty for spending time outside.

"So you know how to feel guilty!"

An abrupt voice sounded in the room.

It's Chen Lie.

But it was not Chen Lie himself, but to talk to Hong Sheng through technology that did not belong to the earth.

"who are you?"

Hong Sheng did not yell, but asked with an expression on his face.

He knows that it is by no means ordinary people who can come here quietly.

"Two hours ago, you just finished happily with a little star, and you still have the smell of the other person on your body."


"You start to be a good husband when you get home?"

Chen Lie's voice was full of mockery.

"You follow me?"

Hong Sheng's heart tightened when he heard it, and asked coldly, "Who are you? I don't seem to have offended you, right?"

Although he likes to play stars.

But for the sake of his own image, for the rest of the stars, he always does it very secretly.

Basically, I leave it to myself, a confidant who has been with me for 20 years.

Never happened...

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