The pet king of the city

Chapter 766 I Can't Kill Your Family

I have worked with my confidant for 20 years and never had an accident, but this time it happened.

Hong Sheng didn't believe that his brother-like confidant would betray him.

There was only one explanation left: Chen Lie's degree of privacy completely exceeded their police circles, keeping them all in the dark.

"Don't be nervous, I want to kill you, today I have at least 15 chances."

"When you have nothing to do in the so-called company, when you watch a movie, that is an opportunity."

"When you meet the official surnamed He in the company, it is also an opportunity."

"When you went out to meet a little brother in the afternoon, you didn't even notice that there was a police eye on the opposite building."


Every word Chen Lie said was like stabbing Hong Sheng in the heart.

"In the past few years, you have taken care of yourself. Without your previous alertness, it's too easy to kill you."

Speaking of this, Chen Lie added the most important one: "Of course, you don't care about yourself, but what about your children? Maybe you still don't know, your little girl has a crush?"

"do not talk!"

Hong Sheng gritted his teeth and asked: "You don't kill me, so you can tell me that the law and order is looking at me, that is, you want to use me. If you have any instructions, just tell me, I will answer Hong Sheng knowingly."

"Talking to smart people really saves time."

Chen Lie let out a few hearty laughs and asked: "You have invited two idiot mercenaries to investigate me. It's time to tell the story behind the scenes."

"You are Chen Lie!"

Hong Sheng exclaimed.

Chen Lie asked back: "It was me, surprised?"

"Wrong, the whole world underestimated you!"

Hong Sheng was terrified.

Can you investigate yourself so clearly in half a day, and if there are 15 shots to kill yourself, will it be the simple character in the data?

"I'm so stupid."

Hong Sheng smiled sadly: "If you are that simple, then the Gemelia family will not come to me."

"The Gemelia family?"

"What is it?"

Chen Lie was stunned.

He thought it was some kind of consortium, the dark organization dealt with him, but he did not expect it to be a family.

Hong Sheng explained: "The Gemelia family is not a gadget, it is a very deeply hidden consortium-level family. The members of this family are very low-key and rarely appear in the public, but they secretly control more than a dozen international A well-known international group company, its invisible power is comparable to a medium-sized consortium."

"So that's the case."

"It seems we need to take good care of them."

Chen Liexie laughed.

Listening to Chen Lie's evil laughter, Hong Sheng couldn't help but shudder, and in his heart mourned for the Gemelia family.

"Your performance is good, even beyond my imagination."

Chen Lie said casually: "I originally wanted to include you as a bargaining chip. But now I have changed my mind. Even if a snake is cut off, it will bite people, let alone a middleman of your level. Keep it. You, a careerist who has no bottom line, may be beaten back in the future."

"Do not!"

"I'm very useful!"

Hong Sheng still wanted to struggle.

"Don't make trouble."

"We are all smart people, can you give yourself a step down?"

Chen Lie persuaded: "At most, I let you die quietly in your sleep, like an accident; and I promise not to hurt your family. Is this all right?"

"I know you must not accept it from the bottom of your heart."

"But it doesn't matter, you look at this and think about your own positioning."

Then Chen Lie ended the call, and Hong Sheng's cell phone had an additional information package.

Hong Sheng opened the information in a daze.

His face changed drastically just seeing the picture of the first document.

This is because he helped a certain Aojiang figure a favor and kidnapped the family of a certain Xiangjiang celebrity, and eventually killed the celebrity's son, and this celebrity also lost a very important equity qualification.

If things leaked out, he would definitely suffer crazy revenge from the celebrity.

Moreover, he helped outsiders and violated the bottom line of the industry that does not hurt his family. From now on, he will definitely be a mouse crossing the street.

And this is only the first information.

There are more below, more shocking.

If this information package leaked out, it would not be enough for him to die ten times, and even his family would suffer crazy and cruel revenge.

"Never divulge it!"

"I can die, but my wife and children can't have an accident!"

Hong Sheng was desperate.

He made a difficult choice in despair.

He wrote down a will and handed over a lot of shares, then dialed regular message calls to his henchmen, and finally took out his wife's sleeping pills.

Pour them all out, then swallow them in one bite.


He lay beside his wife, hugged, and then slowly closed his eyes.

Never woke up again.



Early the next morning.

Although last night, Chen Lie tossed till late.

But he only needed 5 hours of sleep to be full of energy, and he still woke up early.

And he rarely did not compete with the fierce Jiaohu today.

After all, playing so many games yesterday is enough.

And there are other plans today, so Chen Lie did not practice against the fierce tigers according to daily habits, but went out to sea early.

Naturally, going to sea is to find a master.

"Hey, I will not only bring you 3 pots of fairy gel this time, but also give you this."

Chen Lie took out the black yuan flower.

He didn't know that the black yuan flowers were all effective against the hegemon.

After all, the level of Ba Xia is too high, and the effect of Hei Yuan Hua is only for ordinary super pets.

After seeing the Hei Yuan Hua, Ba Xia immediately grew his mouth.

Chen Lie didn't talk nonsense, and poured all the black yuan flowers that had just grown into Ba Xia's mouth.

Although Heiyuanhua is boiled into a medicinal soup with other medicinal materials and soaked in water to strengthen the body.

But it can also be taken internally.

It's just that Hei Yuanhua has a small amount of toxins, which must be treated. Moreover, the effect of the treatment will be reduced a lot, so Chen Lie and the others did not play like this.

But Baxia is different.

It is a dragon, let alone a mere toxin, even if it is ten times stronger, it will not help.

Take a lot of poisonous black yuan flowers as hay chewing.

After eating for a long time.

Swallow the last bite.

Hei Yuanhua's strong muscles and bones made Ba Xia very comfortable, and he was so comfortable that he couldn't help but let out a trombone.

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