The pet king of the city

Chapter 767 Overlord's Level 7 Ability (Second More)

Long Yin.

Hei Yuanhua actually made Ba Xia comfortable to the sky trombone.

"I wipe it, like the legendary dragon roar!"

"You have become more and more powerful."

Chen Lie couldn't help sighing as he looked at Baxia's nearly 18-meter-long body.

If it weren't for approaching, Chen Lie couldn't really notice the slight pressure from the Ba's lower body.

This coercion is like a huge boulder. In the heart, people can't even breathe.

The most terrifying thing is that this is because Chen Lie is the master, and Ba Xia deliberately converges.

Chen Lie is very much looking forward to what will happen after he releases all the dragons.

"Well, guys, I'm going to draw some blood from you to do experiments."

Although Ba Xia is stronger than before, Chen Lie still looks the same. For fear of pumping too much to hurt Ba Xia's vitality, he continued to draw 3 test tubes of fresh blood.

There was another dragon chant.

It's just that this time the bark is low.

Chen Lie looked at Ba Xia in a daze. Did he not do anything just now?

But Ba Xia kept hitting the blood extractor with the dragon horns.

"Hey, this thing is specially made, and ordinary needles can't break your defense."

Chen Liesheng was afraid that the blood pump would be damaged, so he held it high, but the next moment he asked in shock, "Wait, don't you tell me to pump more?"

Ba Xia kept nodding.

Chen Lie asked, "Why? Don't tell me you are being masochistic?"

Ba Xia shook his body severely, expressing dissatisfaction.



Chen Lie was very curious why he suddenly did this.

But Ba Xia didn't know what actions he would use next, and his heart became fierce, closing his eyes.

Then Chen Lie felt a weird sound like the power of the system sound in his mind: "Master, it's me, there is too little food nearby. I think of hunting in other places, and I may have to leave for a while."

After this period of spiritual exchange, Ba Xia's face appeared unnatural.

It seems that its use of spiritual communication requires a certain price.

But this is not the key.

Chen Lie was surprised and asked, "Hey, when did you have this ability?"

Before Domination, he showed the natural water control ability of the water dragons, so Chen Lie was not surprised.

But this kind of mental communication that avoids language barriers is NB.

"Level 7 super pets can do it."

"Because of the level 7 super pet, the spirit and even the soul have completed their transformation."

Chen Lie remembered that Bacchus said he could speak at level 6 or 7, which was vaguely clear.

"Well, don't use your spirit to communicate, the load is too much."

"It's not too late for you to be stronger."

Chen Lie calmed down and got up.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered something he had forgotten.

He immediately jumped back to the yacht and brought a pot of tea.

Nourishing tea.

Level 6 super plant.

If you take it regularly, it can increase your mental power, and it can continue to work even when your mental power changes. It is a very rare level 6 super plant in the mall.

Chen Lie got this tea a long time ago, but he never paid attention to it.

Even if the tea was collected later, but because of its taste, the more it tasted, the bitter it became. In the end, it was so bitter that it could not be swallowed. Naturally, it was not liked by everyone.

Over time, it was shelved.

But now he needs mental power, this is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Ba Xia sniffed the opened tea can.

Then I was overjoyed.

If it weren't for the metal tea caddy, it would want to swallow it in one bite.

Chen Lie poured out a handful of tea and handed it to Ba Xia, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Ba Xia's answer was straightforward.

As soon as its tongue stretched out, the tea in Chen Lie's hand was rolled into his mouth.

But it does not swallow.

It actually contains tea leaves in a way similar to warm nourishment.

"I understand."

Chen Lie didn’t talk nonsense. He poured all the refreshing tea on his tongue and head, and promised: “There are so many refreshing teas. Next time I will bring you more. The black yuan flower can also be used for a while. It’s no problem to meet your needs after time."


Ba Xia is really happy this time.

Two breaths, unexpectedly called out two small tornadoes, floating in front of Chen Lie.

"Good for you."

The more he came into contact with hegemony, the more terrifying Chen Lie felt at level 7.

He knew that level 3 and 4 was a watershed of strength, and level 6 and 7 were also a watershed.

It's just that he didn't expect such a big difference in combat effectiveness between level 6 and level 7.

Take the tricky Inca giant snake, which is also amphibious.

Its combat effectiveness is systematically divided into 6 levels. If it is on land, the total of 3 Inca snakes is estimated to be unable to beat the invincible tyrants of the same level in the flesh; if it is changed to water, 10 Inca snakes can also be combined. Be abused and killed by the tyrant.

This is the real watershed.

"All right."

"You grow so fast, the food you consume every day must be exaggerated."

After Chen Lie had removed the fifth test tube of blood, he patted Pat Ba's body and said, "Go hunting in the Sea of ​​Japan or the Northwest Pacific."

Ba Xia nodded repeatedly.

Chen Lie then played with Ba Xia and watched it kill the Sea of ​​Japan.

"Go and make trouble!"

"The Sea of ​​Japan is one of the three largest fishing grounds in the world, and there is enough food."

"To make a mess there, that's what I want."

Chen Lie seemed to see the bleak eyes of Japanese fishermen and the gradual decline of Japanese fishing companies.



A few days later.

In the villa of the Great Paradise, Chen Lie walked out of the bathtub full of potions.


His bones were punched out with a set of thunder punches, unexpectedly making the sound of bones exploding.

And with the interpretation of Thunder Boxing, Chen Lie's breath became more and more prosperous.


Chen Lie hugs the moon, and all his breath is recovered.

He returned to the appearance of the usual good gentleman.

"For 5 consecutive days, three black yuan anther baths a day made my body stronger and stronger."

"I am now at least three points better than the reborn after taking Red Blood Fruit."

"I don't know if I can challenge like a fierce tiger."

After Chen Lie washed his body, put on his clothes and went out.

His current physical fitness is even more exaggerated than the fierce tiger.

But in terms of fighting skills, he hasn't created new fierce tigers one after another.

Except Tiger Emperor Cannon...

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