The pet king of the city

Chapter 770 Faster than a bullet (5th more)

"Black gun, kill him."

"Black Gun, end this boring challenge soon."

The supporters of the black gun in the audience began to shout, all thinking that the black gun was determined.

The fierce Jiaohu had long realized that the first shot was the gun of demonstration, so he chose indifferently, which led to misunderstandings.

"I can't respond this way, it seems I was too careful."

"Forget it, end early and rest early."

The iron-blood black gun was aimed at random, and the energy combo gun fired 4 shots in succession.

Fierce Jiaohu sensed that the energy bullets in front of him had blocked most of its dodge positions, but it casually bowed its head to avoid the headshot.

"The energy bullet is a little slower than the metal bullet."

Chen Lie felt it.

Not to mention fierce tigers born with beasts and direct.



Rush at full speed!

The fierce tiger with thunder step is so fast that only afterimages remain.

The fierce tiger who knew that the enemy was this kind of stuff attacked at full speed.


The energy bullet blasted to the ground, instantly melting the wide area of ​​the palm.

If this weapon hits a person, it is estimated to be an instant.


All 16 energy bullets on his face were avoided.


To be precise, the iron-blooded black gun couldn't keep up with the fierce tiger's moving rhythm at all, and every attack was an afterthought.

This scene stopped the audience's voice abruptly.

The cold light flashed.

The fierce tiger's figure finally flashed by the corner of the black gun's eyes.

It's not that he is slow to react, but that he can't keep up with the speed of the fierce tiger at all.

The battle is over.

When the iron blood black gun regained consciousness, he realized that he had lost.

"I'm dead?"

"How did I die?"

The iron-blooded black gun stood there with a dazed expression, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"What a joke!"

The people in the audience were stunned, completely unable to accept this fact.

None of them is a high-level tester, and it is impossible to imagine such a speed that only leaves behind shadows when running.

They just think all this is a dream.

Jagged Black Spear woke up and wanted to invite the other party to join the Jagged Alliance.

It's a pity that Chen Lie is gone.

Not at all nostalgic.



After the 7th game.

Chen Lie withdrew from the trial field.

"That's it for today."

Chen Lie was sitting under Xiaojianmu holding Hanjiaohu, fingers in claws, gently combing Hanjiaohu's smooth hair.

Fierce Jiaohu is also tired today.

He played 7 games in a row, two of which were difficult.

After all, they are all enemies with a face in the 6th level. Not everyone is as paralyzed as a battlefield rhino or an iron-blooded black gun, and they will eventually meet a tiger in the mountains.

The second hardest to fight is a fully-armed orangutan.

Exquisite fighting skills, super keen response, and bullets brought by armed forces can not penetrate the defense, making it difficult for the fierce tiger to start.

In the end, he could only fight for self-sacrifice, using the price of taking the opponent's punch and using the Tiger Emperor Cannon at close range to shake the opponent to death on the spot.

The most difficult one is a war leopard named Taro.

This war leopard also walks the path of martial arts, and is proficient in more than a dozen boxing techniques, and one of them is the famous 7-level martial arts [Burning Spirit Hand].

This competition with a reward of up to 80,000 points, attracted hundreds of thousands of people to watch the game.

In the end, if it wasn't for the fierce Jiaohu to forcefully break the burning spirit hand with a magical double lore, it would not be known who would die in the end.

"It was a hard fight today!"

"But the harvest is also very rich, I guess it will be difficult to play like today."

Chen Lie whispered.

A few days ago, more than 30,000 fan points were collected, but today, nearly 200,000 fans were looted in less than half a day, making Chen Lie’s inventory so rich that he wanted to laugh.

But also because of this, the existence of fierce tigers has attracted a lot of attention.

This is not.

Chen Lie has more than 100 invitation letters in the system mall's private messages, either from a certain organization or from a certain company. All of them sent generous overweight invitations to Chen Lie and Han Jiaohu, which can be described as Sheng Yiquan.

Among them, the Jagged Alliance has the most sincerity.

Because the leader of the Jagged Alliance invited Chen Lie out to meet in person, the treatment offered was also the treatment of a Level 7 trial.

"It's a pity that I have no plans to join any organization for the time being."

"Even if it's just advertising, it's done for me, and I have my own shop."

Chen Lie smiled leisurely: "Speaking of which, I used to wonder why mall customers like to support [Trialist], [Beast Trainer], and even [Human Beast Master], I finally understand now. Only enter the trial The refinery, contacting other mall customers and opening up their horizons, is the real pet master."

At this time.

Chen Lie found that the fierce tiger was actually asleep.

"It seems you are really exhausted."

Chen Lie felt a little pain in his heart, after all, it was the first time that Fierce Jiaohu became so tired.

The higher the level of challenge, the pressure is really not normal.

Chen Lie still underestimated the consumption, especially the spiritual aspect.

"Little Lie!"

Old Li and Ghost Eye are here again.

Chen Lie made a silent gesture, then put down the fierce tiger and went to greet him.

"bother you for something."

Lao Li said straightforwardly: "Didn't I tell you about Zhu Qian before? Recently, there have been rumors that I saw Zhu Qian and killed a herdsman."


Chen Lie didn't expect that Zhu Qian would suddenly come out, and still appear in this way.

But Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense, and asked, "Is there any evidence?"

"In the mountain pastures, where to find evidence."

Old Li replied: "Hey, look at this place. These are the footprints and battle traces taken by the police after the herder went missing."

Chen Lie took Li Laoliang's photo.

The footprints of a particularly large snow leopard are three times as large as that of ordinary snow leopards, or even more.

The so-called battle traces are also very exaggerated. One claw actually tore a hard rock, leaving three scratches more than 20 cm long and 4 to 5 cm deep on the rock.

This kind of combat power, even if it weren't for Zhu Qian, was of monster level.

Lao Li continued: "When we saw this, the first thing we suspected was manufacturing. But after our follow-up experts passed, after repeated tests, they determined that this was not man-made."

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