The pet king of the city

Chapter 771 Fire Beast

Lao Li continued the previous topic, and said seriously: "When we saw this, the first feeling we felt was suspicion. We thought it was a blindfold used by some people to cover up the truth. But after our follow-up experts passed, after repeated tests, they determined This is not artificial."

"That's interesting."

Chen Lie was really curious.

Lingyan added: "Xiao Lie, I don't know if you found it? The long-tailed leopard. This animal image has legends in many places. There are such images of beasts in the legends of the grassland tribes and Indian civilizations in Afpli Prefecture. Haven't you made a funny movie called "Tracking the Leopard Matthew"?"

Chen Lie asked: "What do you mean?"

Spirit Eye said: "I suspect that they are a species, once all over the earth, but then disappeared."

Chen Lie nodded, which is more supportive of this inference.

"Based on this information, I made some statistics and found an amazing fact."

At this point, Ling Eye stopped deliberately.

Chen Lie admitted honestly: "Well, I admit that I was tempted by you."

The spiritual eye is rare to arouse Chen Lie's interest, and he proudly said: "We have counted the images of many monsters and mythical beasts around the world, and found that there are many coincidental similarities. The similarities between the dragons and the long-tailed leopard are just one of them."

Immediately afterwards, Lingyan revealed a lot of information.

All are monsters and beasts that are similar to each other by coincidence.


Chen Lie also saw a photo of the fire-light beast, the monster of Shanhaijing.

Fire beasts, also called fire rats, live in volcanoes.

And this volcano is not the current volcano. In ancient times, it meant a burning forest and burning land.

The firelight beast should be very big, weighing a hundred catties; and the hair is close to 1 meter, thin as silk, especially water-absorbing, so it will die when it sees water.

Its hair can be made into the mythical fire cloth, if it is dirty, it can be cleaned by burning it with fire.

What's interesting is that the firelight beast's information does not come from China, but from Amai.

An expedition team from the country of Amai went to the southeastern Assi State to explore a special material that can prolong human life. They recorded and photographed them all the way, and they discovered and recorded the fire beast.

However, the Amai people didn't even know that this was the monster in the myth of the hot summer.

As long as it is a new species that has not been encountered before, it is so hastily published in the geography and zoology journals.

"This group of Amai people is very interesting."

"If they knew the value of the Firelight Beast, they wouldn't be so hasty."

Chen Lie mocked and put the information aside.


"Not interested?"

Lingyan was a little disappointed.

He also wanted to learn from Mr. Li and exchange peculiar animal information for Baixian Niang.

Chen Lie replied frankly: "I have a little interest, but I haven't completely determined whether it is Firelight Beast. It is also in Southeast Assi. I don't have the intention to verify it in person."

With a bright eye, he asked: "What if I send it to you?"

"A bottle of century-old brew."

"Not diluted."

Chen Lie's words made Lingyan's breathing short.

"I'll go and give orders right away."

Lingyan was too lazy to think too much, got up immediately and was about to leave.

"You, you."

"Now they are all obsessed with Baixian brewing."

Old Li looked at Lingyan speechlessly, his expression full of helplessness.

Lingyan asked back: "It sounds like you don't care about Baixianyang."

Old Li smiled awkwardly.


Elderly people, everyone can ignore longevity.


The rhubarb in the distance is chasing the rice bucket.

With a roll of sausage in the mouth of the rice bucket, he ran fast.

Wasn’t the sausage roll something Xiao Hei shared with Rhubarb?

"This guy is out of help."

"Forget it, just treat it as raising a rice bucket."

When Chen Lie saw this, he naturally knew what had happened and was even more speechless.

"Your bear is cute."

Lao Li doesn't mind that rhubarb's sausage is stolen.

"Cute, I can't see it at all."

Chen Lie said: "If I can't afford it, I want to throw it away."

Old Li smiled without saying a word.

It is also the farce of the rice bucket, the negotiation full of money just disappeared.


The atmosphere returned to normal, drinking tea and chatting.



"Are you really going?"

Ren Qing looked at Chen Lie who was packing up and saluting, hoping Chen Lie would shake his head.

But Chen Lie nodded back.

Gu Xiaoyu pursed her cute mouth and said, "Brother Lie, don't you think we have been in contact for more than a day since we came back to now?"

"It's not that I am cold anymore."

"But you are busy."

Chen Lie replied briefly, put the last things in his backpack, and prepared to go out.

Ren Qing and Gu Xiaoyu were shocked by the words, and they froze.

Liu Yifeng and Murong Qiuye didn't speak.

Chen Lie made it clear before that the sales of the pet store were handed over to them, and Liu Yifeng took Murong Qiuye to make the facade business better and better.

Just two people, the number of people dealt with every day is hundreds of times, and this is not even an order from the Internet.

It is truly commendable for them, a sister from Shanli with a low diploma, and a sick beauty who is still in convalescence.

So Chen Lie didn't say about them, and they didn't complain that Chen Lie didn't compensate them.

At this time.

The voice of online orders appeared.

Liu Yifeng rushed over to answer.

"Hire people!"

"Yifeng, you should recruit a few more elder sisters and teach them like Qiuye."

"But this time there is no room and board."

Chen Lie patted Liu Yifeng's head, who was answering Internet questions meticulously, and left.


"I will definitely recruit more beautiful women who love small animals."

Liu Yifeng answered loudly.

It attracted the attention of Ren Qing and Gu Xiaoyu.

Chen Lie walked out quickly.

Throw everything into the nanny car and do it in the shop.

Bailing and the newly awakened Blue Crown flew over and quickly got into the car.

This time he took Bailing and Blue Crown to go out.

It is a very rare cooperation.

Because of this, Bai Ling and the Blue Crown were too happy to be happy.

"Now I will not advise you not to go."

Ren Qing looked at Bailing and Blue Crown and said, "But is it really okay if you take them this time?"

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