Ren Qing looked at Bailing and Blue Crown and said, "But is it really okay if you take them this time?"

"What's the problem?"

Chen Lie looked at Ren Qing and asked, "Don't you see that they are different?"

"Except for a little less swearing, nothing else..."

After taking a closer look, Ren Qing found out: "No, the blue crown is at least a circle bigger than before, and it's a lot fatter, it looks like a male hen."

Blue Crown instantly collapsed.

Little hen.

A flying blue little hen.

What a funny scene.

But the blue crown has no way to explain, because after it has exchanged the bursting eagle bloodline, its body is expelling from the growing stage, and its feathers will quickly morph, but because of the size of the parrot, the rapidly increasing weight and morphing feathers will bring it It has a bloated visual experience.

"It's not just the blue crown."

Chen Lie shook his head.

Realizing that Ren Qing still didn't care much about the pets, she could only sigh.

After saying goodbye, he left.




Chen Lie took the Lingyan private plane and landed at a certain armed airport under the arrangement of Mr. Li.

Then took the helicopter from the armed airport to the mountain pasture where a herder was missing.

There are grasslands in the Tianshan Mountains.

You heard it right.

Tianshan Mountain relies on melting snow to form a magnificent Tianshan grassland. Moreover, it has a large area, abundant water resources and luxuriant pastures. Therefore, it has become the best natural pasture in northern Xinjiang in the hot summer.

Chen Lie hadn't set foot on the ground, looking down at Tianshan Mountain, his mind was completely shocked by the magnificent scene before him.

Mountains are endless, basins or dotted among them, and numerous glacial rivers are like long silver dragons lying in the gaps.

This alternate landform pattern forms a wonderful natural and harmonious beauty.

down to earth.

Chen Lie waved goodbye to the helicopter pilot.

And Chen Lie immediately sacrificed all his equipment and quickly opened the live broadcast.

"Hello everyone."

"My pet brother Chen Lie, this is Tianshan, welcome to the new phase of Tianshan Wilderness Adventure."

The appearance of Chen Lie quickly caused a gift frenzy.

Nothing works out and shouted: "Brother Pet, we have been waiting for your wilderness adventure for a long time."

"Needless to say, get the Rockets!"

It’s even more straightforward to release rockets when it’s okay. 100 rockets are used as a meeting ceremony. Finally, I ask: "Pet brother, why did you choose to be born this time? Is it a treasure hunt or an adventure?"

"No, this time it's an expedition to solve problems."

"Because I received a report of the disappearance of herdsmen, saying that the legendary beasts, Zhuqi, were born!"

Chen Lie showed a lot of information that could be released to the camera.

Moreover, Chen Lie also highlighted the traces left by Zhu Qian, such as footprints, claw marks on rocks and so on.


"Such a big leopard, has it become a sperm?"

"Isn't it artificial?"

There was a voice of doubt in the live broadcast room.

Especially those zoologists always feel that this goes against the common sense of zoology.

"I know a lot of people don't believe it, but it doesn't matter, we will know when we get to the scene."

"I will go to the scene now."

Chen Lie pointed to the surrounding empty grassland: "The water and grass here are fat, but since that happened, the herdsmen have not dared to come over."

The lens was returned to the ranch.

However, this remote but lush alpine pasture was empty, without a single animal, which looked very strange.

"Now I want to get there."

Chen Lie talked and moved forward.

It’s been a long time since I chatted with Chen Lie, it’s okay to release the rocket and ask: "Brother Pet, what would you do if the affairs of Zhu Qian are true? Go into the mountains and arrest, or search for the missing shepherd?"


Chen Lie said with a smile: "Although Zhu Qian is a sacred animal, it is not a protective animal. I may have a chance to take it."

"I rub, Brother Pet will really get into the law loophole."

"If Zhu Qians really exist, they are the national treasures among the national treasures."

"Brother Pet is on the road to death."

Chen Lie's hardcore corps began to familiarize themselves with the black rhythm.

Just talking and chatting, Chen Lie came to the edge of the mountain range.

That is, the side of the rock where the Lords are found.

"Look, everyone."

Chen Lie pointed to the claw marks on the rock and said: "As mentioned in the data, many experts have judged that this is not man-made. Think about what kind of power and claws are needed to get on the rock. Leave such a hideous claw mark?"

Many people express their opinions.

"The law and order also came before, and used mountain patrol dogs to hunt down."

"But as soon as the mountain patrol dog smelled the footprints, it flees with its tail sandwiched between them, making the tracking work completely dependent on manpower."

Chen Lie regretted: "But because the ice and snow are melting now, ski landslides may occur at all times. The search is extremely dangerous. After two people were injured, the search had to stop."

The queen drove to ask urgently: "Brother Pet, you don't want to be a guest on the hunter?"


Chen Lie said naturally: "I have super rich experience in wilderness survival, and I have enough equipment. I can find people to save people, and I can search for legendary beasts. This kind of work is very much to my appetite."

"Brother Pet, you have to be careful."

The queen drove to know that Chen Lie couldn't persuade him in this regard, so she could only hope that he would be more careful.


"Although I like adventure and pets, I am not too mentally retarded to make fun of my life."

Chen Lie smiled and passed by, and finally showed Bailing and the blue crown: "Here, look, I brought two assistants."

"I rub, why are two birds!"

"No, isn't that hen?"

"Bailing seems to be more beautiful than before, especially the feathers, I seem to see the luster!"

Sure enough, Blue Crown was ridiculed, and the attentive audience of Bai Ling, who often appeared on the scene, discovered the subtle changes after the evolution of the bloodline.

It's strange.

The fierce Jiaohu slept for 3 days and 3 nights during the first bloodline evolution. The Bacchus also slept for more than 3 days during the first bloodline evolution, and the Blue Crown slept for a little more than 4 days.

But Bailing, the weakest one, evolved the smoothest, and completed all the evolution after only one night of sleep.

But its evolution...

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