The pet king of the city

Chapter 773 The Confession

Bailing only slept all night to complete all the evolution, but its evolution is not very obvious.

Except that the body is a little bigger, the feathers are more beautiful, and the singing voice is more pleasing to the ear, there are almost no substantial changes.

This made Chen Lie think that bloodline evolution had failed.

But yesterday Bacchus and the farmer reported together that many plants grew better than usual, and the purple bamboo forest even grew more than a dozen purple bamboo shoots than usual. Only then did Chen Lie discover the power of Bailing's bloodline.

Promote plant growth.

This is the magical place of Bailing singing.

Although the strength of the promotion is not very obvious, it is undoubtedly a kind of victory to superimpose the miraculous effect with the spiritual soil and the fairy condensation.

However, due to tight time, there are not many tests.

And the ability of the blue crown has not been fully grasped.


Chen Lie brought them out this time, while testing their capabilities, while using their aerial capabilities to assist in the search.


Just between his thoughts, the snow at Chen Lie's feet suddenly collapsed.

He was led to move down the hillside.


Chen Lie jumped fiercely and jumped out of the snow.


Soon the snow hit the wall of another mountain and made a loud noise.

"Damn, what happened just now?"

"Is this a landslide? It's too dangerous!"

"Brother Pet, stop playing, my heart can't stand it!"

The live broadcast room exploded immediately.


"Just now it was just a small landslide. If it were bigger, I wouldn't be able to jump out."

Chen Lie just jumped at least 4 meters away, which is absolutely amazing, but everyone didn’t notice this at all, and Chen Lie was also deliberately diverting his attention: “The weather gets warmer and the snow melts. This often happens in spring in cold regions. The phenomenon. So I have to be very careful, a little carelessness may be buried."

Do not wait for everyone to marvel.

Chen Lie pointed to a higher mountain range and said, "Look, I will go up to the snow-covered area that never changes all the year round. The white snow is like a sea of ​​snow, so beautiful!"

"Brother Pet still has time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, admire it!"

"Brother Pet, please be careful, please."

"Is it a big heart? Or is it missing a muscle?"

Many people are speechless about Chen Lie's optimism.

But perhaps because of Chen Lie's infection, the sorrow that permeated the live broadcast room just now disappeared.

"Look at what I found!"

Chen Lie suddenly discovered that he was like a new north, and he rushed more than ten meters in one stride. When the camera was adjusted back, Chen Lie had an extra block of ice in his hand.

"Brother Pet has a problem with his head."

"The problem with the head upstairs!"

"Yes, he must have not seen the fish in the ice cube."

The fans immediately started making trouble.

Chen Lie smashed the ice fish quickly, and pointed to the frozen ice pond on the side, and said: "These fish are not big, but the pond is not so big. Last year, as the temperature dropped, the mountains left behind. There is less and less melted snow, and the pond is getting smaller and smaller, eventually causing the pond to freeze and become unable to withstand the attack of the cold."

"But the good news is that the melting temperature of the snow-capped mountains is very low, and basically no animals can survive."

"And there are fish here, which means that there is either a lake nearby as a transit, or there is geothermal heat to raise the temperature, which is good news for me."

Chen Lie knew that the fans did not understand, so he explained: "The cold melted snow water gathers in a low-lying area to form a lake. The formation of a lake requires a process. This stagnant process will absorb a lot of heat energy, making the temperature of the snow water gradually increase. Ascending, and then the lake overflows and then flows here is another process, so the water temperature here is suitable for biological growth."


"There is such a thing."

"The lake dries up during the dry season, the snow melts again in summer, and the lake comes out again, and when the lake overflows, many streams and ponds are formed. This is like a cycle."

Many people were said to be stunned for a while, but more people suddenly came over and marveled at nature's ability to cycle.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg."

When Chen Lie sighed, he had already smashed the ice fish out.

There are 5 in total, all of which are not very big, but enough to make a pot of delicious fish soup.

"It's hard to find food in the snow, and even harder in the snow mountain."

"But everyone, don't worry."

Chen Lie briefly explained: "Because I am here to save people this time, I naturally brought some spare supplies. I can use it at the most critical moment."

"Never worry."

"Never worry."

"Never worry."

"Never doubt Pet Brother's wilderness ability."

"Personally, I don't think this world is bothering my pet brother."

"Upstairs was wrong. It should be said that there are no living things in this world that cannot be included in the pet brother's recipe."

Chen Lie's hardcore seized the opportunity to joke.

This is a habit.

It's just that the formation this time has not been maintained.

"You continue to make trouble, I have to measure the height."

"Everyone, my place is a high mountain in the plateau, and the air is thin."

People from the plains, especially those from the Jiangnan water village, suddenly come to such a place, and often they will not adapt to it and may even be in danger.

But Chen Lie is a warrior who can use his breath.

According to Fierce Jiaohu, Chen Lie is now an ancient martial arts practitioner, let alone the Tianshan Mountains, even in the Himalayas, he will not suffer much disturbance.

"There is prey ahead!"

"There is prey!"

Braun suddenly turned back.

Chen Lie rushed over without saying a word.

It turned out to be a snow hare, but it ran very fast.

"Blue Crown!"

Chen Lie shouted.

The lazy blue crown that had been standing on Chen Lie's shoulders suddenly fluttered away.

Its speed is surprisingly fast.

It's even faster than the fierce Jiaohu using Thunder Step.

It was just a breath, and the blue crown came to Snow Rabbit's head.

After the parrot hits the sky, the male parrot catches rabbits.

It's just that this rabbit is about the same size as this parrot.


The sharp claws of the blue crown pierced the snow rabbit's neck and body completely. Snow rabbit just struggled, and accompanied by the blue crown's violent twist, he immediately died.

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