Snow Hare just struggled, the blue crown's paw twisted violently in Snow Hare's neck, and the pain and struggle of Snow Hare ended like a lightning.

Simply disappointing.


"It seems that hunting is an animal's instinct, even a vegetarian parrot can master it."

Chen Lie nodded straightly.

He thought that the Blue Crown was so clumsy, and even if the body was strengthened, it would not be much better. Now it seems unnecessary to worry.


Chen Lie caught the snow rabbit thrown by the blue crown.

"Not bad."

"Although it's been a winter, it's still fat."

"Its fur is very soft and beautiful, which is very suitable for cold-proof clothing."

Chen Lie took down the snow rabbit and took it with him.

In order to adapt to the snowy living environment in the cold winter, the snow rabbit will turn white in its coat color, and then return to its original gray color in summer.

But now, it has no chance to switch back.

And Chen Lie also had another white rabbit skin.

Just walked like this.

Climbed the mountain for more than two hours.

There seems to be no purpose.

In the end it was okay to put the rocket off and couldn't help but ask: "Pet brother, do you know where to go?"


"I'm going to the direction where the sun is falling."

Chen Lie replied, jumping over a hillside that didn't seem very stable.

"Don't pretend to be forced, now is not the time to pretend to be forced."

"Speaking of people, brother pet."

The fans are angry.

"It means literally."

Chen Lie replied briefly and ignored it.

But many gods are persevering, breaking the trend of asking questions in the end.

In the end, Chen Lie couldn't bear the sound of the reminder of the rocket, and could only explain: "If you want to live in such a harsh environment, the first condition is to avoid human vision. Otherwise, they will be early It was discovered."

"Although it is already a mountain, there are still signs of human activity."

"And the direction where the sun sets is to the west, where the mountains are backed by the sun. The snowy sea there is more majestic, but at the same time more desolate, it can be said that mankind is extinct."

It’s okay to release the rocket and still have doubts, and asked: "But even so, it's just that mankind is extinct, and it can't be said that there is suitable for the survival of Zhu Qian."

"My destination is above the snow line, deep in the snow sea. To live in such a cruel place, not only the body must have warm fur, strong cold resistance and hunting ability, but also highly developed blood distribution and breathing adjustment. Wait for the talent ability."

"I don't know whether Zhu Qian has these abilities, but I know Zhu Qian has, for two reasons."

Chen Lie knew that it was okay to release the Rockets and they would definitely ask the bottom, so this time they simply explained it clearly.

He listed the footprints of Zhu Qian and compared them: "Look, everyone, Zhu Qian's footprints are so big, but how deep? It must be very big, but with such a big body, the depth of the footprints on the snow is actually different from ordinary. Snow leopards are almost the same, you say, what is this ability?"

"Horrible light work!"

"My pet is observant."

Many people were amazed.

Chen Lie continued to add:

"Besides this, Zhu Qian's description in the Shanhaijing is: a human face, leopard body, bull ears and a single eye, long tail, and loud noise. He carries his tail when walking and crosses his tail when he rests. He is also called Fat Lang Shen , His animal power is infinite, and he is good at shooting."

"What do you see from these simple materials?"

In the midst of a sigh of relief, don’t confuse your appetite, Chen Lie murmured "really does not cooperate" and then explained: "The key lies in the four words [power is infinite]! For example, the elephant will never know. The trampling force when you run will shake the earth so much, and so on, do you think the infinite power will feel that they will run very hard?"

Everyone typed "no".

"But the footprints in the snow show that it doesn't exert too much effort."

"What does this mean?"

"It also means that its control of power is subtle. This kind of control must be matched with breathing. Sports majors should understand this."

Chen Lie's words still made many people understand.

But some sports students showed up and said: "I am practicing long-distance running, and I must have a professional breathing rate to complete such a long journey. The same is true for sprints, which have a specific breathing rate."

Everyone understands this explanation.

Simply put, it is a special breathing with a special footwork.

Obviously, Zhu Qian's breathing method is very high-end, allowing his heavy body to walk like flying in the snow.

"I'm going to enter the snow sea area."

"The most feared thing here is snow blindness, so I have to take some precautions."

Chen Lie did not waste time while talking.


A loud noise came from a distance like a flood that collapsed.

Chen Lie's face changed drastically, and he thought of a phenomenon:


"Not good! Avalanche!"

"Brother Pet, run!"

Countless people also woke up, everyone screamed.

In the face of natural disasters, no one thinks Chen Lie can resist.

But Chen Lie shook his head and said, "Don't be nervous, I don't have the strong vibration of an avalanche under my feet, so the avalanche is not on my side."

"Don't be silly! Find a place!"

"The loud noise of an avalanche will cause a chain reaction!"

There are still many people persuading, and what professors are persuading, among them Professor Wang.

"Thank you, everyone, if you care, you will be confused."

"Have you seen the mountain I chose?"

Chen Lie pointed to the mountain where he was, and explained: "There are so many snowy mountains to climb. I chose this one. Not only did I covet its gentle slope and make it easy to climb, but also because it had too much snow and a lot of snow. With trees as a barrier, the safety factor is much higher."

"Don't talk about it."

"Avalanche phenomenon is very common in snowy mountains in spring. Isn't it the second time today?"

"Oh, look, aren't you argali?"

Chen Lie saw the two frightened argali climbing the mountain frantically, coming in his direction, and he was immediately happy: "Look at the two argali, the two-meter-high cliff just jumped over, how awesome!"

"How do I feel that Pet Brother is commenting on his own food?"

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