The pet king of the city

Chapter 775 I'm Sorry

"How do I feel that Pet Brother is commenting on his own food?"

"How do I think Brother Pet is already planning how to cook these two sheep?"

"How do I think Brother Pet is ready to throw a knife?"


Needless to say, it is Chen Lie's hard-core fans who bring the rhythm again.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Lie decisively haha ​​this group of guys who fear the world will not be chaotic.

"Don't pretend, pet brother, we have already seen you through."

"Don't pretend, pet brother, we've seen you through."


Decisive is another wave of rhythm.

Chen Lie was too lazy this time.

Argali's senses of sight, hearing and smell are very keen, coupled with alert temperament, so it quickly escapes when there is a slight movement.

Now they clearly saw Chen Lie, but they still rushed over, showing how frightened they were.

"Is the avalanche really that big over there?"

"Could it be that their nest was broken?"

Chen Lie ignored the two argali that were already close, and instead walked in the direction of the avalanche.

Turning past the snow forest, came to the other end of the mountain, and decisively saw the dangerous avalanche scene.

At this time, there happened to be an argali with a slightly twisted horn, which was crawling out of the snowdrift.

Almost buried alive, it didn't immediately leave the dangerous avalanche site, but digged frantically on the spot, and soon dug out a small argali from inside.

have to say.

This little argali is really lucky. It has been buried alive for a short time and has not died.

The escaped little argali slapped the old argali intimately.

"Are these only a few?"

Chen Lie was a little puzzled.

Due to the poor living environment, argali often moves in small groups. Each group is not large, but there are at least 7 or 8, and there are more than a dozen.

The phenomenon of large groups of activities only occurs in no man's land with abundant water and grass.

I saw 4 in front of me, which was too small.

"Could the others be buried alive?"

Chen Lie looked at Old Argali.

The aging male sex argali is too large and clumsy to seriously affect life, often unable to eat, and eventually starved to death.

The old argali in front of me is a female argali, and the horns are not too big to affect life.

It saw the wound on the little argali and started to get up with its tongue.

This was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, and many moral emperors urged Chen Lie to save the sheep decisively.

But these people are basically scolded.

"It's best not to go to the avalanche site. Who knows if the place where the snow accumulates will be safe and if a second accident will happen."

Chen Lie briefly explained: "Besides, the old argali did not continue to dig, obviously no other argali have been buried alive."

But there is still a moral emperor who is not afraid of death and urges: "What about the little argali? It is injured. With such a primitive environment, I am afraid that it will not survive. Why don't you go and help me treat it?"


"Damn moral emperor, don't force me to flesh you!"

"What is your intention of urging Brother Pet to go to such a dangerous place for rescue?"

The live broadcast room was immediately filled with indignation.

The most authoritative Professor Wang also said: "It's just a small wound brought by Xueben, it doesn't get in the way; and the vitality of the small argali is super strong. In order to survive, they can stand upright for milk after the hair is dry. You can move with your mother in just a few hours, which is countless times stronger than humans."

Professor Wang's words shut up the moral emperors.

Chen Lie also hated these moral emperors, but he couldn't help it.

There are more than 10 million people, and there are all kinds of people. If they care about everything, Chen Lie will not be busy.

Since Professor Wang had a conversation with Chen Lie, he would not give up easily. He wondered: "It's strange, the surrounding mountain terrain is the kind of avalanche that doesn't happen at will, why this time suddenly half of the mountain is gone? "

"Who knows."

"Maybe the damage caused by the argali fight is too loud, the sound is too loud."

Chen Lie replied carelessly and moved on.

When the argali fights, the action is very violent. The huge horns collide with loud noises. People can hear the huge horns crashing from the other side of the mountain on the hillside. If you look at the battle site, you can also see the surrounding mountain walls. Marks on the impact, and many scratches, even broken and broken, can be seen on the male argali horns.

The horns of the argali can leave marks even on stones, showing their powerful destructive power.

"Haha, look everyone!"

Chen Lie walked out for more than an hour and found something.

Claw marks.

It's another hideous claw mark.

"I chose the correct route."

"The place where Zhu Qian lives is definitely far away from the crowd, and even breathing requires skill in the Xishan area."

Before Chen Lie came to the stone wall to check the depth of the claw marks, his steps just stopped in the air.


He saw the body.

That is the mutilated body of the herder.

Chen Lie quickly moved the camera to the other side of the mountain wall before he could only see it, and before the camera followed him to the bloody scene.

"Everyone, I found the herdsman, but it's bad news."

"In order to avoid irritating everyone, I need to temporarily close the live broadcast, I hope you forgive me."

Chen Lie turned off the live broadcast amidst the noise.

The death of the herders is extremely miserable.

Except that the head was kept relatively intact, the body was eaten up, and there were broken limbs everywhere.

The scene was hideous.

"Food in the snow mountain is scarce, and any food is precious."

"But there are still so many fleshy wrecks left, either because this is the place of Zhu Qian, or because Zhu Qian left a strong breath here to scare away other carnivores."

"No matter what the reason is, it's dangerous."

Chen Lie frowned and looked left and right.

Not to mention, it found many traces of Zhu Qian.

With these traces, he has accurate tracking direction again.

Chen Lie took a footprint measurement and found that after a full meal, Zhu Qian's footwork was not as light and agile as before, and his footprints were also much deeper.

So he immediately shouted: "Bailing, Blue Crown, you search nearby mountain roads where giant beasts can move, or there are signs that giant beasts have moved."

Bai Ling and Blue Crown fluttered away immediately.

Not long.

Braun and Blue Crown bring good news.

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