The pet king of the city

Chapter 776 The Secret

Braun and Blue Crown bring good news:

Zhu Qian moved towards the sea of ​​snow in the northwest.

Although Bailing and Languan do not have the sharp noses of Xiaohei and others, their high-altitude advantage is not possessed by other pets.

Here in the sea of ​​snow in the sky, sometimes the high-altitude vision is more direct than the breath that is often covered by snow.

Reopen the live broadcast.

Not only did the number of people in the live broadcast room not drop, but it increased a lot.

"Everyone, especially those who are concerned about the safety of herdsmen, I have to tell you a sad news: the herdsmen have been eaten by Zhu Qian to their heads."

"Now I am leaving here and hunting down the cannibals."

"The following may be a dangerous and long journey, but I believe my ability will definitely teach Zhu Qian a profound lesson."

Chen Lie continued to set off after speaking.

Although it’s okay to release the rocket, he’s not a fool, so he hurriedly persuaded: “Pet brother, you still don’t take the risk. This is someone’s place. You said it so badly before, and you were a little bit dead in the past. The suspicion."

The queen didn't even bother with the stupid wording of releasing the rocket when she drove, and then reminded: "Pet, it's better to wait for other search and rescue personnel and bring weapons. This might be safer."

"Weapons, I have them too!"

Chen Lieliang produced fake fish intestines, flying knives and other weapons.

In fact, he also hid a self-protected hole card, but the reason why the hole card is a hole card is a secret, and he will naturally not expose it at will.

The queen drove to persuade me bitterly: "Pet brother, don’t make a fuss, what kind of weapons are these? If you are carrying weapons, even if it’s a crossbow, then I won’t say anything. But these, I guess it's not as sharp as the claws of the kings."

"If you really care about it, then you are confused."

"Forget it, I don't want to explain too much."

Chen Lie waved his hand.

There are too many explanations for these things, and they are all meaningless talks, meaningless.

"After Zhu Qian ate the herdsmen, his weight increased sharply and his footsteps were not as light as before, so he left many signs."

"For example, if it is normal, it will definitely not break this branch."

Chen Lie pointed to many trails and hurriedly chased them.

Follow the habits of snow animals.

After eating full, most of them choose to go back to the nest and rest for a period of time to reduce physical exertion.

For example, polar bears will sleep to store energy after they are full, so they have the term summer sleep.

With the information currently synthesized by Chen Lie, Zhu Qian will have a long rest.

This is his chance.

Chen Lie's footsteps inevitably moved much faster.



Perhaps Chen Lie's bad luck passed, and the journey that followed was extremely smooth.

Or perhaps the higher the temperature, the lower the temperature, which corresponds to the fact that the ice and snow are relatively stable, and the avalanches and other phenomena encountered before have not appeared again.

Chen Lie walked like this for a day.

A day in the snow-capped mountains and the snowy sea that went well inexplicably.

Snow sea.

The reason why it can be called Xuehai is because the snow is so magnificent that there is no end in sight.

In Tianshan, it is not difficult to see such a scene.

At least Chen Lie had encountered at least 4 seas of snow in the past nearly two days, two of which he personally traversed.

"Strange, Zhu Qian live so far?"

It's okay to let the Rockets look bored and ask questions.

However, Chen Lie replied: "If you live far away, you will survive till now."

Greentown Old Wang sighed: "Yes, if it weren't far from human vision, it wouldn't be able to live until now."

It's okay to set the rocket and wonder: "But why does it hunt so far away? It's scary to think about it after running two days to eat once."

For lazy people, let alone walk for two days, even two minutes will feel far away.

"It's not that you haven't seen the desolation of the mountains, snow and sea."

"A large swath of snow and sea, many times you can't see a living creature. It's hard to hunt in such a harsh environment."

"Furthermore, we humans walk for two days, one day is enough for Zhu Qian."

Chen Lie is not aimless.

The sacred beasts like Zhu Qian are extremely exaggerated just by their jumping ability.

For example, before encountering a snowy cliff, Zhu Qian could jump over with all his strength, but Chen Lie had to use his breath to jump over, and ordinary people had no other way but to change their way.

Another example is a steep mountain cliff. With its powerful claws, Zhu Qian can climb up in a few minutes, but Chen Lie will have to spend half an hour.

If it is an ordinary person, then you can only look at Ya and sigh.

There are countless examples of this kind.

"But being so far away, every hunt is troublesome."

"If it's me, I would rather settle down in the high mountain grassland."

It's okay to put the rocket quickly into his emotions.

"Fortunately it wasn't you."

Chen Lie joked: "Otherwise, there would be no legendary beast like Zhu Qian in this world."

It's okay to put the rocket speechless.

"Be careful!"

"There is a big monster in front."

Bai Ling called out suddenly.


A giant beast even more terrifying than a tiger roar roared over.

The Blue Crown suddenly fluttered his wings, and looked at the camera of Xuehai with cold eyes, with a stern and fighting stance.

I don't know whether blood will affect personality.

The current Blue Crown does not have as much nonsense as before, and more often direct combat.

And this kind of fighting spirit is contagious.

"Bailing will also fight!"

The Bailing, who originally wanted to stealthily rape and play slippery, seemed to be infected by the blue-crowned Ling Xu's warfare intent, and turned on its sonic cannon, preparing to give Zhu Qian a ruthless heart.

"Coming so fast!"

Chen Lie saw the billowing snow dust at the end of the academy from a distance, and couldn't help but twitched his mouth: "Two days, enough for it to digest, it seems that it treats me as meat delivered to the door."

Chen Lie didn't use a throwing knife this time, and he didn't even take out a weapon.

The strangest thing is that he is shrinking.

Retreat to the side of the mountain.

"The soft snow sea is not suitable for me to fight at all."

"If I want to use my full strength, I must be on a solid ground, even if I slip a bit, it's fine."

The snow in the mountains and snow seas is very serious, and if you step on it, you will at least sink your knees.

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