The pet king of the city

Chapter 777 I'm Sorry

The snow in the mountains and snow seas is very serious, and if you step on it, you will at least sink your knees.

If you step on the low-lying low-end, you may get half-body directly.

In such an environment, let alone fighting, even moving around is very exhausting.

To fully exert Chen Lie's combat effectiveness, only the hard ground around Xuehai is all there is.


A giant beast jumped onto the hill.

This is really a leopard with the size of a big buffalo.

But the single-eyed face and the long tail over 3 meters all show its identity.

The live broadcast room was boiling instantly.

Especially Professor Wang and others, almost mass explosion.

For them, this is definitely a discovery at the level of geographic discovery.

"Xiao Lie, don't kill it."

"I don't beg you to catch it alive, I just hope you come back safely."

"The agency needs such a big discovery!"

Professor Wang issued the request on behalf of the wildlife medical team of the agency.

What's interesting is that even the ancient professors who are proficient in ancient Egyptian script, and the institution-level archaeologists-Professor Gu and Professor Liu of the Taishan Beidou level also came out to make requests.

They all know what Chen Lie's abilities are, so they hope Chen Lie's men will be merciful.


When Zhu Qian saw Chen Lie's fearlessness, even awe-inspiring fighting spirit, he was immediately furious.

This roar is more terrifying than a tiger roar by three points.

"Yo, dare to demonstrate to me!"

Chen Lie was even more dissatisfied.

He ordered Bailing and Blue Crown to them: "Leave me in place, let me try it again and again."

"I wiped it, I'm still pretending to be forced at this time."

"Pretend to be forced three minutes ago, then force hard three minutes later."

"Brother Pet, stop making trouble, this is a sacred animal, not a cat or a dog."

The people headed by Pengcheng Dali exclaimed excitedly.

Those who have practiced martial arts can see it most clearly.

This sacred beast is definitely not easy to provoke.

Easily jump to the 4 meters high post, this kind of ability is impossible even for a tiger.

The most terrifying thing is that the ground is still hard to borrow from the snow, which requires higher skills.

Combined with the claw marks it left behind, it is simply a killing weapon.

"come on!"

Chen Lie took off the things that were in the way, even the cold-proof coat.

The cold air made his mind startled.

But it is more clear.


Zhu Qian was angry.

Over the years, it has encountered countless beasts and humans, even the most ferocious wolves, or humans with weapons, never dared to provoke it like Chen Lie.


Zhu Qian began to attack.

However, Chen Lie was more direct and faster.

He actually rushed towards the Qiangs at an incredible speed.

Zhu Qian didn't panic. It had encountered a clouded leopard that was more cunning and equally dexterous. He was very experienced, and the cruelest claw swept across with his body.


Chen Lie had a sudden meal:

Climb to the sky!

Chen Lie's meal just happened to jam the distance between the two sides, and the knees rising from the sky slammed into the sharp claws.


Chen Lie's body ascended into the sky was right in front of Zhu Qian.

No nonsense.

All the kings' blood basins bite over.

When Chen Lie was in the volley and facing the fangs of the scorpions, at the moment of life and death, his body spun away like a prophet:

Phoenix spreads its wings!

Chen Lie's right leg is a sweep, and the left leg that has turned around is a whip.

Chen Lie in the air was like a phoenix spreading its wings, with two legs slammed on Zhu Qian's head.


Zhu Qian's huge body flew out sideways, and the speed of flying was not much slower than when it rushed.

Chen Lie, who landed, didn't stand still for a while, and rushed towards Zhu Qian.

He wanted to kill everything.

Don’t want the live broadcast room to burst:

"My cao, what happened just now?"

"Brother Pet is going to blow up!"

"Pet brother just has three legs so handsome that he has no friends!"

The live broadcast room was full of clamour.

And Chen Lie had already killed Zhu Qian and hit Zhu Qian who was dizzy and just about to struggle.

Cross spirit che drill!

Chen Lie's feet were like an electric drill, slamming into Zhu Qian's huge unsuspecting body.


Zhu Qian's body just got up hit the mountain wall again, making a dull loud noise.

However this is not the end.

Chen Lie, who landed on the ground, used the right foot that landed first as a support point, and his left foot slammed into the upper right space with the rotation of his body:

Turn the golden stool into the sky!


Fly away.

Zhu Qian flew again.

After the body of the gods flew out an arc with a span of no less than 5 meters in the air, they smashed down fiercely and slid down under the high posts where they had stood.

"It's hard to beat."

Chen Lie looked at Zhu Qian who shook his head violently and stood up, his expression slow and surprised.

As far as the intensity of his attack just now, let alone a buffalo, even the rhino, which is known for its rough skin, had to be killed on the spot.

But Zhu Qian just shook his head to get up.

This level of resistance to beatings is only available to those level 6 super pets.

"Do you want another round?"

Chen Lie not only thought so, but also walked towards Zhu Qian.

Zhu Qian actually flinched.

It was terrified.

It is the first time it has encountered such a terrible human being from its birth to the present.

Humans before, in its eyes are food.

Even humans with weapons are just trickier prey.

When did it ever think about being beaten like this?

Under the control of the two emotions of fear and anger, Zhu Qian's one eye began to change slightly.


Chen Lie suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Zhu Qian's breath.

Since learning the practice and use of Qi from Daojiaohu, he has been extremely sensitive to the changes in everyone's breath.


Chen Lie stopped and crossed his hands.


An unprecedented roar came with terrifying sonic power.

This is so fast.

Soon Chen Lie hadn't even judged, and his body flew out backwards.

A sturdy Chen Lie hit the mountain wall just now, and stopped, his hands trembling constantly, but there was no fracture or even bleeding.

Because Chen Lie instinctively condensed all his qi on his arms just now.

If it were not for the protection of anger, Chen Lie would at least have to pay the price of a fracture, even death is very likely.

If it were an ordinary person, even a top-notch guardian like Wei Hanchao with fangs would have to be instantly killed.

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