The pet king of the city

Chapter 778 I'm Back

Chen Lie seemed to be hit by an invisible sound wave just now.

This is pure power, with a giant sound effect.

Although it has no other effects, its power is extremely terrifying.

If it were an ordinary person, even a top-notch guardian like Wei Hanchao with fangs would have to be instantly killed.

"It's a pity that I met me."

Only then did Chen Lie realize how obvious the effect of qi was on him.

As for Zhu Qian.

It has already run.

The attack just now was just the hole card it broke out to cover its escape.

"It's really fast."

Chen Lie frantically fanned his hands, looked at the distant Beng Teng Xuechen, and couldn't help shaking his head.

At this time fans are very concerned about Chen Lie's injury.

"I'm fine."

"It's just that I was careless."

"It is said in the "Shan Hai Jing" that Zhu Qian was good at shooting, and those who were hit have died nine times."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly: "I thought this so-called shooting was the shooting of a beast, but I didn't expect it to be such a peculiar sonic attack routine."


"It can't escape!"

Chen Lie shouldered all the equipment and chased him away.

Chen Lie is not looking for death.

He has the confidence to win, and the battle just now can illustrate one or two.


When did Chen Lie's leg skills become so powerful?

"My pet is really a natural animal nemesis!"

"The attack just now was a science fiction!"

"That's wrong, it's immortal art! People are beasts, okay?"

"Such a mysterious power, I suspect that the power of the mechanism has been activated!"

More than 15 million fans at the scene felt that Chen Lie was already powerful enough, and it could even be said to be too powerful to have friends.

It's just that everyone doesn't want Chen Lie to continue taking risks and just leave the matter to the agency.

Unfortunately, how did they know Chen Lie's plan?

Capture the murderer?

A joke, that's just the official wording, and Chen Lie's external reason for continuing to hunt down.

Chen Lie's fundamental purpose is to catch Zhu Qiang alive.

You know how precious the rare blood power is in the system mall.

Take the bloodline of Baxia for example, it is a bloodline that can't be bought even with level 7 authority.

Chen Lie's ability to draw such rewards at level 4 is purely against the sky, just like winning a lottery.

Although Chen Lie is often the emperor of Europe.

But he can't rely on luck all the way, right?

Now that he has the opportunity to control a sacred animal bloodline, why is he not sure?

So now even if there are armed departments to stop it.

He will also do everything possible to control the gods in his hands.



No one can stop Chen Lie from arresting Zhu Qian.

There is no doubt about this.

In order to arrest Zhu Qian, Chen Lie thought a lot in the past two days and even formulated a very sinister plan.

That night.

In a gap recessed inward, the bonfire has become darker and darker.

And in the depths of the notch, where the cold wind is not as good as the cold, there seems to be a person and two birds curled up inside, huddled together to keep warm.

The night of the Tianshan Mountains and Snow Seas can reach more than 20 degrees below zero, which is enough to freeze people to death ten times eight times.

A huge black shadow suddenly appeared on the other end of the cliff.

Under the moonlight.

This black shadow looked particularly hideous.

Zhu Qian.

It's coming.

It stared at the notch on the mountainside, especially the campfire.

Today's pain and humiliation, it must all be returned.

It quietly came to the mountainside with the lightest footsteps.

Seeing the dimly sleeping shadow, it almost couldn't control it.

But it still took a few steps.


It was very close to the bonfire, and Chen Lie and the others had completely entered the attack range of Zhu Qian.


Suddenly the banshee wailing exploded.

Zhu Qian didn't think of such an attack at all, and was instantly stunned.

The next moment.

It saw a black shadow passing by the side of the sky, and then after its head made a heavy impact, its body staggered down.


Two screams broke through the air, piercing Zhu Qian's hind legs indiscriminately.


One person descended from the sky and severely smashed Zhu Qian's forelimbs with his domineering leg.

One after another, both legs were broken.

Even if the lords are strong, they are still fighting with the remnant beasts, they can't turn the sky.

"how are you feeling?"

Bai Ling and Blue Crown fell back on Chen Lie's shoulders, and gradually walked to the bonfire.

Chen Lie asked grimly: "We stayed in ambush for 4 hours on one side, and we were frozen for 4 hours, just for this blow."

Zhu Qian who was a little sober still wanted to struggle.

Unfortunately, the response to it was a fall.

If the limbs are lost, it is useless to let it be strong.

But Zhu Qian has another trick.

That trick in the morning.

But as soon as its eyes changed, Chen Lie's flying knife came out.

"Don't repeat the same trick for me, it's useless."

Chen Lie asked sarcastically, "What's more, how did you feel just now when I had a sonic attack like you?"

Only then did Zhu Qian wake up.

The demon-like horn just now is definitely not something a normal animal can call.


"How about my Banshee's Howl?"

Braun was very proud.

This is the first time it has used a prank sonic cannon, and the effect is obvious.

Zhu Qian couldn't believe that this too beautiful bird could make such a terrifying sound.

Unfortunately this is the fact.

As for the glimpse of Blue Crown's just now, it was second.


Chen Lie threw a few dry branches into the bonfire, igniting a stronger flame.

"Do you know why I guessed you would attack at night?"

Chen Lie was very proud and flaunted: "I know from the information of those veterans decades ago that you are a monster with a strong vengeance."

"At the beginning, the group of veterans found your tracks and fought you briefly, but they also angered you. A whole group of armed men was hunted and killed by you one by one. There were 3 people left, and this was where the 3 of them ran to human activities. You just survived the disaster, which shows how strong your vengeance is."

"After hurting you today, so I'm guessing whether you will retaliate, but I made the right bet. I didn't get cold for nothing!"

Chen Lie walked to the angry Zhu Qian.

He ignored whether Zhu Qian could understand his own words, he just kept talking, frantically venting the irritability and dissatisfaction he had accumulated over the past three days.

"Then it's time to say goodbye to you..."

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