The pet king of the city

Chapter 787 I'm Sorry

As long as it is not level 7, the result is destined?

Just as the golden swallowing beast heard Chen Lie's words, it was probably not as simple as gritted teeth with anger, but exploded with anger.

The moment the game is finalized.

The audience began to crowd to the side of the ring.

They arbitrarily raise prices in order to compete for the best position.

Because they know this is the best opportunity to learn to restrain the top fighters.

Everyone wants to get the Gold Swallowing Beast, knowing Chen Lie's horror, yet dare to be so high-profile, it is bound to rely on it.

Ever since.

The fierce tiger and the gold swallowing beast have not yet appeared, and more than 500,000 paid trialists have gathered on the scene.

"More than 500,000!"

"If the money is mine, even if one person has a little fan value, it will be a profit."

Chen Lie sighed: "Now I finally understand why there are things similar to anchors in the trial field. Maybe in the future, I have to find an opportunity to think about how the system anchors play."

The gold swallowing beasts all reached their eyebrows, and Chen Lie was still in the mood to care about others.

I really don't know what he thinks.

However, as the game time approaches, the atmosphere becomes more and more tense.


The Golden Swallowing Beast is the first to enter.

Covered in metal skin, it does warm-up exercises flexibly.

And those metal skins didn't seem to cause any obstacles to its physical activities, which surprised countless people.

But Chen Lie saw more.

"Anti-shock metal, let me just say it."

Chen Lie sneered: "It seems that you have studied the failure point of the two-headed giant python. Knowing that Jiaojiao's punch can be very powerful, so I thought of a way to restrain it."

"But you think Jiaojiao can only shake her fists?"

Chen Lie sneered.

The fierce tiger entered the arena.

Looking at the gold swallowing beast, looking at the metal skin like flowing gold, the fierce tiger was too lazy to talk nonsense.


The salute went off.

The gold swallowing beast kept beating xiong and roaring openly.

But the fierce tiger is a fierce tiger after all. As a master of martial arts, his aura instantly rose to the apex, his image and posture were extremely powerful.


This punch fully demonstrated the indomitable spirit of fierce and coquettish.

Over 500,000 spectators in the audience did not shout or applaud, because everyone watching the game had nerves in their bodies, especially the unbelievable punch of the fierce tiger, which really made them too unbearable. , As if this punch was to their heart.

The gold swallowing beast punched.

It is the strongest and most domineering blow.

It used this pure boxing technique to kill on the spot the quasi-level 6 war elephant known for its defense.

Now it's the fierce tiger's turn to taste the taste of this punch.


A hum.

The gold swallowing beast's body trembled violently, trembling, and took a big step back.

The speed of the fierce tiger broke out again.

It was even faster than before.

The gold swallowing beast is almost impossible to say, but it has no chance, because the fierce tiger has cut an arc trajectory that is in line with the heavens and the earth, and the peak is wonderful, and the target is directed at the gold swallowing beast's head.

The martial arts of the fierce tiger has indeed reached the limit of the human body, any movement, between movement and movement, is flawless, without revealing any weaknesses.

Even the gold swallowing beast known as the master of fighting, even the golden praying mantis, who claims to be the saint of swords, cannot be compared with the fierce tiger in the martial arts field.

At this moment, the Golden Swallowing Beast had already realized that it could be promoted to level 6 anytime and anywhere, and it was not an ordinary level 6 double-headed giant python, why would it be defeated.


This is a completely different force.

The metal skin of the gold swallowing beast collapsed, and a cruel crack was cut, and the bones of the gold swallowing beast were also cut off.

But this is not the end.

The fierce tiger's aura broke out, and the speed of the fierce tiger reached the extreme.

The fierce tiger with thunder step is so fast that only afterimages remain.

And what about the angry tiger?

There is no afterimage.

The body immediately turned into nothingness, and when it appeared, it was already in front of the gold swallowing beast.

Still a punch.

The most terrifying thing is that when this punch reaches the end, it happens to be the peak of strength, and it also happens to be the weakest point where the Gold Swallowing Beast was attacked one after another.

Everything seems right.


The gold swallowing beast's body turned into a little golden light.

The battle is over.

"Thank you for your slate."

Chen Lie laughed and quit the trial field.

Back to reality, Chen Lie immediately used the system to identify the mysterious slate:

"Ding, level 7 mysterious slate. Because the level of the slate is too high, the customer must pay 1.8 million fan points to crack the secret of the slate."

"If the customer can provide 7-level dragon blood for [calling], it will only cost 100,000 fan points for interpretation."

Chen Lie didn't understand a stone, so he wanted dragon blood to call.

But he finally knew why the Golden Swallowing Beast and even the 7th level trialer were willing to take out this slate.

The cracking fee for 1.8 million fan points.

This is simply robbery.

Selling that golden swallowing beast is not worth that amount.

Even a Level 7 trial person may not have such a huge wealth.

"It looks like I really have to let Ba Xia come back."

"But it's not a problem to always let it run back and forth."

Chen Lie squeezed his chin and murmured: "I promised it last time that I would bring it enough black yuan flowers and refreshing tea. This time I must fulfill my promise. And this time, it seems that there is a lot of blood to be taken. Provide adequate compensation for recuperation."

Think about it.

Chen Lie finally had to look at the system.

Half a month ago, he collected more than 30,000 fan points in the Level 5 Proving Ground, and then he robbed nearly 200,000 fans in half a day, before he was nervous about 100,000.

Makes his fan value soaring wildly.

But somehow.

He is rich now but can't find any items suitable for his recovery.

To be precise, many restorative items are not advanced enough, either cannot have an effect on level 7 hegemony, or are expensive but only have a weak restorative effect.

"Unexpectedly, there will be days when I can't spend money out of the district."

Chen Lie laughed at himself.

At this moment, he saw an inconspicuous advertisement:

"Is your pet emotional? No problem, emotional songs can inspire you."

"Is your pet hurt..."

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