The pet king of the city

Chapter 788 I'm Sorry

"Is your pet emotional? No problem, emotional songs can inspire you."

"Is your pet hurt? No problem, the Song of Life can heal you."

"Your pet is stunted? No problem..."

Chen Lie smiled leisurely when he heard this advertisement.

This is a slogan from a Tianlai therapist.

Chen Lie didn't want to ask him for help, because Chen Lie also had a sound in his family.



Three days later.

Bailing's bloodline power has been strengthened again.

This is even more true of fierce tigers.

It uses dragon blood fruit mixed with ginseng wine, and the effect is remarkable.

As for how impressive it is, Chen Lie is not very clear. He only knows that the warm-up object chosen by the fierce tiger is no longer the golden mantis, the two-headed giant python, and the gold swallowing beast, but the first-class character in the 6th level.

Know that this is just a warm-up.

Even the warm-up opponents are so high-end, which shows how terrifying the strength of the fierce Jiaohu is now.

And these three days.

Chen Lie has studied a lot of the routines of the trial grounds. Although there are still many that he does not understand, Chen Lie still got a lot of inspiration, allowing him to know more about his future road of trials.

"Ding, you have a private message from a friend."

The reminder of the system made Chen Lie sitting on the yacht stunned.

He has few friends in the system mall.

Basically, what can be added can be chatted, just like his personal number in reality.

Open it and take a look.

It was a snake demon.

Although Snake Demon's personality is a bit selfish, his character that can face and learn from failures is worthy of praise.

Later, he shared a lot of secrets about level 6 and even level 7 with Chen Lie, and over time, they became friends with each other.

"I have been promoted to level 6."

"I will hit the rankings as soon as possible and greet the centennial celebration with the best posture."

"Bless me to be in the top 10!"

The Snake Demon's message is simple, but it expresses a sense of urgency.

Last year’s celebration was a small celebration, but the rewards were generous enough.

However, this year's celebration will be a huge celebration once in a century. Both the number of participants and the rewards will be rare in a century.

It is said that the rewards of the 6th level area are likely to be 7th or even 8th level.

Therefore, countless people prepared in meditation, even dormant for many years, in order to reward the centennial celebration.

"It seems I have to prepare actively."

"But the time for me to be promoted to level 5 is too short. It is not easy to be promoted to level 6 immediately."

Chen Lie's body has only level 5 authority, and the time is too short.

Even if there are many parties to please him, they help Chen Lie expand the pet market and sales.

But 100,000 points of credibility are not so easy to accumulate.


It is equal to the status level.

Just like Chen Lie, who is the fastest to get level 5 permissions, he doesn't need any formalities to enter the level 5 trial area, but he has to pay the entry fee to go to the level 6 trial area.

Although the cost is very low, it is also invisible to identify the identity.

As for the level of purchase restrictions, it is an extremely direct identity gap.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

"I'll wait until the flowers are gone."

Braun hovered in the sky, looking a little bored.


Say Cao Sang, Cao Sang will be there.

After receiving Chen Lie's call, Ba Xia drove for three days and three nights, and finally returned to the southern waters.

Chen Lie jumped and fell easily to the over 22 meters long body.

Ba Xia sprayed a water column, as if complaining.

"Thanks for you."

Chen Lie touched the dragon's horns, which were becoming more and more obvious, and then took out the black yuan flower and said, "Hey, I brought a lot of them, all for you."

Ba Xia chewed happily.

Its blood vein level is too high, the blood vein fusion is extremely perfect when injected, so many things can be directly refined and digested.

Hei Yuan spends it in its mouth, and it can definitely be used close to 100%.


Chen Lie found that Baxia's tortoise shell was a little darker than last time. He couldn't help but ask: "Baxia, what happened to your tortoise shell? It used to be dark green, but now it's dark black. Is it a black flower? The effect?"

He couldn't help nodding.

"It seems that your physical fitness is a bit more refined than before."

Chen Lie tried it, and found that the knuckles of the knocking fingers were a bit painful. It was so hard. How hard could it have such an effect.

At this time, there was a spiritual exchange from Ba Xia:

"Hei Yuanhua is of great significance to me, and my body strength has surpassed the traditional meaning of defense."

"If I can have more black yuan flowers, then my body can be strengthened to the point of hardly resisting human heavy weapons."

It is very exhausting to communicate with spirit.

But it specifically puts forward, obviously there is a strong demand.

"Okay, I know."

"You don't have to leave in a hurry, I will bring more black yuan flowers in two days."

Chen Lie now has enough spiritual soil and celestial dew on hand to catalyze the black flower at high speed.

If you fully ripen for two days, you will be able to give you enough surprises the day after tomorrow, even twice the amount given today.

"Close to the subject!"

Chen Lie asked: "Hey, I may need more blood to make a summon this time. Can your body resist it?"

Ba Xia nodded without hesitation.

"I brought you Bailing here."

"Its song of life can help you recover quickly."

Chen Lie also showed other skyrocketing: "I also brought you a sufficient amount of refreshing tea, fairy gel, medicated food and spirit wine to replenish qi and blood. It is a pity that I have brought a lot of medicated food, but the spirit wine is because A matter of time, I only brought you 5 bottles."

5 bottles, enough to drink a group of people down.

But for a hegemon with a body over 22 meters, it is just enough to get the throat at once.


But Ba Xia was already so happy.

I eat all those fish and seafood all day long, all of which are eaten raw, it is almost greasy.

Let it remember the days when Chen Lie grilled fish was eaten more and more.

Now I can taste Chen Lie's delicacies, and I still have a full one-time meal. It is even happier than getting black yuan flowers.

"Don't worry, I will bring you a few large barrels for the next blood-tonifying spirit wine to ensure you have enough."

"And like..."

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