"Even three-year garden ginseng can be refined."

"After all, no matter how bad it is, it is ginseng."

Chen Lie, who is already the God of Bacchus, knows the way.

Ginseng used as medicine for 3 years?

It sounds exaggerated.

But in fact, some are even shorter, using a lot of external force to ripen.

This type of ginseng is generally very cheap, and some have not even passed a drug test. They are bought in a package and taken out to fool people.

But no matter what kind of ginseng, as long as it has medicinal value, Chen Lie can use it.

If the ripened ginseng in the small paradise, 200 sticks can be used to make a bottle of ginseng wine; then in the big paradise, the ripened ginseng using spiritual soil, fairy gel, etc., 100 sticks can be refined. Bottle of ginseng spirit wine.

As for the garden ginseng on the market, it is estimated that it takes 1,000 sticks to make a bottle of ginseng wine.

But even if it takes 2000 to make a bottle, that's not a problem.

Many developed institutions around the world are growing ginseng, a natural health product.

There are even sound ginseng market standards in the northern part of the West, setting strict nutritional levels for artificially grown ginseng.

This kind of health care products that have formed a complete market and are grown as crops can basically be provided as much as they want, as long as they have money.

"This must be tried!"

Chen Lie acted vigorously and immediately searched for the most reputable medicinal material wholesaler on the market. He didn't talk nonsense at all and placed an order directly so that the other party could deliver it to the door as quickly as possible.

"Next is..."

Chen Lie looked at the second red-blooded fruit with a bright smile.

In order to prevent himself from suffering as before, he himself hid two bottles of Shenling Wine in the past month or so, one of which was still aged before he went to heaven.

"let's start!"

"After all, we have done enough preparations!"

Chen Lie took a deep breath and started taking it.



This time it was not as painful as the first time.

Coupled with the two bottles of Shenling wine to replenish internal energy, and a bottle of Baixian Niu's nourishing effect, Chen Lie successfully passed the pain of washing the tendons this time.


Chen Lie exhaled a foul breath.


Chen Lie felt the inexhaustible power throughout his body.

This kind of power that was a little stronger than before suddenly increased, and he was fascinated.

But he is not stupid yet.

Test your physical strength decisively.

Open the game lock and substitute the virtual into reality.


Stand-to-sky cannon + Qi + physical power!

The explosive power of the three forces combined, all blasted on a century-old tree that needed two adults to hold.

Chen Lie used the strongest punch to break a century-old tree.

This kind of destructive power is completely comparable to the strongest killer of the fierce Jiaohu.


Chen Lie put his hands on a huge boulder 5 meters high and weighing at least 10 tons.

Fully promote.

The boulder moved unexpectedly.

Fierce Jiaohu looked sideways.

This kind of weird power can only be achieved by Chen Lie, and it can be done, but it is reluctant.

If he directly attacked, the fierce tiger would have the confidence to kick the boulder and roll.

"I rub, my physical fitness is stronger than that of Captain Amai."

"This time the rate of improvement is almost the same as the first time, it shouldn't be like this!"

Chen Lie squeezed his chin and analyzed, "If I'm not mistaken, it should be a combination of two bottles of Ginseng Spirit Wine and Baixian Brew. Uh, my qi seems to be much stronger than before. If it’s 2.5, it’s at least 4 now, and the improvement is obvious."

Chi is hard to improve.

From feeling to the existence of "Qi", Huo Jiaohu drank ginseng spirit wine at a high frequency. As a result, he has not exceeded the 10 figure.

It can be seen how difficult it is to accumulate qi.

Only when Chen Lie possessed the three major factors of Dionysus, Spiritual Land, and unlimited supply of materials, could he play this way.

It's someone else, let alone a level 5 trialer, even a level 6 trialer can't provide such extravagant resources.

Follow the normal speed.

Being able to accumulate energy like 10 qi points in half a year is already considered commendable.

If anyone knows that the fierce Jiaohu accumulates 10 qi points in less than a month, and if he still uses it with Chen Lie, he will probably be mad with jealousy.

Ding Dong...

A guest is here.

Chen Lie looked at the phone and found that ginseng was delivered to the door.

"It seems that they attach great importance to me, the great customer who suddenly came here!"

Chen Lie smiled and went out to pick up the goods.

Not to mention, the quality of this batch of goods is good, at least beyond Chen Lie's estimate.

Chen Lie thought that if he suddenly ordered such a large batch of ginseng, the other party would be too hasty to recharge.

I didn't expect the other party to complete it beautifully in just 5 or 6 hours.

"Very good, I am satisfied."

"The follow-up payment has passed."

Chen Lie promised: "If the experiment is successful, then I will sign a long-term supply order with you soon, and you will be my partner in the future."

"Thank you Pet Brother."

"As long as you give instructions, we will do our best to complete it."

The boss who came to deliver the goods in person was so excited.

The first time he bought and sold such a large amount, he was so happy.

After breaking up.

Chen Lie executed quickly.

Although the refining work is simple, the problem is that the quantity is too exaggerated.

The amount of work that used to be 100 units has now been directly increased by 10 times. Naturally, the time and physical effort consumed is also 10 times.


So it was a day of tossing.

Chen Lie, who was too tired to lose consciousness, looked at Dionysus.

Bacchus sat dumbfoundingly, even the kind spirit handed it twice as much water, but it didn't have the strength to take it.

"Successful. Thousands of ordinary garden ginseng can really make a whole pot of ginseng wine. Now it only needs to be aged."

"But M, why is the system's auxiliary refinement so expensive!"

"One fan worth 1 point will cost 1000 fan points for one refinement. I might as well go directly to the system store to buy potions that can increase special energy!"

Chen Lie missed the days when only 100 ginseng had to be refined before.

It doesn't matter if it is tedious, it's really boring.

After doing it for a long time, the whole person became irritable.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for Chen Lie to spend his time and energy on this work every day.

"You have to think of a way..."

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