The pet king of the city

Chapter 792 I'm Sorry

It is impossible for Chen Lie to spend his time and energy on the extraction of ordinary garden ginseng every day.

Let’s not talk about what the environment allows.

Just say that this job will break him down, and he won't come back again.

"How to do?"

Chen Lie murmured, looking at Bacchus, and asked: "Bacchus, I believe you don't want to continue this kind of life, can you give a solution?"

Then Chen Lie looked at the other pets and shouted: "Whoever can come up with an effective solution will be rewarded."

Chi Chi!

The clever squirrel immediately raised his hand.

After receiving Chen Lie's nod, it immediately replied in sign language: "Teach the refining technique to the Squirrel Army, and let the Squirrel Army help to complete it."

"pretty good idea."

"But with the size and speed of a squirrel, it's almost enough to refine 10 squirrels a day."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly: "In this way, there will be more than 100 squirrels in the Grand Paradise, so this will really become a squirrel paradise."

He doesn't have an opinion on squirrels.

But there are too many species in the paradise, which will affect the distribution of resources.

Moreover, the living expenses of more than 100 squirrels and the noise they bring are also very troublesome.

"I seem to remember that there are similar auxiliary items in the system mall, but they are expensive."

Chen Lie had no choice but to turn to the system for help.

Go back to the mall.

Chen Lie directly used the search.

Don't tell me, there really is this kind of help to refine the essence.

Ordinary can extract the essence of food, advanced can extract the essence of blood, the price is also huge.

For example, the price of the machine for extracting blood essence is basically no less than one million, at least level 6 permissions, and there is a problem of success rate.

The higher the level and the more expensive the machine, the higher the success rate of extraction.

Although Chen Lie is rich now.

But there is no way to buy it.

So he can only save his mind and turn to a machine that only extracts the essence of plants.

This machine is only level 4, but the price is not cheap.

More than 10,000 followers.

"I spent more than 10,000 fan points to be lazy. I couldn't do it before."

Chen Lie said so, but finally bought it.

This is a very unique machine. Its mouth is like an emperor penguin with a huge mouth open to the sky. The refined essence will flow out from the abdomen, while the remaining branches will be excreted from the farts. .

Although Chen Lie knew that this was the designer's evil taste, it was somewhat embarrassing.

Fortunately, he chose to forget.

He tested it briefly.

10 sticks of ginseng are extracted in less than 1 minute, which is very efficient.

"Not bad."

"Although it's a bit extravagant, it frees your hands."

Chen Lie looked at Lingcai Squirrel shamelessly and said, "Anyway, you have a little free time except for training. Why don't you just take over this refinement task."

Lingcai squirrels patted Xiong Fu to make sure.

The housework squirrel triplets all nodded cheerfully.

"That's it."

"I'll sign the contract first, and ask them to send a few more high-quality batches."

Chen Lie smiled bitterly: "Moreover, I have to raise money. After all, the sum of such consumption every day is exaggerated."

All the pets immediately waved to Chen Lie.

"It's not fun here!"

"I want to go with the master!"

Bai Ling fell on Chen Lie's shoulder with a strong vigor.

No way, the transformation of the Blue Crown seems a bit excessive this time, and it hasn't recovered yet.

If it wasn't for everyone to supply the Blue Crown regularly, otherwise the Blue Crown would starve to death in the process of transformation.

"Let's go together."

It's rare that Bailing has been sluggish and venomous recently, and Chen Lie will naturally not dislike it.

The angel wings are activated.

The golden streamer flew away.



Super pet shop.

"The boss is so young!"

"Idiot, he is a pet brother, naturally young."

"My pet is handsome and rich. He is so young, he is a standard diamond king."

The newly hired beauties in the shop saw Chen Lie who went straight to the paradise after greeted them, showing signs of idiots.

"Be serious."

"Don't forget that you are still internship."

Liu Yifeng is now a very experienced team leader.

Although there is no majesty, she does have the right to expel internships who are not serious.

These young beauties who are not 20 years old all spit out their tongues and continue their practice.

And Chen Lie.

He is busy talking on the phone.

"Yes, that batch of porcelain."

"I found that putting the porcelain in the local bricks at home would be a hindrance, so I wanted to exchange it."

"There are also a batch of ancient weapons and armors, which are useless."

He seems to be cashing out something.

And the other party happened to be the spiritual eye that could help him cash out.

This is Chen Lie's last thing today.

He has signed a long-term cooperation agreement with a medicinal material wholesale company.

Come back now to prepare more funds.


He has forgotten how much money he has now.

His attention has always been on fan value and credibility, and he has almost no idea about money in reality.

However, he knows that he has to consume hundreds of thousands every day. If the medicinal material company acquires better quality, the number is more likely to expand by 10 times, so he can't take it lightly.

Chen Lie intends to set up a special account to handle this matter, saving too much data and too complicated.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhu."

"This will trouble you."

Chen Lie ended the call.

For others, it is an astronomical amount of money, and Chen Lie can handle it with a single call.

And what did he pay?

It's not just a small part of that batch of shipwreck treasures and Zhao Ji's legacy.

Just as he said.

For him, these things are simply obstructive precious garbage, and cashing them out is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Fix a troublesome thing."

Just as Chen Lie breathed a sigh of relief, Ren Qing walked in with a dark face.

As soon as she sat down, she threw her handbag aside angrily.

"what happened?"

Chen Lie rarely sees Ren Qing who is so angry.

"It's all bad business."

"Originally we reached a cooperative relationship with a listed pet group, but today we were going to sign a real contract. I didn't expect them..."

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