The pet king of the city

Chapter 793 I'm Sorry

Ren Qing said angrily: “Originally, we had a cooperative relationship with a listed pet group. Today we were going to sign a real contract. But they didn’t expect them to come back. Not only did they say that we rely solely on online word-of-mouth support, they also mock our pets. , This is just teasing us!"

Chen Lie's face was cold and asked, "Which funny company?"

Ren Qing hesitated.

She was afraid that Chen Lie would act stupid on impulse.

But when she thought of Chen Lie's current energy, she then said a name.

"Come on?"

"Isn't it the defeated man who was forced to change his name by me and later merged with others to form a national pet group?"

Chen Lie woke up instantly.

At the time, the pet company called Whatyuan, which joined forces with the Beihua Pet Breeding Base, failed against Chen Lie. As a result, the Beihua Pet Breeding Base was tossed into bankruptcy by Chen Lie, and the pet company also changed its name and disappeared from Chen Lie’s. In sight.

Later, they joined forces with others to form the largest pet company in China.

Finally it was successfully listed.

Chen Lie sneered and said, "I guess they think they feel confident enough to retaliate against me after listing."

"But this is fine."

"If they don't jump out, I will forget their poisonous snake, and now it just gives me a chance to strangle me.

Chen Lie thought for a while, and used the simplest and most common method to engage them.

Ren Qing asked, "Alie, what are you going to do? Don't mess around!"

"They are not qualified to make me mess."

Chen Lie smiled coldly.

Ren Qing always felt that Chen Lie's smile was terrible.

But Ren Qing soon learned that the facts were even more terrifying.


Early morning the next day.

A vicious incident occurred at the pet base under the name of Chongyuan Group.

A group of originally well-behaved cats did not know what they were stimulated, but they rioted together and attacked pet trainers, breeders, cleaners, etc.

Before the Chongyuan Group came to rush to block the news, the incident and the video were widely circulated on the Internet.

If so, that's all.

But at noon on the same day.

A pet on sale in the Chongyuan Group suddenly went crazy and bit some customers who were buying in the store. The video was circulated on the Internet for the first time.

Also on the same day, the Chongyuan Group was revealed to be selling cheap pets as pets.

Three waves a day.

Chongyuan Group was stunned.

And these things are most directly reflected in the stock price:

4 lower limit.

Chongyuan Group's market value has evaporated by nearly half in just 4 days.

But the accident continues.

Even accidents that have been covered up in the past are constantly being revealed the rhythm of the same day.

It doesn't matter for a few months, the Chongyuan Group's signboard is completely rotten.

Of course these are things to follow.

What about Chen Lie, who is behind the scenes?

He started actively preparing on the day he tossed the Chongyuan Group.

For the one-hundred-year celebration.

Also promoted to level 6 battle pet for the fierce Jiaohu.



The day after the accident of Chongyuan Group.

It was the third day after Chen Lie ate the second red blood fruit.

At this moment, Fierce Jiaohu has taken 5 dragon blood fruits one after another, and the bloodline power has reached its limit.

And the qi that has reached the limit of level 5 long ago, even if I have recently taken a few bottles of ginseng spirit wine because of the mixed dragon blood fruit, but the data is still 9.9, and it has not exceeded the level of 10.

This is the bottleneck.

According to Yanjiaohu, it has accumulated a large amount of undigested medicinal power in its body.

Must break through immediately.

Otherwise, if the delay continues, there may be an accident in its body.

In order for the fierce tiger to be smoothly and perfectly promoted to the level 6 battle pet.

Chen Lie was very careful and thoughtful.

In order for the fierce tiger to be promoted smoothly, he exchanged a lot of experience in the system mall and bought an auxiliary item specially.


Chen Lie took a tube of medicine that seemed to be burning, looked at Fierce Jiaohu earnestly, and asked, "Jiaojiao, this is a unique blood medicine called [Blood Burning Medicine], which is said to come from a god’s blood. Potion. After taking it, your blood will be like boiling, extremely painful, but the more painful you are, the stronger your breath and the higher the chance of breaking through the bottleneck."

Fierce Jiaohu roared, as if he didn't like the extra blood in his body.

"This is not a blood fusion, but a perfect auxiliary medicine that has been developed perfectly without any side effects."

"Taking it, as long as a determined super pet can break through the past. And the stronger the accumulation, the stronger the strength after the breakthrough."

Chen Lie reassures: "Moreover, there is a high probability that related skills and specialties will be born, but this also depends on the accumulation and will of the users. It's just that the probability of meeting the two conditions is too low. Basically all buyers have no chance. Pay attention."

A blood medicine that is perfect without side effects and does not affect the purity of the blood. It is naturally expensive.

100,000 fans value.

This is its price.

But for the sake of being fierce, Chen Lie was willing.


Fierce Jiaohu finally got upset.

"ready or Not?"

Chen Lie knew that the fierce tiger could break through without the help of blood burning potions, but with the blood burning potions, it was foolproof.

Yan Jiaohu did not respond this time and looked at Chen Lie seriously.

"let's start!"

"I will guard you here."

Chen Lie handed the blood-burning potion to Fierce Jiaohu.

Fierce Jiaohu didn't talk nonsense, and drank it all.

But not long after the fierce Jiaohu's body began to tremble.

Obviously, the blood burning potion was working, and the blood started to burn.

Fierce Jiaohu didn't talk nonsense, swallowing the dragon blood fruit in front of him.

The bloodline advancement begins.

Advanced bloodline is also a kind of reborn, it is a kind of super pain.

I don't know if the effect of the double pain is too tragic, or the Fierce Jiaohu really has something to say. I saw Fierce Jiaohu's mouth open, and he wanted to speak but couldn't say it.

"hold onto!"

Chen Lie knew that the fierce tiger was in extreme pain.

Lingcai Squirrel immediately took out the ginseng wine prepared in advance.

Fierce Jiaohu drank half a bottle in one breath.


Its body made a strange bone noise along with this violent movement.

"hold onto!"

"I know you can!"

Chen Lie continued to encourage.

Other super pets are also cheering for the fierce tiger.

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