The pet king of the city

Chapter 796 I'm Here

"Ding, congratulations on getting 900 fan points."

"Ding, congratulations on getting 1100 fan points."

"Ding, congratulations on getting a second-grade delicious ingredient-1 packet of scented radish seeds."


Bailing drew more than a dozen of them, and once the Chief’s, there was an extra pack of seeds, which made Chen Lie very happy.

But then Bailing seemed to run out of luck.

No more peculiar species were obtained, they were all fan value, and the number dropped sharply.

"Forget it."

Chen Lie stopped and said: "Bai Ling, you have also finished your addiction, so let's stop it."

Chen Lie saw that he gained more than 20,000 fan points, and his heart was full of joy.

"I come."

Bacchus and the farmer came together, one tore and the other to be crushed.

"Ding, congratulations on getting 10 fan points."

"Ding, congratulations on getting 20 fan points."


Chen Lie couldn't stop laughing, looked at Bacchus, and said, "Bacchus, Bacchus, I didn't expect you to be the darkest. Farmer, don't laugh, you are also dark enough, not much better."

Bacchus and the farmer reluctantly retreated.

Lingcai Squirrel came with the triplets of housework squirrels.

Four torn together.

"Ding, congratulations on getting the level 6 potion (perfect version)."

"Ding, congratulations on getting 19 fan points."

"Ding, congratulations on getting 31 fan points."

"Ding, congratulations on getting 25 fan points."

Chen Lie's expression freezes.

He stared at Lingcai Squirrel.

The red hand of Braun was surprising before.

But Lingcai squirrel's hands are redder, and the red is even more exaggerated.

Level 6 potions are full-quality potions.

There are many versions of it, but none of them cost less than 10,000 fans.

But this is not the key.

The key is the word "perfect".

Even the kind of all-race can be highly strengthened, and the strengthening potions have no effect on their own blood, and they cannot be perfectly evaluated.

To get this evaluation, it must be compatible with other blood medicines and not produce any resistance.

This is perfect.

It is said that in order to make a perfect 6th-level strengthening potion, it must be at least 7th-level.

And even at level 7, you have to hit luck to succeed.

To truly produce a perfect level 6 strengthening potion, level 8 is the standard.

So the luck of Lingcai Squirrel is not so good.

Definitely so good.

"You three brothers are all chiefs, go to one side to cool off."

Chen Lie put the housework squirrel aside, looked at Lingcai squirrel earnestly, and asked: "Lingcai, this level 6 potion is useless for me and the teacher, and it has an effect on the farmer, lark, blue crown, and rice bucket. Generally, but for you, especially for you, the effect is excellent."

"Since you smoked it, it is yours."

Finally, Chen Lie sent the Level 6 potion to Lingcai Squirrel.

Lingcai squirrel has long wanted to become stronger.

But in the end, it looked at Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard who were looking forward to it, as well as its three little brothers. In the end, it was reluctant to return the Level 6 potion to Chen Lie.

"Are you sure you don't want it?"

Chen Lie asked seriously: "You have to know that this potion is perfect, and it can be fused with other blood potions at the same time."

Lingcai squirrel's breath freezes.

Because it quickly thought of the medicine in Chen Lie's hands.

Bacchus began to speak.

The farmer too.

Even A Bao kept urging.

Chen Lie couldn't understand them, but he also knew that they were all persuading the spirit to take them.

The housework squirrel triplets finally knelt on the ground, holding Chen Lie's shoes and ankles, and kept begging.

"what happened?"

Chen Lie suddenly felt that mastering animal language is a very necessary skill.

Bai Ling translated: "The three brothers are begging for the master, hoping that the master can give the fire rat's flame blood potion to Lingcai to strengthen."

"You three brothers are interested."

Chen Lie thought for a while, gritted his teeth and nodded.

Firelight beast has 3 talent abilities, level 4 self-healing power, level 5 speed, and level 6 fire talent.

After all the medicines are refined into blood vessels, those basic blood vessels are very popular.

But the price of the level 6 fire talent is too high, and it has not been sold yet.

"Give it to you!"

Chen Lie gave the Flame Blood Vessel potion to Lingcai, and said: "The two can be fused, and the Firelight Beast is naturally close to you. It is estimated that the degree of fusion will be very high."

Lingcai Squirrel couldn't help bowing to thank.

It is a very clever and clever squirrel. Naturally, knowing that the combined value of these two things is no less than 300,000 fan points, it can be strengthened in this way. This is not a simple word that can be described by the word "valuing".

"Well, this time it is the turn of the spirit to advance."

"Everyone is optimistic about it."

Chen Lie finally patted Lingcai's head and blessed: "I hope you can merge smoothly."

Lingcai squirrel squeaked twice and returned to the villa with the housework squirrel triplets.


"Forgot to let Lingcai this super red hand draw another lottery."

When the spirit ran away, Chen Lie remembered that he still had more than 70 ordinary lottery tickets, and more than 30 other types of lottery tickets had not been drawn.

Chen Lie looked around and asked, "If you haven't smoked, who is coming?"


The rice bucket ran over happily.

As a result, he ran too fast, his body was too round, and he rolled in front of Chen Lie.

"Give it to you."

Chen Lie gave the virtual lottery ticket to the lunch bucket.

The rice bucket grabs a bite.

"Ding, congratulations on getting 1 fan point."

Chen Lie froze.

He thought about it, but never thought it would be so dark.

He looked at the rice bucket with a strange expression.

Thought for a long time.

He finally pushed the rice bucket, pushed the rice bucket to the side, and said, "The rice bucket, you should eat while you are. Gambling luck is the most unsuitable job for you."

The face of the rice bucket collapsed instantly.

Come to the Great Paradise.

Because everyone is a super pet, everyone didn't deduct it from food, and let it eat happily every time.

Moreover, the fierce Jiaohu's attention has been on the trial field recently, and he has no intention of training it.

The result of this early is that it is getting fatter.

It's almost fat to a ball now.


With the rise of Bailing and Blue Crown, the two powerful warriors, Xiaohei and Silver Leopard, they are now reduced to the point of being forgotten.

"you guys……"

"Don't look at me with such eyes!"

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