"you guys……"

Hearing the sound, Chen Lie couldn't help turning his head, but the pitiful eyes of Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard caught his eye.

"Don't look at me with such eyes!"


"Your eyes are full of pressure!"

Chen Lie wanted to escape.

But he still restrained his steps.

Although Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard do not have a special pedigree, they have excellent combat effectiveness.

Especially experienced, but also secretly learned a lot of fierce tiger thunder boxing skills.

Even if you don't need a special bloodline, as long as it is strengthened, it is also a good combat power.

"I have earned a lot recently."

"And the family can also produce powerful blood potions, but you can play with them."

Thinking of this, Chen Lie began to analyze: "Zhu Qian has four major talents, and Firelight Beasts also have three major talents. If you use them well, you might not be able to strengthen two level 6 battle pets..."

As long as it is not advanced bloodline, it is just pure genetic medicine enhancement.

The process will be much simpler.

At least not as painful as fierce Jiaohu.

"But if you don't push to level 6 in one breath, it's totally meaningless to increase it level by level."

"But the potions I have on hand are all bloodline potions related to race."

Chen Lie thought for a while and made a decision: "We can only go to the exchange area to see."

When Chen Lie went to the exchange area, most of the time he was in the mind of picking things up.

But this time it was different.

In order to save time, he directly searched for the exchange of level 6 strengthening potions.

Level 6 strength potions, to exchange all four Level 5 potions of strength, speed, intelligence, and self-healing power.

The total price of these four level 5 potions is at most 50,000 fan points.

The market price of the Level 6 potion is at least 80,000 fan points.

This deal is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

However, the active exchange is not a fool, because it wants to cultivate 4 potential pets at once, and the accompanying requirement is that it must be a perfect version.

In this way, the total value of the four potions at least doubled.

"Hehe, don't say I don't have one, I won't change it even if I have one."

For such a pure-hearted exchanger, Chen Lie passed directly.

In order to avoid wasting time with the same transaction, he added a double screening condition.

As a result, 70% fewer targets were found.

But the remaining amount is still considerable.

Next, Chen Lie exchanged for a bottle of level 6 speed potion, and he still had a bottle of level 6 powerful self-healing power on hand, other level 5 super powers, and level 5 super bounce. ignore.

"These potions are matched with some mechanical suits, basically taking the Wolverine route!"

Chen Lie was very impressed by Zhu Qian's sturdy physique and self-healing power.

In the first round of violent pumping, it only struggled a few times before it recovered, and finally escaped.

It shows the ability to resist being beaten.

This ability is copied to the silver leopard, with a fully automatic future animal claw cover, and a proper sense of Wolverine.

"The Silver Leopard is there, and Xiao Hei can't fall."

"Since there is blood once, let's do it again."

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense, since he couldn't exchange it, he bought it directly.

Chen Lie is still equally straightforward.

The level 6 power potion combined with the self-healing level 6 powerful self-healing potion, combined with other basic potions, Xiao Hei's combat effectiveness burst instantly.

"What a luxury!"

Chen Lie looked at a dog and a cat sitting obediently in front of him, and asked, "Are you ready?"

Little Black and Silver Leopard nodded frantically.

"Then you guys play the big one once!"

Chen Lie gritted his teeth and sent out a large amount of medicine.


He spent at least millions of potions for the pets.

Such a wealth, even those veteran level 6 trialers may not be able to get it.

Not to mention that Chen Lie is still only Level 5.



Two more days passed.

On the clearing.

Virtual substitution into the real battlefield.

Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard are added together, and the fierce tiger who is half angry is used at most.

Rao is so.

Black and Silver Leopards, whose strength rockets have improved, are still losing ground.

If it weren't for their power, if it wasn't for the fierce tigers who always deliberately gave them the opportunity to buffer their breath, they would not be able to hold up for 3 minutes in total.

"Come on!"

"Your cooperation is getting better and better."

Chen Lie continued to encourage him.

He is not pure comfort either.

At first, Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard couldn't hold on for 1 minute together.

Up to now, they have become more and more familiar with their own strengths, and their cooperation has become more and more tacit, and they have been able to hold on for more than 5 minutes under the fierce tiger.


In order to repel Xiao Hei or Silver Leopard, the fierce Jiaohu needs to use more and more Qi, and now it is basically 50% Qi in the fight.

"Not bad!"

Chen Lie became more satisfied as he watched.

Although the fierce tiger has not used the new kills, and even has the meaning of using Xiao Hei and the Silver Leopard to hone their martial arts and develop new martial arts, but Xiao Hei and the Silver Leopard have been fully suppressed and now they have been able to counterattack. The change.

Continuing, it will definitely become a great help for Chen Lie.

Chen Lie squeezed his chin and nodded as he deduced: "If this goes on, I am afraid that Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard, plus Bai Ling, can form an action team and go to team competition."

There are many modes in the trial field, and Chen Lie used to play single-player matches before.

However, the team competition is more enjoyable and more exciting, with more spectators and the highest popularity among many competitions.


In a qualifying match of a dozen or so, the number of spectators at the scene is even more than that of the favorite first ranking match.

"Yes, let them go to qualifying now."

"Anyway, it's from a low level to start, so they have time to run in."

Thinking of this, Chen Lie turned his head and shouted: "Bai Ling, you form an action team with Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard."


"I am a singer, not a thug."

Bailing actually refused: "Moreover, even if I want to form a team, I have to form a team with Jiaojiao. Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard are not qualified to join me. So I have the right to refuse this unfair distribution."

"I'm rubbing it, and I'm venomous."

"Since you don't want it, then I won't force it, Blue Crown..."

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