The pet king of the city

Chapter 802 I'm Sorry

When I smelt the holy product in the honey dessert when I was sleeping in the lunch bucket, I immediately sat up and saw Chen Lie's queen bee honey soup, and immediately rushed over at an unimaginable speed.

If it doesn't restrain its speed, it will definitely hit it.


When the rice bucket realized that he was about to hit it, a big hand was placed on its head and stopped its obese body which was over 300 kilograms.

"You almost hit."

Chen Lie looked at the rice bucket with dissatisfaction and ordered: "To punish you, go and clean. If you don't clean it, you don't want to taste this holy product."

Legend has it that when Wu Zetian was in his 70s, his skin was still as smooth and delicate as a girl.

And all this is the credit of [Queen Bee Hundred Honey Soup].

It's just that the queen bee honey soup is lost along with the breeding method of bees.

If it wasn't for Chen Lie's queen honey to be too high-end, otherwise it would not be able to replicate it.

Chi Chi!

The first spirit who tasted the Queen Bee Hundred Honey Soup was excited and danced again.


Bacchus also praised again and again.

As the God of Cooking, A Bao was also amazed.

As the God of Cooking, A Bao's level is obviously one level lower than Chen Lie.

According to the hierarchy of the system, Na Abao is the 5th-level God of Cooking, and Chen Lie is at least the 6th-level God of Cooking.

But the more people marveled, the more hurt the rice bucket.

But does it dare to go against Chen Lie's will?

Dare not.

Although it has a rice bucket, it is not mentally retarded.

Knowing that he didn't make any contribution, Chen Lie didn't dislike it, and it was good if he kept it.

If it is another owner, it might have become a charity pet long ago.

So it can only be cleaned as soon as possible.



After the housework squirrel triplets had finished eating, they began to chat with their boss.

Although Chen Lie didn't understand rat language, he could hear them asking about the abilities of Lingcai.

Finally, Ling looked at Chen Lie and seemed to be seeking advice.

"Go try it."

Chen Lie swung his hand and unlocked the game lock.

that's it.

While tasting the food he made, Chen Lie watched the talent test.

However, the test of Lingcai is a bit simple.

It's just purely various basic data tests.

The housework squirrel triplets and Xiao Hei were all yelling and roaring, as if they were exchanging experiences.

Chen Lie couldn't understand this.

"Pure guessing and feeling is not the answer."

"It seems that you really have to exchange your animal language ability."

Chen Lie wanted to do it, and immediately entered the system mall to screen.

There are a lot of these kinds of things, especially technology ones.

Some are even just an earplug, which can be automatically translated when worn on the ear.

But Chen Lie didn't want earplugs.

What he wants is ability.

He didn't want to wear this kind of technology products to communicate with animals, and eventually he was noticed and caused unnecessary trouble.

So it eliminates a large number of irrelevant items.

Finally, I found a fruit specially cultivated 300 years later.

Beast language fruit.

Level 5 goods, after eating, can gain animal language ability, worth 24000 fan points.

"It's expensive, but it's a bargain."

Chen Lie has long coveted this ability, so naturally he won't hesitate.

Direct exchange, direct delivery.

Chen Lie took it, washed it and ate it.

"It tastes good, a bit like a sweeter pear."

"It's just a bit smaller, not enough mouthfuls."

After taking a few bites, Chen Lie was calm, and then he felt a lot of information flooding into his mind.

It seems that the information is hidden in the fruit of the animal language.

a long time.

Chen Lie heard many unique voices.

Power Squirrel shouted: "Boss, boss, hurry up and find an opponent to test."

Wisdom Squirrel also shouted: "Yes, such a simple data test, everyone will have good data."

A Bao sighed: "The stats of Lingcai are so beautiful. They are all top level in level 6, and the perfect potion deserves the name of perfection."

The farmer also sighed: "I couldn't think of it, the spirit is so small, but the power is actually more terrifying than me."

You know, the farmer has a natural and magical description.

Although this ability is not uncommon, it is definitely a monster, even if it is not inferior to the Inca Serpent.

"You are all wrong."

Xiao Hei said solemnly: "The strongest thing about Lingcai is its savvy. The power that was calculated just now, combined with the Thunder Fist that Shang Lingcai had mastered before, do you think will be the result."

The people just evaluated collectively shut up.

"This is simply the second tiger boss."

Power Squirrel looked at Lingcai in fear.

Bacchus added: "Don't forget that Lingcai has also exchanged another ability."


Lingcai also has the ability to fire.

One has the most comprehensive basic abilities in the game, knows Thunder Fist, and masters flame power.

When everyone thinks of Lingcai's thunderbolt step, with flames in his right hand, playing the scene of "Tongtian Cannon", many people begin to mourn for Lingcai.

Hearing this, even the fierce Jiaohu no longer lay down, raising his head to look at Lingcai.

"Try it!"

"Try it!"

All pets urged the spirit to go to the actual combat test.

Lingcai looked at Chen Lie.

"I'll transfer you a training opponent."

"Divided into different levels, look at the results before playing the challenge."

Chen Lie suddenly thought of a very interesting idea.

If it succeeds, it can teach the so-called Wing Demon a very profound lesson.



Level 5 gold swallowing beast.

Only seeing an afterimage passing by, the gold swallowing beast's body turned into a little star.


Undoubtedly a spike.


The level 5 double-headed python spit out poisonous fog, and the falling rocks formed by earth magic covered it like raindrops.

This pair of small pets, speed pets are a huge restraint.


A small and fast golden light and shadow just broke through the raindrops and rocks, broke through the poisonous fog, and slammed a punch at the intersection between the two heads of the two-headed giant python.

The battle is over.

"The boss is mighty."

"The little mouse is so powerful, Bailing must be careful of it."

"Lingcai's personal combat effectiveness has already reached the top 300 individuals."

All the pets were amazed at the fighting power of Lingcai.

"Yes, but don't be proud."

"The spirit hasn't been able to use the fire abilities proficiently until now. When it can use the fire proficiently, or even use the fire abilities as energy, then it can officially play."

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