The pet king of the city

Chapter 803 Spirit Spring Bodhi Root

Chen Lie was very calm from beginning to end, reminding: "The spirit has not been able to use the fire ability proficiently until now. It is purely emotional. This is a defect. When will it be able to use the fire proficiently, or even use the fire ability as Qi, then it You can officially play."

Lingcai has a more comprehensive physical fitness than the fierce Jiaohu.

Paired with Thunder Fist, which can double the combat power of the body, or even explode several times, it is definitely a high-end.

There is no practice next.

Chen Lie began to teach the use of Qi.

If the mysterious powers such as Qi, True Essence, Magic Power, Fighting Qi are regarded as the internal energy of the body, then they have certain things in common.

There is no self-defeating, and there is no other person.

Just cross the river by feeling the stones.

However, Chen Lie is not a fool, he is not stupid enough to touch stones blindfolded.

He learned a lot of similar powers from the discussion area and experience sharing area of ​​the mall, and even paid to learn a lot of valuable.

There is also the utilization and cultivation of blood talent.


Chen Lie's guidance, combined with Shang Lingcai's super savvy, only one hour before Lingcai mastered the use of flames.

And when it spends half a day to master the manipulation skills, the effect is not much inferior to those who have been training for several months.

This is the horror of super savvy.

Chen Lie's arrangement for Lingcai was actual combat, but not a trial area.

It's a virtual blood battle with fierce tigers and Xiao Hei in the virtual world.



The life is very simple.

But these are just superficial.

Chen Lie's online shop was really attacked.

However, the sniping methods are very crude, they are sold by Chen Lie, and Wing Demon sells everything, and the price is lower.

Chen Lie doesn't matter.

Because Chen Lie provides one-stop service from raw materials to production, the cost is extremely low.

Such as the corpse of the spirit bamboo insect, there is no cost.

How do others compete?

But Chen Lie didn't engage in vicious competition, it was purely to provoke others' unhappiness, and he had to lose profits.

This is purely the work of a fool.

Therefore, Chen Lie's sale price is only a little lower than the market price, which seems to have a little price advantage at first glance.

But what about Wing Demon?

For example, the corpse of the spiritual bamboo insect is sold at a price of 80% or even 70% of the market price.

The price immediately caused looting.

And Chen Lie is one of the members who robbed the most.

Chen Lie has calculated it.

Seventy percent of the price of the spiritual bamboo worm carcass to refine, eventually can make 15% of the profit.

Even if it is 80%, there is half a profit.

The Wing Demon is simply a gifting boy, why not play this kind of game that only makes money but not loses?

So even if the spiritual bamboo worms are largely unsalable, Chen Lie’s spiritual bamboo worms continue to be raised and continue to make money from the spiritual bamboo worms.

"This kind of days of lying down and making money, I hope to come often."

Chen Lie happily lay in the grass under the shade of Xiaojianmu, closing his eyes and resting.

"Good luck recently, maybe..."


"How did I forget."

Chen Lie immediately took out the remaining lottery tickets and shouted: "Lingcai, Bailing, I need your luck."

Even if Chen Lie is confident in his luck, he has so many lottery tickets, so naturally he is evenly distributed.

"Quack, master, what's your order."

Bai Ling fell to Chen Lie's side.

"Lingcai came to report."

Lingcai also came.

"Here, these are your tasks."

Chen Lie took out 20 lottery tickets and said: "I am not very demanding, just a few more valuable plant seeds. If you can get some level 6 potentiation, it is also a good choice."

"I'll come, I'll come!"

"Look at my little red...mouth..."

Bai Ling's sharp mouth pecked down.

The lottery ticket broke.

"Ding, congratulations on getting 350 fan points."

"Ding, congratulations on getting 510 fan points."

"Ding, congratulations on getting 290 fan points."


A series of fans are worthy, but none are special.

Of course, with Bailing's luck, it was not unlucky enough to only get dozens of fan points.

20 lottery tickets were squandered.

"Bailing, it seems your luck is not very good."

"Forget it today."

Chen Lie was a little sorry.

Although he got nearly 60,000 fan points, Chen Lie was still a little dissatisfied.

"give me one more chance!"

"I beg you."

Braun is not reconciled.

Last time there were very few cases below 500, let alone below 300.

It wants to redeem the honor of its European Emperor.

"Give you."

Chen Lie gave 5 more.

"Ding, congratulations on getting 190 fan points."

"Ding, congratulations on getting the 4th-level qi tonic medicinal material-Lingquan Bodhi Root!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting 110 fan points."



"And it is directly 4th grade medicinal material!"

Chen Lie was overjoyed and immediately checked the attributes of Lingquan Bodhi root.

Lingquan Bodhi Root, a 4th-level rare medicinal material, can be used for both cooking and medicine. The characteristic is that as long as there is enough spiritual water, there is an endless source of energy for growth, so they like to grow by the spiritual spring; the quality will also depend on the spiritual spring. Depending on the quality, the better the quality of Lingquan, it will make them grow more leeks than leeks.


"This world is such a strange material."

Chen Lie looked at this kind of thing that looked like the root of a linden tree. After thinking about it, he gave it to the farmer and said: "Farmer, plant them well. I allow you to use two bottles of fairy gel every day to test."

The size of the purple bamboo forest in the big park is more than 10 times that of the small park.

Coupled with the spirit roots of Xiaojianmu, Linggencao, etc., the dew machine can collect at least 15 bottles of fairy dew every day.

There are two bottles on this basis, not to mention how simple it is.


"My hands are still red, right?"

Bai Ling was very proud, and looked at Lingcai specially.

"so popular!"

Chen Lie scratched Bailing's sharp mouth with his fingers, and asked, "How about making you a delicacy that you like this time for your meritorious service?"

"Don't don't."

Braun couldn't help shaking his head.

Chen Lie reminded: "Where is the Queen Bee Hundred Honey Soup?"

"Still not."

Bailing hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"I only want the candied fruit made by the master!"

"So simple?"

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