Spirit face octopus, a horrible octopus.

Later, because of genetic technology, they can live on land.

Finally, along with genetic modification, they become stronger and stronger, can adapt to a variety of harsh environments, and replace humans in performing various tasks with extremely high risk factors.

In short, Linglian octopus is a genetic organism for scientific research.

But Wing Demon is ingenious.

He actually turned such a scientific research pet into a battle pet, and even reached the 10th place at level 6, which shows that he is really unique in pet training.

Unfortunately, it is unique.

Now it is also the enemy.

If it is the enemy, you have to kill, or you will suffer if you kill the snake.

Chen Lie didn't want to do it again, what was the bad thing about the famous brand brother.

"I don't know where this mouse has the courage to challenge Lord Wing Demon."

"That's not a mouse, it's a squirrel."

"It's all the same, I have hardly seen a squirrel with a slightly stronger combat effectiveness."

"I haven't seen it, and in my eyes, small animals focus on being cute and cute. Fighting this stuff is not suitable for them."

There are more and more people in the auditorium.

The discussion is getting louder and more complicated.

But there is clearly a trend: look down on the talented squirrel as a challenger.


A behemoth fell from the sky, and it shook the ground.

The spiritual octopus appears.

The hideous spiritual octopus deserves their name.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he was arrogant and bullied before any warfare was revealed.

"Wow, so majestic!"

"The idol appeared."

"Master Wing Demon is really amazing."

Cheers were everywhere.

Lingcai also slowly walked into the battlefield.

"Wow, so cute."

"Golden fur, I want such a pet too."

"It looks like a housework squirrel and a nanny squirrel."

The appearance of the talents is first-rate, which immediately aroused the curiosity of many female audiences.

But the more so, the more people can do it.

Recently, due to metamorphosis, the spiritual talent that barely grows to more than 30 cm is completely out of proportion to the 10-meter-high spiritual octopus.

Many people suspect that if the spirit face octopus is randomly smoked, the spirit will be finished.

"Lingcai, are you afraid?"

Chen Lie asked with hand beast language.

"Not afraid."

Lingcai answered very firmly.

Chen Lie said, "Go, you've been training secretly for so long, and even Jiaojiao has to use all his energy to take you down. You are fully qualified to defeat this ugly big octopus."

Multi-day secret training.

The fierce Jiaohu and Xiaohei took turns to baptize their action teams, quickly letting the super-savvy squirrel master the fire talent.

Coupled with the fact that Chen Lie specially called out the information of the spiritual face octopus, as the object of the training challenge of the spiritual talent, he played no less than 30 games, and the winning rate has exceeded 80%.

Lingcai is fully qualified to stand on this ring.

"Look at me!"

Lingcai instantly entered a state of combat.

Blood light descended.

The magic sound played.

This is how the Lingmian octopus is opened.

Lizard moment.


Oh no, the tentacles were in a trance, and the spiritual octopus was caught by Ling Ling.

This posture is exactly like the father catching a son who is still in his infancy.

It can be seen how Lingmian octopus looks down on Lingcai.

But the spiritual octopus is also coarse and fine.

This claw is not to kill the soul, but just wants to try this little squirrel who dares to spend so much fan value to challenge himself, how can he provoke himself.

This method of measuring the foundation of the spirit seems very contemptuous.

But in fact it also hides the second hand.

Almost at the same time, a tentacles with Ruo Yueying suddenly appeared behind the Lingcai who had just turned around, and rolled towards Lingcai's small body in a chanrao manner.

Two major routines, one is attacking and the other is trembling.

Very insidious.

It's such a simple routine, the 6th level zone can hide from as many battle pets as possible.

Lingcai snorted coldly in his heart.

He knew that the purpose of this attack, both open and dark, was to test himself, but once he was lost or injured, then the next situation could be imagined.

That is definitely a humiliation like a cat playing with a mouse.

Lingcai was not polite at all, and completely burst out of his own strength:

Thunder Step + Eagle Claw Skill!

The speed brought by Thunder Step is integrated with the "Eagle Claw Skill" in the real martial arts.

The effect is immediate.

Lingcai's hand is like an eagle, and the first tentacles of the Lingmian octopus directly grabbed a piece of meat.

The octopus was so painful that it was quickly recovered.

Then know that the recovery of the spiritual face octopus will not affect the situation of the battle at all.

The next moment.

Lingcai swayed on the spot and swept away with one leg:

Turn the golden stool into the sky!

Tan legs that Chen Lie used.

Unexpectedly, Lingcai also learned.

The most terrifying thing is that Lingcai not only learned it, but also integrated it into the "tiger shave" technique of Thunder Boxing, making this leg more domineering.

This is also the root of the spiritual ability to compete with the fierce tiger.

Only seeing Ling turned and jumped delicately, forcibly changing the angle of his body, causing him to turn from the front to the north, and his powerful leg slammed past.

In the battle of masters, a gap is enough to reverse the situation.

The second tentacles that rolled over turned from hunters to prey to the door.


The second tentacle was withdrawn on the spot.

Just by impeccably posing, Lingcai severely damaged the limb of the spiritual octopus.

In fear, Mingxuan, the spiritual face octopus, chose to shrink.



But Ling will never let go of such a good opportunity.

It is confident, but not a stupid rat.

This spiritual face octopus is extremely powerful, and its strength is not weaker than Xiao Hei, Silver Leopard and Blue Crown. The most frightening thing is that the spiritual face octopus does not have as much fear as Xiao Hei. Its threat can be compared to Xiaohei's entire team.

Get the head start.

Naturally, it's the time when the spirit is the killer.

Together, the next moment will turn into the most domineering attack.


The flame burns.

Xunleibu broke out.

The fierce flame power flew away, surprisingly fast.

The most terrifying thing is that Lingcai completely locked the body and even the spirit of the spiritual octopus, and no matter how the spiritual octopus dodges, it can't escape the bombardment of this blow.


The spiritual face octopus also broke out, its skin...

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