
The spiritual face octopus also broke out, and its skin was covered with a layer of black metal like lightning.


The flame hit the huge head of the spiritual face octopus with heavy fists, making a harsh metal crash.

The sound is louder than the bell strikes.

Many spectators at the scene, especially those close to them, were shocked by their eardrums.


"Level 6 extraordinary physique and fire talent, no wonder dare to challenge my spiritual octopus!"

"It's a pity, my spiritual octopus has a metal ability, you are useless!"

Wing Demon laughed wildly.

This ability is not magic, it is an alternative talent.

Among them, the metal ability is a very rare ability.

If it weren't for the spiritual octopus's metal ability, it is still relatively weak, still at level 6, but it is enough to resist most of the armed attacks, and even sniper shells can't penetrate its defense.


What it encountered was a spiritual talent.

Possess a talent who has never forgotten and super understanding.




Lingcai's three consecutive strokes, either boxing, legging, or claw skills, all beat the Lingmian octopus.

But the spiritual octopus is unscathed.

It's over!

Chen Lie heard Lingcai's roar.

Lingcai's body was like an explosion bag, and flames wrapped its whole body.

And its body is like a small meteor, rushing away with bright flames.

Huhu bang bang!

The spiritual octopus felt the danger of suffocation, and the eight tentacles danced wildly.

The metalized tentacles have weakened its agility, but its attacking power has been at least doubled.

Not to mention the stone, even if the iron ingot is hit by the metal tentacles, it will dent in a large area.


Lingcai showed unprecedented ferocity:

Flame Tiger King Cannon!

Fire talent + Tiger King Cannon!

It doesn't matter if there is no Qi, flame is also a kind of energy, and it is more lethal than ordinary Qi.


The huge body of the spiritual octopus crashed down, and an extremely terrifying collapse appeared in its head, as if a large part of the head was missing.

The terrifying fist force shattered the mind of the spiritual octopus, and the crazy flame melted even the metal.

The battle ended with the light of the spiritual octopus.

"This is impossible!"

"My fan value! That's all my wealth!"

"I'm done, I got a loan to bet!"

After the stagnation of the audience, there was a wailing.

However, most of them are low-level testers, and their fan points add up to less than 100,000 points.


Wing Demon was so angry that he crushed the antique scepter in his hand.

"how is this possible!"

"A life-assisted squirrel can actually defeat my potential favorite with at least 1 million fans. What is this?"

"You tell me, what is this?"

The Wing Demon was almost out of control.

More than 200,000.

This time he smashed more than 200,000 fans on himself.

The guys around him who can only flatter and flatter, are now silent and dare not put a fart.

"This squirrel must be directed at me. Check it out for me!"

"I want to know who is having trouble with me?"

"Is it the other nine big businessmen? Or those guys who have been promoted to level 7?"

The Wing Demon oppresses newcomers and low-privilege trialers, buys potential pets cheaply, and then sells them at a black-hearted price. This method naturally offends many people.

All he reads were offended.

There seems to be a lot.

"Huh, that squirrel hasn't left yet?"

"What do you mean? Show off?"

Wing Mo found that the Lingcai Squirrel was still in place, and couldn't help wondering.

this is.

Ling just spoke.

The system automatically translates: "Wing Demon, didn't you say that I had limited potential, and I couldn't get ahead even if I had a few million fans? Who is the rubbish now?"

This word came out.

The audience was in an uproar.

The Wing Demon relied on that amazing vision to eat.

Now that the suffering master appears, and slaps his face in front of millions of viewers in the most violent way, this winged demon is yellow mud off his crotch-not shit but shit.

"It's just the beginning."

"Pets that you ridiculed as rubbish before, as well as those who are forced to take out your beloved pets, will gradually stand up and challenge you."

"You wait for your reputation to be discredited!"

Lingcai called out the manuscript written by Chen Lie, then turned and disappeared.


"Who are you!"

The Wing Demon wanted to investigate the talent, but Chen Lie's identity was all hidden.

Even a 9th level trialer is useless.

In this regard, the system takes the tester as the core, avoiding the birth of a vicious marginal interest.

So Wing Demon wanted to check but didn't have to check.

But Wing Demon is not helpless, he decisively decided: "Since you are such a high-profile, then I can also retaliate to you, I will choose a pet that restrains you to challenge you in the same way. Even if you avoid fighting, But it's only a month at most, I see where you escape."

The system stipulates that after a successful ranking battle is over, there is a one-month rest period.

So even if the spirit is hidden, there is only one month of hiding time.


Chen Lie never thought about hiding the spirit.

"Hahahaha, that’s how you get 300,000 fans!"

"Wing Demon, Wing Demon, you are really my treasurer."

Looking at the soaring fan value, Chen Lie was almost overwhelmed with joy.

"Master, am I good?"

Lingcai also knows how to seize the opportunity to take credit.

"very good."

Chen Lie asked readily: "What reward do you want? As long as I can do it, I won't refuse."

"Candied fruit!"

"The candied fruit that Bailing ate last time!"

Lingcai Squirrel asked without thinking about it.

Chen Lie asked, "That's it?"

Lingcai nodded and said, "Well, we need this. If possible, give me more."

"All for you!"

Chen Lie was too lazy to think too much, so he took out all the exclusive preserves he made last time.

This is a big can.

"Thank you, Master!"

Lingcai held the candied fruit and ran away happily.

He first divided three candied fruit to his three giants-housework squirrel triplets.


Lingcai threw two candied fruit at A Bao who was kneading the dough.

"It really is a good brother."

Abao and Lingcai had a thumbs up.


The rice bucket looked at Lingcai pitifully.

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