"Is there something wrong with Mr. Li?"

Chen Lie was nervous enough to hear Lingyan's tone.

He didn't worry about Ren Qing and the others.

Because the super pet shop has proper protection.

Even Ren Qing and Gu Xiaoyu, who travel a lot, carry the future warning device presented by Chen Lie.

If something happens, Chen Lie will know it for the first time.

"It's not Old Li, but the person we sent to Orly."

Lingyan knew that he couldn't lose his appetite at this time, and decisively explained: "Isn't it the last time I said I was going to find the clue to Tianlan? Yes, I found it, but the destination is the Forgotten Land. We dispatched the most elite at the fastest speed. A mercenary from, escorted a few botanists in, but only three came out, and all the people who came out were locked in a secret by Ollie."

"Just know it won't be that simple."

Chen Lie shook his head and smiled bitterly, and asked, "But it's weird. Since you are imprisoned, how did you know?"

Lingyan replied: "Before the head of the armed forces department was exhausted, he sent us one last message and asked us to take care of their family."

"I know."

Chen Lie did not act rashly, but asked: "Then what are your plans? If it is too difficult, then stop taking risks."

"Our first reaction was to refuse."

"The result of dissatisfaction is to send more mercenaries with powerful firepower. As a result, our team was denied entry before flying."

At the end of the spiritual eye, the voice was all bitter.

Even Chen Lie on the phone can hear clearly.

"You were denied entry as soon as you acted. This intelligence capability is absolutely international."

Chen Lie smiled and replied, "What is the source of this mysterious man who you offended?"

Turning around, Chen Lie smiled and said, "But does Ollie have such an NB international leader? How do I remember that they are permanently neutral and do not mix with other institutions at will?"

"We don't know what it represents."

"But we can do many crazy things in order to prolong our lives."

The spiritual eye answered extremely firmly.

Chen Lie asked: "Then what do you want to call me?"

Lingyan replied: "We have invited a super special team, and this team actually said that they need a very smart, smart enough to use weapons to help. I think about it, this world has this kind of thing. Yes, you are here."

"Wander around or find me."

The dumbfounded Chen Lie thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, I can borrow a small animal that is smart enough to use weapons."

The spiritual eye asked: "Can we buy it?"

"Yes, but you have to wait at least 1 month."

Chen Lie thought for a while and gave a more reliable answer.

To be smart enough to use weapons, you must have the intelligence of a level 2 super pet.

If it is used flexibly, it will have 3 levels.

The fruit trees are beneficial to the wise fragrant, and this is really not a problem.

One month is more than enough.

I don’t want to be anxious on the spiritual eye, and ask: "Can the time be shorter? Or, do you have something you can transfer now?"

"Ha ha……"

Chen Lie was too lazy to answer these words.

Lingyan found out that he was confused and made such a stupid mistake.

Chen Lie will never sell his favorite pets. From his rise to the present, he has refused other people's requests for purchase countless times.

The call ended in this awkward atmosphere.

"I thought I was going to Orly."

"But let me first investigate this secret that suddenly came out."

"I always think there will be wonderful stories in it."

After Chen Lie had something to do, the whole person became busy.



The trial area of ​​the system mall where virtual is substituted into reality.

Chen Lie walked in this city like a city.

There was a person behind him.

An extremely humble person.

This person sells intelligence, and he is only level 4.

Although everyone is an avatar.

But this guy who sells intelligence puts his posture very low.

Chen Lie walked in front and asked, "The action team you mentioned is really an action team that Wing Demon secretly cultivated?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Because there was a pet in that action team, which was my former pet."

The intelligence dealer almost gritted his teeth in response.

"It's no wonder that as soon as my anonymous reward came out, you came to me eagerly."

Chen Lie's words were very calm, as if it was none of his own business.

This attitude stimulates intelligence vendors to worry about gains and losses.

It is very common to offer rewards to each other.

Chen Lie offered a reward to Wing Demon, and Wing Demon naturally also offered a reward to Chen Lie, wanting to explore his information.


Chen Lie and Wing Demon were in different time and space, so Wing Demon wanted to find but nowhere to start.

But Chen Lie is different.

Now the emergence of intelligence vendors is the best explanation.

The intelligence dealer finally gritted his teeth and admitted: "Yes, I do want to see Wing Demon unlucky. But I just want to ask, is your Excellency collecting information on Wing Demon just for fun?"

"Not bad."

"I really want to deal with Wing Demon."

"Everyone is not a fool, so I don't need to lie."

Chen Lie didn't bother to talk nonsense, and said, "Show your hole cards. If I see it right, then the 10,000 fan value will be transferred to you."

"Please accept."

The intelligence agency immediately issued a request for information transmission.

Chen Lie accepted, and after a brief glance, confirmed the transaction.

For him, the value of 10,000 fans is simply a drop in the bucket.

But for an impoverished Level 4 tester, it was the rain of a long drought.

"Your Excellency, let me admire it."

After getting the fan value, the intelligence dealer added a piece of information: "That action team was invested by Wing Demon very much. It seems to have collected a set of quasi-level 7 war suits for one of the super potential pets. The plan is to use this action team to get a place in the team competition, and finally combine its independent battle pets to form the strongest lineup and compete for the first place in the anniversary celebration."

"Nice information."

Chen Lie took a step forward and disappeared.

"Level 5 permissions, but have a large group of powerful 6-level pets."

"Who are you?"

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