The pet king of the city

Chapter 811 The Beauty Orc Action Team

"Level 5 authority, but has a large group of powerful 6 level pets, and the strength is not under the Wing Demon."

"Who are you?"

"But whoever you are."

The intelligence agent looked at the direction of Chen Lie's disappearance, and muttered: "A person like you is either backed by a big figure or supported by a large upper head."

In the end, the intelligence dealer laughed at himself: "I can't avenge my revenge, so please defeat the Wing Demon and make him discredited. I can also repay the humiliation that year!"

It turns out that the main purpose of the intelligence agency being so active is to make the Wing Devil unlucky.

But this is not in Chen Lie's arms?

Chen Lie returned to reality and sat down.

Take a sip of soothing tea.

Recently, I have drunk a lot of Shenling wine, almost as boiled water, even if his physical fitness is excellent, but he can't handle this kind of alcohol erosion day and night.

Drinking a refreshing tea in your leisure time can improve your mental power while waking up, which is not bad.

"The information uses a fake identity, and I also use a fake image."

"Although they are alert to each other, the transaction is real and there is no trace of moisture."

Chen Lie read the information of the intelligence agency for the second time, and after confirming that the information was correct, he finally sighed: "Even some of the fighting habits of their pets have been recorded. This information is really detailed."

"In that case, I have to use my hole cards."

Chen Lie was very sorry.

He seems to regret using his hole cards now.

What hole cards does Chen Lie have?

As a level 5 tester, it has more than 600,000 fan points that can be used now, as well as a group of 5 and 6 special super pets. This is his hole card.

And he has another hole card that ordinary people cannot refuse:

Red blood fruit.

Chen Lie's third red blood fruit was ripe.

The Scarlet Blood Fruit is a genius treasure to the tester, and its value is comparable to a level 7 treasure.

Because there are few things in the system mall that are effective for human beings.

Even if there are high-level medicines, there is no one that can be as natural and pure as the red blood fruit, except for the pain during transformation, without the slightest side effect.

The most important thing is that after the body is transformed, it can not only get rid of the hidden dangers in the body, but it can also prolong life in a disguised form.

Health and longevity, no matter what age.

All are eternal topics.

"If I take out the Scarlet Blood Fruit, wait, the Wing Demon is a pet merchant."

Chen Lie thought of the identity of Wing Demon halfway through his speech, and immediately changed his mind: "Doing a pet business, and being proficient in training and training, tuned pets will be sold at sky-high prices. Dragon blood fruit can increase bloodline power, which is beneficial As far as pets are concerned, it is simply an elixir that can not be met. The Wing Demon will go crazy seeing this."

For Wing Demon, good pets represent astronomical fan value.

And dragon blood fruit that can cultivate good pets naturally represents this astronomical number.

"Try it and you'll know."

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense and shouted, "Xiao Hei, are you ready?"

Xiao Hei, Silver Leopard and Blue Crown fought out together.

The lineup is neat.

"I will take you to challenge a well-known popular action team."

Chen Lie unlocked the game lock.

The virtual world appears.

They are directly teleported to the most popular area in level 6.

In front of him was an Orc Action Team.


I don't know if the imitation is a genetic modification of a movie or a novel.

They appeared in the 19th century, but they have always been secret experiments.

It was not formalized until the 22nd century.

In the beginning, it just replaced human beings as labor for dangerous work.

In the 23rd century, orcs began to be industrialized, and orcs of various purposes appeared in front of the world at a terrifying speed.

However, some people have cultivated extremely beautiful orcs out of some evil psychology.

It even lists what orc beauty rankings, what fox girl, rabbit girl, swan girl, mermaid, butterfly girl, etc. are among them.

But the purer these genes, the more beautiful the beauty orc, the price is also outrageous.

Obviously there is no ability, but the price is one level higher than the super pet.

And the popular action team in front of him is all made up of beauty orcs.

The leopard girl with combat power comparable to top battle pets, the butterfly girl with light body but powerful confusing effect, plus a fox girl with the same level of intelligence as ordinary people, this is the truth of this action team.

"If it weren't for the information provided by the intelligence agency that this top-popular action team was owned by Wing Demon, I didn't know that they were Wing Demon's biggest earning channel."

Chen Lie couldn't help being speechless when he watched millions of people watch the battle at every turn, and the ticket revenue was divided into a certain percentage of the system.

This beauty orc action team, let alone the top ten, even the top 100 barely.

But they have a very important authority:

A badge of honor for level 7 trialer.

This badge of honor will be awarded only if the level 7 tester has made great contributions to the system.

With this badge of honor, there are no small privileges in shopping malls, proving grounds and other places, and the privilege at the proving grounds is to be able to specify the ticket price and share it with the system.

This privilege is equivalent to having partial authority of the first pet.

For businessmen, it is undoubtedly a way to make money.

This is not.

Wing Mo tried his best to get this beauty orc action team, every opening, there are a lot of fans value.

"Since it is your important source of wealth, then I will cut off one of your arms first."

"Challenge the beauty orc action team!"

"I use 5 dragon blood fruits as a bet, and the opponent's bet requirement is the 7th level trialer's badge of honor."

Chen Lie entered his instructions and the challenge lineup.

Then he returned.

at the same time.

Wing Demon received a system prompt.

Seeing the identity of the challenger, the Wing Demon was immediately furious: "I didn't trouble you, you dare to provoke me. Wait, why do you have dragon blood fruit! Impossible! This thing is even a level 7 test. The refiner may not be able to find it!"

Looking at five dragon blood fruits, Wing Demon's eyes were full of greed.

"With this thing, it is enough to raise the bloodline level of my 5 potential pets by one level. If..."

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