The pet king of the city

Chapter 813 I'm Sorry

"This is impossible!"

"How does he know how often the Butterfly Girl casts?"

Wing Mo was so angry that he smashed a precious wine glass worth more than 100 fans.

He didn't even dream of it. The blue crown trick was not invented by it itself. It was designed by Chen Lie and Han Jiaohu, two martial arts masters, combining the blood talents of the blue crown, specifically for the raid.

After several days of secret training, the Blue Crown was forced to take control of this trick.

Although one battle can only be performed once.

But this is enough.

Now it will not have a decisive effect.

Because the butterfly girl will release many disturbing magic, such as confusion, mental shock, weakened five senses, confusion illusion and so on.

All this can make the leopard girl's melee combat ability 120% play out.

"So cruel!"

"How can you treat my leopard girl like this!"

"Stop it, don't be such a leopard girl!"

The audience saw the leopard girl being bloodied by Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard, and immediately felt distressed.

It is a pity that their shouts and warnings have no meaning at all.

The leopard girl couldn't finish it for 1 minute, but she was pierced through her heart by a claw of the silver leopard, and disappeared.

But the beauty orc is not without performance.


The blue crown fell heavily.

"Be careful, that machine has an oscillating cannon!"

The blue crown, with internal organs wounded, did not care about the pain, and warned loudly.

After it killed the Butterfly Girl just now, it attacked the Fox Girl for the first time.

Buy time for Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard's encirclement and suppression.

It has done its job again.

But the price is the loss of almost 70% of the combat power.


A shock wave came.

Seeing the blue crown was about to be blown away by this shock wave.

As a result, a solid body lay in front of the blue crown and took all the attacks.

It's Xiao Hei.

It uses its body to help the blue crown bear all the damage.


The fox girl in the outer bone armor stopped.

This delay cost her.


The silver leopard passed by like lightning.

One of the mechanical arm joints of the outer bone armor was split, the electric current burst out, and the right hand was completely out of control.

Not waiting for the fox girl to react.

The silver leopard once again turned into a bright fluorescence, and cut through the left leg joint of the outer bone armor.

The fox girl knelt down on one knee immediately.

Xiao Hei roared out.

He reloaded and hit with all his strength.

It knew that in the face of such a quasi-level 7 armor with all-round defense, its unenhanced teeth and claws were useless.

So it just wants to interfere with Fox Girl's judgment.

The wisdom of the fox girl is similar to that of normal people. Her performance is always slow. It is entirely because she has enjoyed the star life for too long, and no one wants to offend her for a long time. This also causes her to always be slow in the face of crisis.


The outer bone armor was knocked over.

But the fox girl operates quickly.


The sound wave oscillated over and threw Xiao Hei, who was already injured, tossed.

Then a series of energy bullets swept over.

Little Black and Silver Leopard are among them.

Xiao Hei, who has just landed, cannot move, but can only resist.

But the movement speed of the silver leopard is faster than the transfer speed of the weapon head.

Still silver light.

The Silver Leopard is indeed one of the most promising potential war favorites.

It turns into a silver trajectory at an extraordinary speed, and it shuttles through the ring with a series of explosions.


The fox girl turned to the limit.

Because the silver leopard has rushed behind the fox girl.

If the fox girl wants to continue shooting, she has to turn around.

She is trained, and the speed of turning around is only half that of ordinary people.

But don't say half, even if it is only one tenth, it is enough for the Silver Leopard to complete an attack.


The strengthened claws slammed into the relatively fragile interface of the battle armor, and with a violent pull, the helmet was immediately taken away.

The exquisite and noble face of the fox girl was exposed.


The blue crown appeared.

It passed by the beautiful fox girl.

The battle is over.

Black and Silver Leopard did so much for the Blue Crown's blow.

Otherwise, no matter how many times Xiao Hei and Yin Leopard attack, as long as the core of the Outer Skeleton Battle Armor is not destroyed, the Fox Girl can still use many weapons, and there is still a chance to comeback.

and so.

Only solving the fox girl in the battle armor is the best trouble to end the battle.


"How could they lose?"

Wing Demon could not accept this fact at all.

You know, for this action team, the value of fans invested in it is no less than 3 million points.

But now?

Was actually defeated by a team of grassroots pets.

What is this?

The most important thing is the 7th-level badge of honor, which is the biggest pillar that he can do in the 6th-level area.

Without this thing, he would have lost nearly two million fans worth of wealth a month.

This is not blood.

It's vomiting blood and hurting vitality.


"It must be a trap from the beginning!"

Wing Demon is not reconciled, he must win the badge of honor, otherwise his strength will be severely damaged, and may even be kicked out of the top ten merchants.


The fact is not as simple as he thought.

One person appeared.

It's the intelligence dealer.

As soon as he appeared, he ran over and shouted at the fox girl who was receiving comfort from fans: "Little fox, come with me, I have already filed a complaint with the system?"

The fox girl trembled when she saw the intelligence dealer.

Because the fox girl is the potential favorite that Wing Demon snatched from the intelligence dealer two years ago.

This is a lifelong shame for intelligence dealers.

That's why he would wait for the Wing Demon to be unlucky.

That's why he can know so many secrets of Wing Demon.

"Oh it's you!"

When Wing Demon saw the intelligence provider, his eyes were bloodshot.

However, this drama of the suffering master retrieving his beloved pet is not just that. With the appearance of the second and the third person, the plot begins to go positive.

In the past, so many suffering masters did not dare to cause trouble, all because of fear of retaliation.

But this time is different.

The Wing Demon has been hit hard and is being watched by other people. Their small characters also have a place to play. Naturally, they don't mind coming out to brush up on the sense of existence, and by the way, the Wing Demon feels sick.

"Is it true?"

"Nonsense, it's all up to this point, is there any fake?"

"I knew that the Wing Demon had a problem before, but now I know that the problem is so serious."

"It seems that the system is not perfect, otherwise the Wing Demon would not be so arrogant."

Things are gradually moving in an uncontrollable direction.

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