The pet king of the city

Chapter 814 I'm Sorry

The Wing Devil's demerits became public, and quickly evolved in an unstoppable direction.

The other nine major businessmen in the 6th-level district would naturally not miss this opportunity, and they all fell into trouble.

For a time.

Everyone shouted and beat the Wing Demon in the trial area.

As for Chen Lie, he sat coldly watching everything about his director.



In the paradise.

The level 7 honor badge was flipped up and down with Chen Lie's hand, repeating the process of flying up and down, falling into the palm of Chen Lie's palm, and then flying up again.


Chen Lie finally stopped this action and made a decision.

"I don't sell, I play by myself."

"No matter how much you offer, I won't sell it."

After thinking about it, Chen Liesi decisively rejected a lot of buying information.

Many people have demanded soaring prices, and some are even willing to spend 2 million to buy.

But Chen Lie felt he had the ability to do better.

Since all goods like Wing Mo can make money through the mode of breaking through the ring, why can't Chen Lie?

He doesn't need any signs of beauty.

There is no need for any top-notch pet to attract popularity.

Xiao Hei's grassroots identity is the best sign.

Xiao Hei's perseverance and unyielding will are better signs.

Technology can be learned, popularity can be cultivated, and equipment can be purchased, but birth is destined, and the will is more related to life experience.

Chen Lie's goal is not only level 7, he doesn't believe that Xiao Hei can't even play at level 6.

Ever since.

Chen Lie's decision gave Xiao Hei another task:

Guarding through the ring.

In order to prevent being targeted by the Wing Demon in turn, Chen Lie made some protective settings.


Xiao Hei, the action team that is not yet qualified to be named, has two more reserves under Chen Lie's design.

These two reserves are a means of prevention in case.


"too bitter!"

Bai Ling suddenly screamed and flew around.

"what happened?"

Chen Lie's thoughts were interrupted, and he looked over in wonder.

Bacchus points to the refreshing tea.

Chen Lie understood in seconds.

But Chen Lie then found a suspicious point and asked: "It's just that Bailing always likes sweet things. Why is it changed today?"

Bacchus replied: "Bai Ling found that Yangshen tea is very effective for it yesterday, so it took the initiative to endure the bitter taste."

"it works?"

"Oh yes, the refreshing tea can improve mental power, and mental power is very effective for spellcasters."

Thinking of this, Chen Lie supported: "Since it is willing to endure hardships, then supply it in unlimited quantities. Oh, yes, other things are also ready, especially its relatively fragile body, the preserves made of royal jelly from Linghua, Long-term consumption can improve its physical fitness."

"I know."

Bacchus nodded.

A Bao even patted Xiong Xu to guarantee.

It is now responsible for all such work.


Fierce Jiaohu suddenly rushed over and bumped Chen Lie lightly.

"what happened to you?"

Chen Lie was even more puzzled.

Yan Jiaohu replied: "I want to fight. I have been fighting with a virtual opponent recently. It's so boring, almost moldy!"

"Oh my God!"

Chen Lie helped his forehead, suddenly felt that his pets were particularly troublesome.

Fierce Jiaohu's recent opponents are all the information that Chen Lie has finally collected, and some are even 7-level public battle pet information.

Such opponents couldn't satisfy the fierce Jiaohu, which really left Chen Lie speechless.

"So your anger has grown to this point!"

It was also at this time that Chen Lie discovered that the fierce tiger's qi barely exceeded 20 points from the original, and quickly expanded to the current shortcut of 30 points. The increase in speed was simply abnormal.

Fierce Jiaohu seemed to see Chen Lie’s doubts and proactively replied: “The combination of dragon blood fruit and Shenling wine can increase the effect of Shenling wine. And the more energy I have, the faster the refining power of medicine. ."

"I understand."

Chen Lie asked: "Do you mean that I am full of medicinal power, but I haven't been rushed to refine it, and I was wasted in the end?"

Fierce Jiaohu shook his head.

It obviously doesn't mean this.

But Chen Lie was just joking.

If the combination of dragon blood fruit and ginseng spirit wine was suitable for Chen Lie, he would have used it a long time ago.

There is no need to slowly refining and accumulate the more terrifying medicinal power of Ginseng Spirit Wine by relying on water milling time.

Chen Lie sighed: "Hey, if you can give me something that can help refining ginseng spirit wine and medicinal power, I am willing to pay half of the fan value in my hand."


Fierce Jiaohu distracted Chen Lie and bumped him.

"Good good!"

"It was planned that you would deal with the remaining two signs of Wing Demon."

Chen Lie said, "But the plan is to wait for the Wing Demon to think that the storm will pass. But you are so boring now, let you go first."

Yan Jiaohu actually asked: "You don't seem to have any confidence in me."

"So you can see it?"

Chen Lie pretended to be surprised.

Fierce Jiaohu asked: "Do you think it's difficult for me to win the talents and Xiaohei recently, do you think I am not as strong as before?"

Yan Jiaohu actually said: "I have never used the ability to burn blood, not to mention that I recently used Thunder Walk to simulate the famous footwork of a 7th-level battle pet. I am very strong now, even 7th-level battle pets have it. Confidence battle."


Chen Lie stood up, threw the game lock, and asked, "Are you satisfied now?"

"I want to fight the strongest one."

Fierce Jiaohu is really excited.

"I rub, level 6 first is not the enemy."

"What we have to deal with is the second war general under the Wing Demon, the seventh-ranked double-winged vulture man in the 6th level."

Chen Lie finally showed the image of a two-winged vulture man.


This guy is an orc.

However, its beastization is a bit serious, except for its human shape, but its face is in the shape of a vulture.Especially that mouth, the thief was disgusting, and it was disgusting when he saw it.

But this guy is just like a vulture, with super keen senses, and he fights desperately.

As for his specific information, it has not been updated for 3 months.

Thinking about what happened recently, especially the centennial celebration is coming, it will more or less cultivate new hole cards and even change a stronger fighting style.

"The thing this guy should be careful about is his nerves."

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