The pet king of the city

Chapter 815 I'm Sorry

"The thing this guy should be careful about is his nerves."

"If the reaction nerve of a normal pet is 1, then it is 3, almost to the point of a prophet. It is also vigorously cultivated by the Wing Demon because of this, and it has become a notorious 6-level top battle pet."

Chen Lie's words changed most of the pets present.

But this dimension is not fierce.

Because it knows what's going on.

Bacchus questioned: "Master, if the vulture man is really so powerful, who can beat him?"

"Remember, I just used [almost] this modifier."

Chen Lie explained: "Vultures are inherently keen, coupled with a lot of potion blessings, making their reaction nerves extremely fast, fast enough to give people the illusion of almost a prophet. But as long as it is not a prophet, there are flaws. It’s almost enough to exceed his reaction."

"The 3 of the normal pet is reacted nervously."

"How fast is this!"

Everyone shook their heads.

Even the silver leopard, who was the fastest on the scene, smiled bitterly.

Although it is confident in speed, it is not comparable to the prophet.

"It's because you didn't see it."

Chen Lie pointedly said: "Let me tell you, level 6 and level 7 are a watershed. If you want to be promoted to level 7, you must have at least super-level specialties before you can break through. Remember, it is super-level. The vulture man’s reaction nerve falls into this category."


The super pets present are very clever and naturally hear the meaning.

Bacchus asked in surprise: "Master, do you mean the 7th-level super pets are at least the best in one field? There is no weak at all?"


"So there are nearly 100,000 action teams at level 6, while there are only more than 10,000 action teams at level 7."

Chen Lie asked: "You said, can the super pets that come out of these big waves scouring the sand be mediocre?"

All the pets are speechless.

"You don't have to belittle yourself."

"After all, you are all my pets, all of you have level 7 potential."

Chen Lie looked at Xiao Hei and said, "Needless to say Jiaojiao and Lingcai, let alone level 7, even level 9 is fine."

"Silver Leopard, the talented assassin sense of smell gives you the potential of level 7;"

"Blue Crown, the blood strength exchanged seems to be very appropriate to you, level 7 is not a problem."

"Xiao Hei, loyalty and guardianship are your best standing capital."

"The combination of Bai Ling, Tian Lai, Dragon Blood Fruit and Yang Shen Tea can ensure that your path to level 7 is no problem."

"Abao, the farmer, and the Bacchus, you are all super pets in terms of life and occupation, but the many scarce materials in the paradise and the large number of fan points as capital can enable you to master the secrets of level 7."

Dengjiaohu and Ling were triumphant, and Xiao Hei let out a sigh of relief after listening to them.

As for the rice bucket, it waited for a long time, but it didn't even wait for Chen Lie to mention himself. It was disappointed.

Also disappointed are the housework squirrel triplets.

They know that they are new and that they are life-support pets, but they don't want to be the guards of generals and they are not good guards. They also long for a bright future in their hearts.

Don't want to.

Chen Lie said about them: "You three brothers, because they are triplets, so you have a good heart. If you can make good use of it, I don't mind letting you three brothers team up in the future. If you achieve results, I will continue to add to you. Note."

"Remember, tacit understanding and teamwork are your only reliance."

Chen Lie's last words made the housework squirrel triplets suddenly realize.

Since then, this direction has been the goal.

"In that case."

Bacchus decisively stepped up and asked: "Master, the last time I used the game lock to enter the system, I saw some valuable wine recipes. I wonder if you can help me buy the secret recipes for wine making?"

"Oh, it's easy, you just say it straight."

Chen Lie had enough confidence in Dionysus.

Of course, he has more confidence in the wine made by Bacchus.

Dionysus said weakly: "Those secret recipes are a bit expensive."


"As long as it's useful."

Chen Lie readily agreed.

As a result, he soon felt distressed.

Because none of the brewing secret recipes that Bacchus wants to buy are cheap, they are just secret recipes, some of which may not be found even by level 8 trialers.

But in the end, Chen Lie still spent more than 100,000 fans worth buying these carefully selected secret recipes.

You must know that the secret recipe of wine can be sold repeatedly.

It's so expensive, showing their rarity.

Processing is complete.

Chen Lie memorized the secret recipe and gave it to Bacchus, and asked, "I said Bacchus. Most of the materials here are hard to find. What are your plans?"

"They can upgrade my winemaking skills."

At first, Bacchus was only level 5 Bacchus, but since it can brew level 6 Baixian Brewing and Sanling Wine, it is a veritable Bacchus level 6.

If you raise it up again, isn't it level 7?

Is it going to be the first favorite of the paradise?

The pets who were all aware of this all looked at Bacchus with surprised eyes.

Bacchus shook his head and said, "It's not that easy. I don't have the confidence to brew this wine. And the materials are also precious. I feel distressed."

"Don't feel bad, try your best!"

Chen Lie was too lazy to talk nonsense.

He looked forward to the newly purchased secret recipe wines.

With Chen Lie's words, Bacchus was relieved.

"That one……"

A Bao came to Chen Lie thiefly.

"Do you want to buy too?"

A Bao's expression is full of expectation, why can't Chen Lie see it.

Speak the truth.

Chen Lie and A Bao are the best, even without animal language, Chen Lie can accurately capture A Bao's intentions.

Abao nodded.

Chen Lie mused: "Abao, you should know that cooking is different from brewing technology, and it is more complicated. For example, high-level cuisine requires not only rare materials, but also matching kitchenware and flames. Technology is not The most important thing."

"I know."

A Bao was a little embarrassed.

Food needs not only a secret recipe, but also a level of complexity than winemaking.

Not to mention other things, for example, the cooking of many spiritual materials requires specific kitchenware and specific flames, which is no different from alchemy.

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