The pet king of the city

Chapter 816 Treasure Abandoned by the Desperate

The cooking of many spiritual materials requires specific kitchen utensils and specific flames, and the difficulty is no different from alchemy.

of course.

The food that comes out like this is naturally extraordinary.


"There is no reason to help Bacchus, not to help you."

Chen Lie looked at A Bao with a look of expectation, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Besides, it's not just you, but my cooking skills also need to be improved."

If Chen Lie goes all out now, he can cook more level 6 dishes; but Abao, because of innate restrictions, has only barely reached level 5 now.

It takes a period of training to advance to level 6.

Therefore, Abao's request this time was not so much for it as it was for Chen Lie.

"Spirit fire!"

"There is no shortage of spiritual talents in the family."

"But there is a serious shortage of spiritual materials, and there are only a few things that come and go. And we still lack suitable kitchen utensils, all of which need special-made."

Chen Lie is full of thoughts.

The flame released by the spirit is a kind of spirit fire.

But how terrifying is the flame of Lingcai?

Even the metal skin that can withstand sniper weapons can melt instantly. What kind of kitchen utensils can withstand such flames in reality?

These can only rely on the system.

Don't tell me.

In the system, there are quite a few people who follow the lifestyle.

The chef Bacchus, pharmacist alchemist refiner, and even Western wizard pharmacist, alchemist, and magic pattern master are all included.

But the result is obvious.

A large number of people are stuck before level 7.

Promoting to level 7 is easy and easy to say, but how difficult is to say it is difficult.

For example, the 7th-level Bacchus, as long as you can thoroughly master the mass production process of a 7-level spirit wine, plus the ability to brew three-level spirits, you are considered to be a 7th-level Bacchus.

Another example is the 7th-level cook god, this is much more demanding. You need to skillfully cook 3 superb courses with a system score of more than 130 points, and also score in different categories; in addition, you must know at least 10 courses of 7-level cuisine.


"There are so many people in despair."

Chen Lie searched for something related to the chef, and the number was really scary.

The number exceeds 100,000.

After paying for screening.

Chen Lie felt more urgency.

For example, in the past 10 years, more than 4000 6th-level chefs have given up on attacking 7th-level chefs.

This abandonment is not the kind that doesn't hit the 7th level and stays at the 6th level.

Instead, he gave up permanently, even the kitchen utensils that he spent a lot of fans' worth to buy, and the secret recipes of food that he worked hard on were all given out in exchange for other resources.

Chen Lie found hundreds of exchange messages for Level 7 kitchenware alone.

Many level 6 chefs bought level 7 kitchen utensils in order to hit level 7.

For example, a veteran quasi-level 7 chef has hit level 7 a dozen times in succession, and after wasting millions of fan points, he completely gives up.In order for his son not to follow in his own footsteps, he directly traded all the kitchen utensils and even his lifelong experience.

"The original price of a set of 7-level kitchenware was more than 1 million fans, but the current price is only more than 300,000."

"In addition, it also comes with a lifetime experience and the 7-level secret recipe collected."

"it is good!"

Chen Lie thought about it for a while, gritted his teeth and bought it.

More than 300,000, plus more than 100,000 just now, Chen Lie's net worth is only 200,000 fans left.

The transaction went smoothly.

Direct delivery.


A full set of kitchen utensils, including secret recipes and so on, all hit him.

Chen Lie sighed and said, "Abao, all you need is here. Are you satisfied now?"

A Bao pointed to Lingcai.

"I know, Spirit Fire."

"Wait, we can't ask Ling to help set the fire every time we cook, right?"

Chen Lie immediately caught a key point of embarrassment and immediately became silly.

But things have reached this point.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense.


He needs to buy a stove that can store spiritual fire.

And there are many such things.

Many life occupations require special furnaces, even brewing and alchemy.

And there are many classifications of this stuff, technology, magic, cultivation, high martial arts, etc. can all be used.

Chen Lie was too lazy to choose too many.

I chose a stove that is said to be antique.

This stove can store all types of ordinary flames, and can also store a variety of spiritual fires; and the reserve is too high, it is said that it has been continuously instilled for a month without filling it.

Interestingly, this stove can be used for cooking and alchemy.

However, its shape is too retro and there are cracks on the surface, so the seller does not even bother to pay for the identification fee of the system, and directly trades it after despairing of the 7th road.

Chen Lie liked it very much.

I think this thing is used well, and it can even be used as a weapon.

So directly put forward the purchase intention.

Why not exchange directly?

No way, his asking price was so high that Chen Lie couldn't accept it.

However, he took the initiative to contact Chen Lie: "Big Brother, my stove is really a treasure, I found it from a ruin."

"Don't brag about it with me."

Chen Lie said bluntly: "This kind of undocumented and unproven things can be fabricated by anyone. If I want, the stones in my house can be boasted as mysterious stones that can be given away by the 9th level."

"But I am real."

"Hey, forget it."

The seller was disappointed.

Chen Lie was also very concerned about this stove, saying: "You have been on top for a long time and have not sold it. Obviously it is a rotten rhythm. If you really want to cash out, then show some sincerity, 5 million. Fan value, go to Level 8 Trial for this price."


Selling a home, of course, put this stove at a sky-high price of 5 million fans.

"I did not lie to you."

"It's really rare. Not only does it hold infinitely, but it's also indestructible. It can be used as a weapon, but I used a 9th level that can't be met..."

The seller choked in the middle of talking.

"Level 9 what?"

Chen Lie was curious.

"lets change a topic."

The seller asked: "What price can you probably offer?"

Chen Lie replied: "I still have less than 200,000 fan points in my hand. Take it if you want."

"Impossible, the price difference is too big."

"If you add a 0, I might still think about it. More than 200,000, it's no different from calling a beggar."

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