The pet king of the city

Chapter 817 Mysterious Ancient Furnace

After the seller heard Chen Lie’s capital, he was extremely disappointed and said, “If you add a zero, I might think about it. More than 200,000, it’s no different from sending a beggar.”

"Hehe, then you can keep it slowly."

Chen Lie disdains such sellers the most.

He clearly wanted to get rid of as soon as possible, but he was still struggling with the so-called hope.

"do not!"

"You can add a little more."

The seller said painfully: "This stove is really mysterious. I wanted to identify it before, but the system said that it needed me to provide a level 9 item before it was identified. I have been in the system mall for decades and have never heard of it. Passing the appraisal requires additional conditions, and it is still a level 9 item, so I will sell it at that sky-high price."

Chen Lie's breath froze.

Need to provide auxiliary items for identification?

Don't say it was read, even if you have never heard it.

Seeing that Chen Lie didn’t reply, the seller thought he was not interested, so he played a bitter card and said painfully, “I spent millions of net worth to hit Level 7. Now it’s hard to find a new breakthrough road. It's just a kick of resources, I really can't miss it anymore."

Chen Lie asked: "What on earth did you hit before? It cost several millions and didn't succeed?"

The seller did not say.

But the more he is like this, the more likely he is to be a high-end professional.

And those who can use this kind of stove are probably super professions such as alchemists and alchemists.

So Chen Lie paid more attention to this retro stove.

So Chen Lie asked straightforwardly: "What level 7 of the profession are you hitting now? Tell me, I might be able to help you."

"I need a wild ginseng that is at least a thousand years old as a medicinal ingredient."

"If you succeed, you will be promoted to level 7."

The seller sighed: "But it's not easy to find even the thousand-year-old garden ginseng, let alone the thousand-year-old wild ginseng. That is pure luck."

Chen Lie asked, "But I saw someone selling it."

Chen Lie held a thousand-year-old wild ginseng in his hand, which was excavated in Xiaoxinganling.

The seller nodded and said: "I know, but those people only trade but not sell, and the only one willing to trade, the price is as high as 2 million fans, which is as exaggerated as I marked."

Chen Lie smiled and said, "You also know that you are exaggerating."

Thousand-year garden ginseng can be ripened through ripening methods, which takes a certain amount of time and resources to ripen.

But the wild thousand-year-old ginseng is pure luck.

So in the systematic evaluation.

Thousand-year garden ginseng is only the bottom of the 6th grade, while the thousand-year wild ginseng is the more high-end genius treasure in the 7th grade.

Completely different levels.

The seller laughed bitterly.

Chen Lie thought for a while, especially when he turned on the plant search machine to search for traces of domestic ginseng for thousands of years.

Don't tell me.

There are actually very few branches in the country. There is also a plant in the Nan'anguo Peninsula, and there are two or three branches in Loso.

"Just have more."

"Find some time to collect it!"

Thinking of this, Chen Lie simply said to the seller: "How about replacing your stove with a thousand-year-old ginseng?"

The seller said: "You will also add your 200,000 fan value."


"do not!"

When the seller heard Chen Lie was about to say "goodbye", he hurriedly stopped and gave in: "I am asking for help. You won. But you have to make sure that the ginseng is completely wild."

Chen Lie quickly replied: "Don't worry about this, the system can guarantee it."

"Deal now?"

"You can start right away!"

Chen Lie and the seller made a decisive decision.

The transaction was successful, and the retro stove was delivered directly to Chen Lie's villa.

An antique stove appeared in front of Chen Lie.

"What a retro!"

"It was originally an antique, okay?"

Chen Lie scolded.

However, Chen Lie quickly noticed that there was a tortoise crack on a protrusion in a corner of the stove, and he was very careful immediately.

Chen Liemo scratched the gap and said: "When trading, the system gives a simple transaction guarantee. As long as the system does not make a mistake, the impact of this crack is not great."

"Furthermore, the seller continued to test the furnace with level 6 and level 7 attacks after suspicion, and none of them was damaged."

"As for level 8, he thought about it, but he can't come out please."

"In short, although this thing is broken, its defense is still beyond level 7. It can be used as a shield at critical moments."

Chen Lie played a game for himself to relieve the pressure.

"Hey, there seems to be a word here."

Then Chen Lie saw two ancient words near the tortoise crack.

"Gu Zhuan?"

"No, it's a bit like ancient writings."

Chen Lie copied two characters that were so fragmented that they might cause ambiguity.

"One is indistinguishable at all, one is okay."

"The first word is a bit like a tortoiseshell script, but I always feel older, as if facing a mysterious force that I can only look up to."

"Just one word is so exaggerated, it feels ridiculous!"

Chen Lie rubbed his temples and smiled bitterly: "The higher the mental power, the stronger the induction for this. The senior old cook is old and weak, and I don’t think it feels much after seeing it. But I don’t need it, I often drink. The refreshing tea, the mental power is pretty good."

Chen Lie didn't know whether to be happy or helpless.

"According to my feelings, this word should be the word []."

"Forget it, ignore it!"


Chen Lie didn't want to be entangled with this issue, so he called Lingcai over.

Then he pointed to the stove and said: "Fill it with fire, yes, just use the fire ability to attack it."

Although Lingcai was suspicious, he still proficiently caused a spiritual fire attack.


After the flame that could melt gold and iron rushed into the furnace, it was swallowed without even a single spark.

"Haha, it is exactly the same as depicted."

"You supply it slowly."

Chen Lieyin smiled and ran away.

He returned to the stone table under Xiao Jianmu, and the housework squirrel triplets delivered the snacks A Bao made today without ordering.

Wisdom Squirrel also asked: "Master, do you want to drink tea or wine?"

Since there are snacks, naturally there must be such core things as tea and wine.

"Party Spirit Bar."

Chen Lie didn't want that much either.

He picked up a book, which recorded the experience of the senior old chef who sold level 7 kitchenware sets.

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